美国内战 2024
美国在不久的将来,爆发了影响全国的内战。在资深战地摄影师李-史密斯的带领下,记者们组成了一支强大的专业团队,穿越战线并设法生存下来。他们驱车前往华盛顿特区,希望在总统向名为 "WF"的军事力量投降之前采访总统。
美国在不久的将来,爆发了影响全国的内战。在资深战地摄影师李-史密斯的带领下,记者们组成了一支强大的专业团队,穿越战线并设法生存下来。他们驱车前往华盛顿特区,希望在总统向名为 "WF"的军事力量投降之前采访总统。
彼得·帕克(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)在内战后受到了钢铁侠托尼·斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)的赏识,表面上,彼得进入托尼的公司成为了一名实习生,实际上,他和复仇者联盟的成员们一起接受了各种各样的训练。托尼虽然欣赏彼得的勇敢和正直,却并不认为他目前已经拥有加入复联的实力,他派出了特工哈皮(乔恩·费儒 Jon Favreau 饰)暗中观察,这让十分想证明自己的彼得感到万分焦躁。在对付两个银行劫匪的过程中,彼得发现劫匪们使用的是一种前所未见的新型武器,他孤身一人深入敌后顺藤摸瓜找到了幕后主使秃鹰(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰),让他彼得没有想到的是,秃鹰竟然是他爱慕的女生利兹(劳拉·海瑞尔 Laura Harrier 饰)的父亲。
作为1980年代的小孩,山姆·布伦纳(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰), 威尔·库珀(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰),勒德洛·莱门梢夫(乔什·加德 Josh Gad 饰)和“火焰爆破枪”埃迪·普兰特(彼特·丁克拉奇 Peter Dinklage 饰)拯救过世界成千上万次——在游戏机室里二十五美分玩一次的游戏里。现在,他们必须得真刀真枪作战了。 在像素大战中,当外星人发现经典街机游戏视频流并且误以为这是在宣战后,他们袭击了地球,运用游戏作为他们袭击策略——而现在美国总统库珀必须召集他旧日的街机战友一起拯救世界免受吃豆人、大金刚、小蜜蜂、蜈蚣还有太空入侵者毁灭。加入他们一起战斗的,还有一名向街机斗士提供外星人战斗专用武器的专家,维奥莱特·冯·帕顿中校(米歇尔·莫纳汉 Michelle Monaghan 饰)。他们的唯一目标是,战胜8比特像素外星人,保卫地球……
未来某天,灾难降临世间,天灾人祸让地球濒临毁灭。更为可怕的是,恐怖病毒肆意蔓延,人类相继化身为丧失人性、嗜血如命的恐怖僵尸。并且随着时光的流逝,僵尸的智商不断提升,已经成为规模庞大的恐怖大军。经过几个月的厮杀,居住在得州某小镇的哥伦布(杰斯·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 饰)是少数的幸存者之一,他唯唯诺诺,行事谨慎,却凭着总结出来的经验一次又一次逃出生天。某天,哥伦布遇见作风骠悍的塔拉哈西(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰),两人一路同行,继而邂逅性感美艳的姐妹花薇奇塔(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)和小石头(阿比盖尔·布莱斯林 Abigail Breslin 饰),他们由此开始了一段妙趣横生、惊险刺激的旅程……本片荣获2009年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节观众奖。
渐渐习惯了现代生活的美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰),在一次行动后隐隐嗅到神盾局内部所弥漫出来的凶险气味。而当得知神盾局正秘密进行的“洞察计划”后,他更为此感到愤怒。某天,神盾局指挥官尼克·弗瑞(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)遭到一群武装分子袭击,他拼尽全力将一支U盘交到美国队长手中,这里面藏着该局二战以来最重要且最可怕的秘密。在此之后,美国队长因涉嫌杀害尼克而遭到前局长亚历山大·皮尔斯(罗伯特·雷德福 Robert Redford 饰)的通缉和追杀,逃亡中他得到黑寡妇(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)和退伍老兵“猎鹰”(安东尼·麦凯 Anthony Mackie 饰)的帮助。他们必须争分夺秒解开神盾局的秘密,阻止“洞察计划”的施行……
------某年7月4日,周末,正在休假的约翰•麦卡伦(布鲁斯•威利斯 饰)接到一个新任务:逮捕黑客马特•法莱尔(贾斯汀•朗 饰),然后送到FBI那里接受审讯。其实,事情并没有看上去那么简单:极端恐怖分子经过周密策划之后,准备利用黑客技术,在美国独立日当天让全美国的计算机系统集体瘫痪,从而达到他们控制全球的阴谋。而且,幕后黑手托马斯•加布里埃尔(提摩西•欧里芬特 饰)为了阻止麦卡伦插手这件事情,为他准备了一大堆机关障碍,其中包括绑架他的女儿露西。老英雄遇上了新问题,在马特•法莱尔的帮助下,麦卡伦继续“生猛”……
作为一名中央情报局的女特工,伊夫林·绍特(安吉丽娜·朱莉饰)发誓要忠于她的责任、荣誉和国家。然而,当一个叛徒在审问后,诬蔑绍特就是一个俄国间谍,并透露一起秘密计划时,她的忠诚度需要经受巨大的考验。为了证明自己的清白,绍特被迫逃亡,而她昔日的同事温特尔(列维·施瑞博尔 饰)与皮博迪(切瓦特·埃加福特饰)则奉命将她捉拿归案。绍特使用她所有的技能和经验躲避追捕,并试图查明真相,证明她的清白,随着她一步步揭开真相,却对自己的身份也产生了疑惑,究竟,究竟绍特是谁?
