杀死比尔 2003
这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?
这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?
六发子弹,五名死者,神秘枪手在闹市区制造了一起惨案让整个城市都陷入魁了恐慌。所有的证据都指向了前军队狙击手詹姆斯·巴尔。但他坚持自己的清白并要求把老相识 杰克·理查尔 找来,两人曾同在军队中服役。随着杰克调查的深入,他发现了更大的谜团,炮制这场惨案的真凶似乎另有其人,而别有用心的幕后黑手抓走了巴尔 ,只留下杰克一人探明真相。六发子弹中有一发漏空的子弹是杀手故意放空的。为了了解狙击手的工作,杰克特意来到了狙击手的训练营找到了一个叫做萨缪尔·卡什 的教练。在卡什和巴尔妹妹以及律师的帮助下,杰克渐渐走进了事件的中心位置,一个关于苏联改造营和俄罗斯黑帮的秘密也慢慢浮出水面……
莉娜(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)除了工作就是整天想着自己的丈夫凯恩(奥斯卡·伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰),因为凯恩在执行任务中已失踪了一年。没有想到凯恩一年后从一个高度机密的军事任务中回来后,莉娜高兴坏了,不过她很快发现,丈夫连简单的问题都不能回答了,生命也出现了危险,在去医院的路上,她们被一个军事小组拦下。当莉娜醒来之后,发现和文崔斯博士(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)在一起,文崔斯告诉她,一种神秘的能量从黑水国家公园里传出,被称为微光。三年前一次无法解释的光脉冲导致了微光,并且它正在缓慢扩散。但是关于微光起源的更广阔的真相和本质是什么,仍不得而知。莉娜志愿和其他三名专家队员——乔西(泰莎·汤普森 Tessa Thompson 饰)、安雅(吉娜·罗德里格兹 Gina Rodriguez 饰)、卡斯·谢泼德(图娃·诺沃妮 Tuva Novotny 饰)一起,跟随文崔斯博士的脚步,去往那个被限禁的区域,搞明白之前消失的队员都遭遇了什么,以及微光对于人类来说意味着什么。
洛基•巴尔博厄(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)战胜了世界冠军拳王阿波罗,却很快花光了比赛赢得的奖金。为了养家糊口,他尝试了很多的工作,均未成功。他再三考虑,决定做回本行,重新开始他的拳击生涯。 阿波罗对于上次的失败也非常介怀,他多次给洛奇制造麻烦,逼迫他重出江湖。虽然太太反对,但洛奇仍然紧锣密鼓,开始做好比赛的准备,他的决心终于得到亲人的支持。在亲友的协助下,他苦练拳术,走上赛场,和阿波罗展开惊险搏斗。
露西(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock饰)有着平凡的职业,平凡的长相。每天在车站售票处寂寞的工作着,生活唯一亮色就是天天都盼望着准时在车站出现的英俊的彼特(彼得·盖勒 Peter Gallagher饰)。她默默坚持的感情终于在一个圣诞夜有了进展——她救起昏迷在车站的彼特,送往医院,被闻讯赶来的彼特家人误认为她就是彼特的女友。于是,露西既尴尬又不失幸福地接受了这个误会,悉心照料一直昏迷的彼特。彼特的家人这么热心,亲情的包围这么温暖,露西不舍得离开,谎言一个个说下去。但是,这引起了彼特弟弟杰克(比尔·普尔曼 Bill Pullman饰)的怀疑,出人意料的是,杰克的出现并没有带走露西的幸福,反而让露西终于寻获自己的幸福……
Leo(查宁·塔图姆 饰)和Paige(瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 饰)是一对恩爱的小夫妻。在一个寒冷的冬天,一场车祸使Paige失去了记忆,醒来的她忘记了她曾经深爱的Leo。同样深爱Paige的Leo不愿意放弃,努力通过各种方法试图恢复Paige的记忆。他先是说服Paige的父母,让她继续和他在一起生活。同时,他通过各种细节来帮助她回忆。他们的第一次见面,他们最爱去的一家餐馆,还有她的艺术创作。然而失忆了的Paige也失去了创作的灵感,准备像以前一样回去学习法律。更糟糕的是,Paige似乎也准备回到前男友Jeremy(斯科特·斯比德曼 饰)的怀抱里。一次次遭遇挫折的Leo似乎看不到一丝让Paige重新爱上他的希望。故事是否也会向悲剧的结局发展?Paige是否又将像她遇见Leo之前一样,放弃艺术去学习她根本不喜欢的法律?在又一个寒冷的冬夜,Leo和Paige的再一次相遇将告诉我们答案。影片改编自真实的故事。
马丁·哈里斯博士(Liam Neeson)在柏林遭遇一场车祸后从昏迷中苏醒,发现妻子(January Jones)突然不认识自己了,而另一个陌生人(Aidan Quinn)盗用了他的身份。柏林当地警署对他的申诉将信将疑,无意展开调查,同时又有杀手不断追杀。虽然希望渺茫,在异国他乡举目无亲的马丁,别无选择地试图从一个偶然结识的人(Diane Kruger)那里,获得援助。一场突如其来的意外让他身陷绝境,致命的谜团死死缠绕着他,逼着他开始质疑自己是否神经正常,他的身份怎么丢了,他还要冒多大的生命危险才能查出事情的真相,一场无助的亡命之旅就此展开。
