荒野机器人 2024
改编自皮特·布朗的同名畅销书,聚焦机器人萝斯(露皮塔·尼永奥 Lupita Nyong'o 配音)的冒险之旅。她因一场意外漂流到了孤岛,偏离了程序预设的发展轨道,不得不面对险恶的生存环境,并试图与充满戒备和敌意的野生动物建立关系。随着萝斯遇到了一只小灰雁(基特·康纳 Kit Connor 配音)并成为了他的“妈妈”,她逐渐在这座荒岛中找到了归属感。被定义好的编程即将被打破,一段关乎爱的心灵故事即将展开。
改编自皮特·布朗的同名畅销书,聚焦机器人萝斯(露皮塔·尼永奥 Lupita Nyong'o 配音)的冒险之旅。她因一场意外漂流到了孤岛,偏离了程序预设的发展轨道,不得不面对险恶的生存环境,并试图与充满戒备和敌意的野生动物建立关系。随着萝斯遇到了一只小灰雁(基特·康纳 Kit Connor 配音)并成为了他的“妈妈”,她逐渐在这座荒岛中找到了归属感。被定义好的编程即将被打破,一段关乎爱的心灵故事即将展开。
近未来的地球黄沙遍野,小麦、秋葵等基础农作物相继因枯萎病灭绝,人类不再像从前那样仰望星空,放纵想象力和灵感的迸发,而是每日在沙尘暴的肆虐下倒数着所剩不多的光景。在家务农的前 NASA 宇航员库珀(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)接连在女儿墨菲(麦肯吉·弗依 Mackenzie Foy 饰)的书房发现奇怪的重力场现象,随即得知在某个未知区域内前 NASA 成员仍秘密进行一个拯救人类的计划。多年以前土星附近出现神秘虫洞,NASA 借机将数名宇航员派遣到遥远的星系寻找适合居住的星球。在布兰德教授(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)的劝说下,库珀忍痛告别了女儿,和其他三名专家教授女儿艾米莉亚·布兰德(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)、罗米利(大卫·吉雅西 David Gyasi 饰)、多伊尔(韦斯·本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)搭乘宇宙飞船前往目前已知的最有希望的三颗星球考察。他们穿越遥远的星系银河,感受了一小时七年光阴的沧海桑田,窥见了未知星球和黑洞的壮伟与神秘。在浩瀚宇宙的绝望而孤独角落,总有一份超越了时空的笃定情怀将他们紧紧相连……
在古老的中土世界,一个名叫佛罗多·巴金斯的年轻人无意中得到了一枚魔戒。 这只戒指拥有无穷的神秘力量,戒指原本是黑暗君王索隆所有的,却意外地到了佛罗多手里。弗罗多决定将戒指摧毁,以免索隆夺回去巩固自己的势力。索隆为了阻止佛罗多,派出了手下的奥克斯加以追杀,一场正邪大战眼看着一触即发。
自从与小主人安迪告别后,胡迪(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 配音)和他的伙伴们在小女孩邦妮家安顿下来,不仅成为了邦妮(玛德琳·麦格劳 Madeleine McGraw 配音)的心爱之物,还结识了一批新伙伴。转眼之间,邦妮也要进入幼儿园啦,她用灵巧的小手把一个餐叉做成了玩具带了回来,并且热爱有加。胡迪虽然稍感失落,却还能欣然接受。只不过叉叉(托尼·海尔 Tony Hale 配音)似乎认定自己只是垃圾,一次次逃走跳进垃圾桶里,这可给胡迪找了不少麻烦。不久,邦妮一家外出旅行。叉叉故技重施,想方设法逃走,结果在追逐他的过程中,胡迪和叉叉便与邦妮家失散了。在流浪途中,胡迪意外重逢久未谋面的牧羊女(安妮·波茨 Annie Potts 配音),与此同时,新的冒险也就此展开……
宾虚改编自内战时期 Lew Wallace 将军的长篇小说《Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ》,影片场面壮观,气势恢弘。 公元 26 年的犹太省,耶稣开始在民间传道,Messiah 出现的呼声直接威胁罗马皇朝的统治权威,罗马皇帝派遣指挥官梅撒拉 Messala 前往耶路撒冷镇压叛乱。梅撒拉企图利用他和犹太王子宾虚童年至交的情谊,打动宾虚为他说服犹太族人不要反抗罗马。然而宾虚认为反抗者是爱国志士而非叛徒,拒绝了梅撒拉的要求并与他决裂。 宾虚因屋瓦掉到街上砸到总督的意外事件被捕,知道真相的梅撒拉不但不为宾虚开脱,反而拿他处以重刑,想借此建立统治威信,宾虚的母亲和妹妹也因此被关黑牢。复仇成了宾虚生存下来的目的。 宾虚在海战中救了罗马指挥官阿留斯,得以从一个囚犯奴隶变成阿留斯的义子,成为罗马城中的新贵族。念念不忘复仇的宾虚,在阿拉伯酋长的帮助下,在竞技场与梅撒拉进行了一场惊天动地的赛马决斗,梅撒拉用计害宾虚反而自己丧命。 宾虚找到母亲和妹妹的下落,却因她们得了麻风病不能见面,耶稣基督受难拯救了世界,藉着基督的宝血也医治了他们。宾虚历经种种波折与磨难,最终找寻到自己的归宿和信仰。 影片的真正主题是耶稣基督,剧情采用明暗双层结构同时发展,以宾虚和梅撒拉的恩怨情仇为主线,隐藏着耶稣基督拯救世界的主题。整个故事从个人恩怨发展为统治者与被压迫者的民族斗争,最后提升为超越一切的基督救赎精神,刷新了圣经故事给人带来的模式化说教的印象。耶稣基督的形象始终没有正面特写出现在银幕上,而是通过不言自威的侧面和远景描写,鲜明有力地表现出他的特殊身份和力量,这种超越一切的力量和壮丽宏伟的海战场面,紧张刺激、盛大非凡的马车生死大赛,一起构成了这部经典史诗。 威
自从他的爱妻12年前在海地大地震发生时不幸死于难产之后,维克多·菲尔汀(小莱斯利·奥多姆 Leslie Odom Jr. 饰)就一个人独自抚养他们的女儿安吉拉(莉娅·朱厄特 Lidya Jewett 饰)。 但是当安吉拉和她的好友凯瑟琳(奥利维亚·马库姆 Olivia Marcum 饰)在树林中消失不见,三天后却又突然回家,完全不记得自己发生了什么事情之后,就引发了一连串的诡异事件,迫使维克多不得不面对有邪恶力量作祟的可能性,于是他出于绝望和恐惧,就向唯一亲眼目睹这种事却仍然活着的人求助:克莉丝·麦尼尔(艾伦·伯斯汀 Ellen Burstyn 饰)。
美国气候学家杰克(丹尼斯•奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)认为,温室效应正在引发地球的大灾难,北极冰川的融化,会让地球回到冰河世纪那样的劫难。他的提醒并没有引起美国当局的重视,一切都已经太晚:飓风、冰雹、洪水、冰山融化、极度严寒,一系列的地球巨变引发了一场不可挽救的灾难。美国政府组织北纬30度的民众转移到赤道周围,场面一片混乱。更糟糕的是,杰克的儿子,正困在曼哈顿的图书馆里,靠烧书生火来维持体温。大家怎样才能逃过这场灭顶的灾祸?冰天雪地的地球何时才能回暖?
父亲突然离世后,关系疏远的兄妹艾默拉和 OJ 继承了家族的养马场,随后遇到了隐匿于空中的奇怪物体。
Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.
Intimate musical performances, recorded live at the desk of All Songs Considered host Bob Boilen.