疯狂的芭堤雅将军杜罗夫 预谋发动第三次世界大战,他制造了一场巨大的水域爆炸,致使附近的美军潜艇队遇袭。美国海军派出了海底经验丰富但名声寥寥的乔·格拉斯潜水艇船长 率领潜艇队前去调查。
盖茨家族是出名的冒险家家族。本(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)小时候就获悉了他们家族的一个惊天秘密:美国开国时埋藏国家财富的地点就藏在《独立宣言》中。尽管父亲不想盖茨家族在纠缠于国家宝藏,但本还是与电脑高手雷利(贾斯汀•巴萨 Justin Bartha 饰)一起开始了寻宝行动。本的寻宝计划很快陷入了僵局。与此同时,英国富豪伊恩(肖恩•宾 Sean Bean 饰)也盯上了这个宝藏,他派人潜入了美国国家图书找寻《独立宣言》中宝藏的秘密并密谋对付本。图书馆的艾比嘉尔博士(戴安•克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰)获悉了伊恩的险恶用心后,决心帮助本找到国家宝藏……
随着科技的发展,人类发明了能侦察人的脑电波的“聪明”的机器人――“先知”。“先知”能侦察出人的犯罪企图,所以在罪犯犯罪之前,就已经被犯罪预防组织的警察逮捕并获刑。乔恩(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)就是犯罪预防组织的一个主管。在一次通过“先知”成功阻止了一起因外遇引起的双人命案之后,乔恩隐约感到了这一套完美的预防犯罪系统中隐含的秘密,那就是少数派报告。原来,共有三个“先知”一起判定一个人是否有杀人企图。当出现分歧时,按少数服从多数原则定案,但最后若证明少数那一方是正确的话,则会秘密保存一份少数派报告。乔恩一觉醒来,突然发现自己已是昔日同事的抓捕对象。乔恩唯一的出路就是找到能证明自己清白的那份少数派报告……
影片改编自Garth Stein所著同名畅销小说,聚焦一只名叫恩佐的狗狗,和他的主人——职业赛车手Denny Swift,恩佐跟着Denny学会了很多生活哲学。
一段奇妙的“哈佛之旅”让金发美女艾莉•伍兹(瑞茜•威瑟斯彭 饰)既得到了法学学位,又收获了甜蜜爱情。毕业之后,艾莉与帅气男友艾默特(卢克•威尔逊 饰)开始筹备他们盛大浪漫的婚礼。为了让她最亲密的朋友小狗Bruiser分享幸福,艾莉准备“邀请”它的父母一同参加婚礼。然而,此时此刻Bruiser的父母却被关在一个化妆品公司的实验室里,等待命运的审判。 这件事激起了艾莉对于动物权利保护的意识。为了她的小狗朋友,也为了更多可爱的小生灵,天真的艾莉只身前往华盛顿,想向政府提交一份保护动物的议案,并希望国会能颁布法律保护动物。正当艾莉孤身一人,无计可施的时候,她幸运的遇到了认识好多上层人士的公寓看门人希德尼(鲍伯•纽哈特 饰)。在希德尼的热心帮助下,艾莉正一步步向自己的目标迈进……
俄美两国策划一起反恐行动,派出特种部队擒获了掌握核武器的哈萨克王国独裁者伊万·雷迪克将军(Jurgen Prochnow 饰)。数周后的庆功宴上,曾为越战老兵的美国总统詹姆斯·马舍尔(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)针对恐怖分子和独裁政权发表了强硬而精彩的演说。莫斯科之旅圆满结束,总统一家及其政要乘空军一号返回美国,同行的还有艾格(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)带队的俄罗斯媒体工作人员。 安全人员百密一疏,艾格的真实身份是效忠于雷迪克将军的恐怖分子。飞机起飞后,艾格和同伴们劫持飞机,绑架美国政要及总统家人,只有詹姆斯侥幸逃脱。恐怖分子要求俄美释放雷迪克将军,而藏身空军一号中的詹姆斯则和这群匪徒展开殊死决斗……
迪恩(威尔 史密斯 Will Smith 饰)是一个家庭生活和美、前途一片光明的黑人执业律师。圣诞节前夕,迪恩遇到了一位久未谋面的朋友。从此,迪恩的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。原来这位友人将一张记录了某个位高权重的人谋杀国会议员整个过程的光盘放进了迪恩的袋子!可怜的迪恩在毫不知情的情况下,被NSA中的害群之马严密监视,并被施加了各种各样的压力,甚至无端遭到了谋杀前女友雷切尔的起诉。迪恩迫于无奈之下,只得只身展开了逃亡、追查幕后真凶之路。
The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. These interesting characters have humor and dedication that touches the heart while the politics that they discuss touch on everyday life.