温文尔雅的大卫(马克·鲁法洛饰)痛失爱妻,为了忘记悲痛,他决定转租一套古雅而梦幻的公寓,可出乎意料的是,这个举动引来了一个叫伊丽莎白(瑞茜·威瑟斯朋饰)的漂亮姑娘,突然出现的她宣称自己才是这套公寓的拥有者。一头雾水的大卫开始以为这是个误会,他费劲地向伊丽莎白解释,可本来就一团乱的情况却越来越离谱。就当无计可施的大卫考虑把这个纠纷拿到法庭上解决时,伊丽莎白竟然又神奇地突然消失了。 从此以后,迷人漂亮的伊丽莎白就幽灵一样随时随地出现在大卫的生活中,对大卫在自己公寓里看不顺眼的生活习惯横加干预。换锁没用、警卫也没辙,因为这个让人咂舌的女人居然还能穿墙而过!焦头烂额的大卫四处调查,一系列的拼凑,大卫开始怀疑伊丽莎白是以前生活在这所公寓里的女医生,因为一次车祸意外死亡。这意味着,我们美丽的伊丽莎白其实是——鬼! 于是,大卫试图一步步地帮助伊丽莎白接受自己已死的现实,并让她能够平静地到达“天堂”。同时,在发现自己不但能够穿墙入壁、被大多数人忽视,还经常如入无人之境后,伊丽莎白也觉得自己的存在似乎有点不合常理。在寻找关于伊丽莎白的真相、帮助她回到属于她的那个世界的过程中,两人深深地相爱了,但不幸的是,这段另类人鬼情的前途有些渺茫,而且,离伊丽莎白“寿终正寝”的时间已经没有多久了!
克丽丝·梅斯(《我们这一天》《美国恐怖故事》)将主演新片《不可能的事》(The Impossible),Fox 2000制作。基于Joyce Smith所著自传《The Impossible: The Miraculous Story of a Mother’s Faith and Her Child’s Resurrection》,讲述一个不同寻常的真实故事:Joyce14岁的儿子John在某个冬天掉进了密苏里州的一条冰河里,被宣告死亡,通过Joyce的祈祷和信仰,1个小时后,John的心脏再次跳动了起来,16天以后,John不靠外力走出了医院,完全康复了。
儿女们都大了,各自成家。父亲周吉(笠智众饰)和老伴(东山千荣子饰)要去东京看望他们,老两口带着愉快心情上路。可另一边,还没等他们到大儿子家,孙子就因为爷爷奶奶到来腾地方哭闹不停。老人开始觉得尴尬,大儿子幸一(山村聪饰)在东京当医生,二女儿繁(杉村春子饰)在东京开美容店,二儿媳纪子(原节子饰),小女儿京子(香川京子饰)外,大阪还有三子敬三。 东京让老人陌生,在儿女家也好不到哪去。大儿子工作繁忙,没时间带他们出去玩。搬到女儿家,依旧每日困守且有矛盾。老两口渐渐也明白儿女们的处境,他们在东京的老友也过得不好。只有守寡的儿媳纪子对老人很是孝顺。之后老人踏上回家的路,前后不过十天……
弗兰克(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一名急救医生,这个争分夺秒的工作让他在日积月累间承担了许多无形的压力。弗兰克救过很多人的性命,但也眼睁睁的看着很多人无奈的死去。这一次,他的急救对象是一个名叫罗斯(Cynthia Roman 饰)的女孩,不幸的是,罗斯最终死去。罗斯的死给弗兰克带来的前所未有的巨大打击,他甚至出现了幻觉,精神濒临崩溃。在另一次抢救任务中,弗兰克遇见了老人波克(Cullen O. Johnson 饰)和他的孙女玛丽(帕特丽夏·阿奎特 Patricia Arquette 饰),波克的重病让他生不如死,在玛丽和波克的默许下,弗兰克主动结束了老人的生命。而对于弗兰克来说,波克的死带来的是解脱和救赎。
While investigating a serial murder case, Detective Han Tae Joo gets into a catastrophic incident. When he wakes up, he finds himself transported back to 1988, appointed to work at a police station in a small city. Believing he is there for a reason, he tries to solve the case from the past in hopes of finding a way back to his life in 2018.
Gong Woo-Jin is a 30-year-old single man and he works as a set designer. Due to a trauma he experienced 13 years ago, he does not want to have a relationship with others. When Woo Seo-Ri was 17, she fell into a coma. 13 years later, she wakes up from her coma. Her mental age is still that of a 17-year-old, but she is now 30-years-old. Gong Woo-Jin and Woo Seo-Ri get involved with each other and fall in love.
