The year is 20XX. Nanao, an outcast with a paranormal talent, lives on a remote island training with others like him to fight against the enemies of humanity. Nana, a bubbly transfer student, befriends him and encourages him to become their leader...
Title | Talentless Nana - Season 1 Episode 1 Talentless |
Year | 2020 |
Genre | Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Mystery |
Country | Japan |
Studio | AT-X, Tokyo MX, BS Fuji |
Cast | Rumi Okubo, Hiro Shimono, Yuichi Nakamura, Mai Nakahara, Toshiki Masuda, Takuya Nakashima |
Crew | Fumihiko Shimo (Series Composition), Akihiko Sano (Character Designer), Toshio Henmi (Editor), Teruyuki Kawase (Director of Photography), Masaaki Kawaguchi (Art Direction), Noriko Izumo (Sound Effects) |
Alternative Titles | 无能的奈奈, 无能力者娜娜, Talentless Nana, Nana sin talento, Nana la incapaç, Munou na Nana, Munouna Nana, Munō na Nana, Incompetent Nana |
Keyword | supernatural, psychological thriller, based on manga, super power, school life, shounen, anime, psychological, suspense |
First Air Date | Oct 04, 2020 |
Last Air date | Dec 27, 2020 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 13 Episode |
Runtime | 24:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 7.72/ 10 by 100.00 users |
Popularity | 38.05 |
Language | Japanese |