The members of the Pretty Boy Detective Club: Manabu Sotoin, Nagahiro Sakiguchi, Michiru Fukuroi, Hyota Ashikaga, and Sosaku Yubiwa, along with Mayumi Dojima, visit the location where she saw the lost star ten years ago. The deadline imposed by her parents to stop searching for the star is quickly approaching. Meanwhile, she finds herself being tailed by a shadowy figure! She escapes from its evil clutches only to be told a shocking truth from the Pretty Boy Detective Club...
Title | Pretty Boy Detective Club - Season 1 Episode 2 The Dark Star that Shines for You Alone (Part 2) |
Year | 2021 |
Genre | Animation, Comedy, Mystery |
Country | Japan |
Studio | HTB, tv asahi, Nagoya TV, ABC TV |
Cast | Maaya Sakamoto, Ayumu Murase, Taito Ban, Toshiki Masuda, Shogo Yano, Gen Sato |
Crew | Hiroki Yamamura (Character Designer), Kenjirou Okada (Assistant Director), Tomoyasu Hosoi (Art Direction), Yasuko Watanabe (Color Designer), Takayuki Aizu (Director of Photography), Rie Matsubara (Editor) |
Alternative Titles | Bishōnen Tanteidan, Bishounen Tanteidan, Красавчики-детективы, Клуб детективов - красавчиков, Детективне агентство прекрасних хлопців, Детективне агентство прекрасних парубків, Attractive Detectives |
Keyword | based on novel or book, romance, school, cross dressing, detective agency, anime, boys, reverse harem, crossdressing |
First Air Date | Apr 11, 2021 |
Last Air date | Jun 27, 2021 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 12 Episode |
Runtime | 24:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 6.60/ 10 by 13.00 users |
Popularity | 30.328 |
Language | Japanese |