Ai-oon is the disappointing twin of successful and beloved Ob-oom. They aren't close. On Ob-oom's wedding night, she takes Ai-oon aside and makes a request of her. Ob-oon and her husband Paul will be going away for their honeymoon and she'll be leaving something important behind: a lover, May, she hasn't broken up with—and she wants Ai-oon to do it for her. In the early morning following the wedding, Ai-oon learns that the newlyweds got into an accident. Paul has passed away and Ob-oom is in a coma. When Ai-oon decides to fullfil her sister's request, she's shocked to learn that May is both blind and a woman. She finds herself unprepared to complete the task.
Polseres vermelles and Pulseras Rojas in Spanish, is a Catalan television show. The first season aired on TV3 in 2011, with a second season planned for 2013. The show was created by Albert Espinosa and draws on his childhood experiences as a hospital patient. Espinosa and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois. The show tells the story of a group of Catalan children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's wing of a hospital. Themes include friendship, the will to live, and the desire to overcome adversity. The show was originally planned for four seasons, with the second one premiering on January 2013. In October 2011, it was announced that Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks and Marta Kauffman had reached an agreement with TV3 for an American remake of Polseres Vermelles. The Spanish channel Antena 3 aired the first season, dubbed into Spanish as Pulseras rojas, in summer 2012. On 11 December 2012, TV3 announced 14 January 2013 as the premiere date for its second season. Antena 3 will premiere it dubbed later in 2013.
This drama tells the story of a boy who becomes critically injured due to an incident of school violence and his family who seeks the truth and fights for justice in his name.
In 1985, when detective Kyogoku Kosuke (Karasawa Toshiaki) was hunting down some criminals, he suddenly found himself in the center of an explosion and ended up falling into a coma. In 2015, after 30 years Kosuke wakes up and has a lot to catch up, new values, technology, family, work, everything he has missed. Back to the Criminal Division, Kosuke and his new partner Ryota (Kubota Masataka) are entrusted with classified security data that aims to a terrorist group Schiesser.
Once guiding the 'dead', now saving those who want to die! The Afterlife Office Human Fantasy.
After an accident shatters her storybook life, a comatose woman gets a second chance at life when a reaper from above intervenes, at a cost.
After a bus accident leaves high school student Yiyong in a coma for over a year, he awakens with his grandfather’s supernatural powers. His once ordinary life turns into a thrilling ghost-filled adventure alongside his school rival, Cao Guangyan, and rookie policewoman Chen Chuying.
A surgeon suddenly returns to eighteen years ago and meets his classmate Han Fei, and helps her put down her guard and untie the knot in her heart.
Monica Grossi wakes up after four months from a coma without remembering anything about the last eight years of her life. With the help of Stefano, brother of her alleged lover, who died in mysterious circumstances, she tries to reconstruct her past step by step to understand if she is really the woman that everyone remembers.
The eldest daughter of a rich family, Xu Xi Xi wakes up from a coma and realises she has lost her memory. She falls in love with her bodyguard Lu Jin Yan at first sight. She learns from Ding Bei Fan that she is not really Xu Xi Xi, but in fact she is An Yue, someone who looks the same as Xi Xi. An Yue discovers more amazing secrets in the process of investigating the truth, while Lu Jin Yan, as a bodyguard, also has a hidden agenda.
Sinohara Yuri (Fumika Baba) is a young female college student who has been troubled by a dangerous stalker who won’t leave her alone.
Miyata Ayaka (Renbutsu Misako), an office worker, sees her world collapse around her when her mother Miyata Harumi (Kikuchi Momoko) collapses due to illness and is left in a coma because of it. She then discovers that her mother kept a secret diary that she writes with her high school friends and that the lies she has told her have become evident, with nothing to lose. Ayaka will travel to Kaga, in Ishikawa Prefecture, her mother's hometown, to try to clarify the truth of the lie in her mother's secret diary.
A policeman with a promising future and a young family must rebuild his life in 2018 after he wakes up from a 24-year coma after being shot in the line of duty.
Lee Ting-hong joins Guangji Hospital, where he meets the chairwoman's daughter, Xue Baoqi. They initially misunderstand each other but eventually become a couple. As they witness patients, and even acquaintances, die mysteriously, they investigate and discover that the events are related to the hospital's director, Tang Zhiyang, and the chief surgeon, Guo Weicheng.
Drama about a girl that becomes a spirit after ending up in a car crash, trying to find a way back to become a human again with the help of the detective. Naamrin, a bratty and hi-so girl is about to marry her fiance, Popetorn, whom she grew up with because her mother, Thara raised him since he was a little boy. However, after trying on her wedding dress, she is challenged to a road race that escalates to a road rage, resulting in the death of both drivers. Yeeo is a police officer that happened to be bicycling pass the scene and hears the call on his police radio. He gets to the scene and watches paramedics pull out road rival from the nearby lake. He then meets the Naam's spirit, who doesn't know that she's dead. Yeeo picks up a necklace that parted from her during the wreck and tucks it into his pocket. Since then, Naam's spirit becomes attached to Yeeo and he is the only one that can see her. She believes that Yeeo is the only one that can help her.