With the start of September comes a new school semester, and Akane finds herself seated next to Taiyou. As the class decides on new class reps, Akane finds herself being volunteered for the job, much to the chagrin of an unexpected rival...
Title | My Clueless First Friend - Season 1 Episode 6 Changing Desks, Class Reps, and New Friends |
Year | 2023 |
Genre | Animation, Comedy, Drama |
Country | Japan |
Studio | Tokyo MX |
Cast | Konomi Kohara, Shizuka Ishigami, Kengo Kawanishi, Reina Kondo, Wakana Maruoka |
Crew | Takafumi Hoshikawa (Series Composition), Shogo Yasukawa (Series Composition), Toshio Masuda (Original Music Composer), Chikashi Kadekaru (Character Designer), Taku Kawamura (Comic Book), Lu Jiafang (Art Direction) |
Alternative Titles | 不知内情的转学生不管三七二十一缠了上来, 不知內情的轉學生不管三七二十一纏了上來, 什么情况都不知道的转校生一个劲地凑过来, Mi primer amigo despistado, Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru., Jijō o Shiranai Tenkōsei ga Guigui Kuru., Мой глупый первый друг, The Clueless Transfer Student is Assertive |
Keyword | elementary school, slice of life, school, based on manga, shounen, anime, elementary school student |
First Air Date | Apr 09, 2023 |
Last Air date | Jul 02, 2023 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 13 Episode |
Runtime | 24:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 6.56/ 10 by 16.00 users |
Popularity | 47.691 |
Language | Japanese |