Draadstaal is a satirical sketch comedy television program of the VPRO, and CCCP 2 Dutch production company and broadcaster. It was created by CCCP and Jeroen van Koningsbrugge and Dennis van de Ven. The show features lots of recurring stereotypical characters.
The program is reminiscent of the work of Van Kooten en De Bie.
- 1. Episode 12008-11-23
- 2. Episode 22008-11-30
- 3. Episode 32008-12-07
- 4. Episode 42008-12-14
- 5. Episode 52008-12-21
- 6. Praatstaal 20082008-12-28
- 7. Episode 72009-01-04
- 8. Episode 82009-01-11
- 9. Episode 92009-01-25
- 10. Episode 102009-02-08