Dr. Temperance Brennan and her colleagues at the Jeffersonian's Medico-Legal Lab assist Special Agent Seeley Booth with murder investigations when the remains are so badly decomposed, burned or destroyed that the standard identification methods are useless.
Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent.
At an elite Washington, D.C.-adjacent university, two ruthless step-siblings will do anything to stay on top of the cutthroat social hierarchy. After a brutal hazing incident threatens the entire Greek Life system at their school, they'll do whatever is necessary to preserve their power and reputation – even if that means seducing, the daughter of the Vice President of the United States.
Everyone has secrets and Olivia Pope has dedicated her life to protecting and defending the public images of the elite by keeping those secrets under wraps. Pope and her team are at the top of their game when it comes to getting the job done for their clients, but it becomes apparent that these "gladiators in suits," who specialize in fixing the lives of other people, have trouble fixing those closest at hand -- their own.
After years away from the CIA, Elizabeth McCord is pulled back into the political arena. The newly appointed Secretary of State is tough, fair, and smart, driving international diplomacy, wrangling office politics, and circumventing protocol as she negotiates global and domestic issues, both at the White House and at home.
Alex Cross is a brilliant but flawed homicide detective and full of contradictions. A doting father and family man, Cross is single-minded to the point of obsession when he hunts killers. He is desperate for love, but his wife’s murder has left him too damaged to receive it.
Super soldier Max Guevera tries to live a normal life in post-apocalyptic Seattle while eluding capture by government agents from the covert biotech facility she escaped from as a child and searching for her genetically-enhanced brothers and sisters who have dispersed after escape.
Jess Mastriani was a normal person who only wanted to take over her parents' restaurant in Indiana. But that changed when she was hit by lightning. After that she began seeing visions of missing people. Jess decides to use her newfound ability to be a consultant to the FBI, helping locate missing individuals. Eventually, she is hired by the bureau full-time and trained to become an agent, but her by-the-book nature sometimes clashes with the personality of her partner. Jess and her colleagues work out of the FBI's Washington, D.C., office.
Frustrations and sparks fly in Washington, D.C. when a strict conservative hires a free spirited journalist as his boss's press secretary. Their mismatched political views lead to arguments... and attraction.
Four Republican senators share the same D.C. house rental, and face re-election battles, looming indictments, and parties -- all with a sense of humor.
The District is a television police drama which aired on CBS from October 7, 2000 to May 1, 2004. The show followed the work and personal life of the chief of Washington, D.C.'s Police Department.
A retired FBI serial-profiler joins the mysterious Millennium Group, a team of underground ex-law enforcement experts dedicated to fighting against the ever-growing forces of evil and darkness in the world.
4400 centers on the return of 4400 people who, previously presumed dead or reported missing, reappear on Earth. Though they have not aged physically, some of them seem to have deeper alterations ranging from superhuman strength to an unexplained healing touch. A government agency is formed to track the 4400 people after one of them commits a murder.
Capitol is an American soap opera which aired on CBS from March 29, 1982 to March 20, 1987 for 1,270 episodes. As its name suggests, the storyline usually revolves around the political intrigues of people whose lives intertwined in Washington, D.C.
A housewife sits on the stoop of her apartment building in a black neighborhood of Washington, D.C., and discusses all manner of things with her neighbors.
Based on a true story, this family-friendly series follows the adventures of a young, hearing impaired woman who has a special gift and goes to work for the FBI in Washington, D.C. She's one hard-headed, soft-hearted woman whose talent for reading lips helps crack crimes and bag the bad guys in places listening devices can't penetrate. With her hearing-ear dog, Levi, Sue's a glutton for jeopardy – and there's (almost) nothing she won't do to bring notorious criminals to justice. This remarkable, edge-of-your-seat drama is an inspiring tribute to the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve great things.
John "Jack" Turner is a maverick scion from an American political dynasty, a "true believer," who must reconcile his passion for the purity of law in the morally ambiguous world he inhabits, in which no one is who they appear to be. Content with working in a small pro-bono law clinic in Washington, D.C. – at the urging of his more practical longtime friend and colleague, George Riley – Turner reluctantly accepts the position of managing partner in the sponsoring law firm of Lyon, LaCrosse, and Levine in order to save the clinic.
Mancuso, F.B.I. is a crime drama which was aired by NBC as part of its 1989-90 schedule. Mancuso, F.B.I. stars veteran actor Robert Loggia as Nick Mancuso, a hardened veteran of the Bureau now assigned to Washington, D.C., where he was largely regarded by his superiors and bureaucratic types as a maverick with little regard for agency rules and procedures. This charge was largely true; Mancuso's true motivation was, as a press release for the show near the time of its premiere described it, "a passionate love affair with the United States Constitution" and an overwhelming desire to see genuine justice rather than the mere appearance of it.
A young fresh-faced Hill staffer gets her first job in Washington, D.C. and discovering two things: 1. The government has stopped working, and 2. alien spawn have come to earth and eaten the brains of a growing number of Congressmen and Hill staffers.