In the year 2085, the Earth is now a wasteland ruled by war machines that won an apocalyptic war. Shortly after that battle, mankind left and began new life on Mars. However, Sandy Newman and her comrades are left on Earth. While struggling to survive, the group locates an abandoned nuclear missile launch site. There they must contend with a quasi-religious group called Geo Chris which plans to make the Earth green once more. However to defeat the war machines of the enemy known as the MME, the earth resistance must use the nuclear missiles to attack the MME's citadel, but doing so would carry a heavy price.
Title | Gall Force: Earth Chapter - Season 1 Episode 1 Chapter 1 |
Year | 1990 |
Genre | Animation, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy |
Country | Japan |
Studio | |
Cast | Naoko Matsui, Chieko Honda, Eriko Hara, Hiromi Tsuru, Maria Kawamura, Michie Tomizawa |
Crew | Hideki Kakinuma (Creator), Katsuhito Akiyama (Director), Kenichi Sonoda (Character Designer), Kaoru Mizutani (Original Music Composer), Hideki Kakinuma (Original Story) |
Alternative Titles | |
Keyword | |
First Air Date | Dec 25, 1989 |
Last Air date | Dec 01, 1990 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 3 Episode |
Runtime | 50:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 0.00/ 10 by 0.00 users |
Popularity | 8.794 |
Language | Japanese |