Ted Lasso, an American football coach, moves to England when he’s hired to manage a soccer team—despite having no experience. With cynical players and a doubtful town, will he get them to see the Ted Lasso Way?
Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu and other Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists.
Follows the awkward experiences and racy tribulations of a modern-day African-American woman.
The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet...
The ancient gods died, and there is only one last god in the world - Xingzhi. Rumor has it that this God of Action has lived alone in the heavens for tens of thousands of years, ruthless and lustless. In the battle of the immortals and demons, he turned the tide by himself, and since then, Du Men has been swept away, and his traces are hard to find. Hundreds of years are just a click away. As the queen who was born with a pearl in the devil world, Shen Li's life was bright and dazzling. But on the occasion of her thousand-year-old birthday, the claws of political marriage were scratching their heads. On the way to escape from the marriage, Shen Li was beaten back to the original form of a phoenix and fell to the world with injuries. When she was seriously injured and comatose, the mortal hawker treated her as a fat chicken, plucked all the hair from her body, and locked her in a cage for sale. The fate of the two is tightly linked by a seemingly casual transaction.
Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who runs things -- legally and otherwise -- is the town's treasurer, Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, who is equal parts politician and gangster.
In feudal Japan, half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna are separated from each other during a forest fire. While desperately searching for her younger sister, Towa wanders into a mysterious tunnel that sends her into present-day Japan, where she is found and raised by Kagome Higurashi’s brother, Sota, and his family. Ten years later, the tunnel that connects the two eras has reopened, allowing Towa to be reunited with Setsuna, who is now a demon slayer working for Kohaku. But to Towa’s shock, Setsuna appears to have lost all memories of her older sister
One gunshot, one death, one moment out of time that irrevocably links eight minds in disparate parts of the world, putting them in each other's lives, each other's secrets, and in terrible danger. Ordinary people suddenly reborn as "Sensates."
After 19 years on Death Row for the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence. Now he has to return to a world he no longer knows and his reentry into the outside world may be as unforgiving as prison. Daniel is haunted by the past, dogged by the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his homecoming reignites the fears of a small town and threatens to shatter his family’s fragile peace. Daniel’s alleged crime divided a community. Will his freedom tear it in half?
The story of how the young Queen Charlotte’s marriage to King George sparked both a great love story and a societal shift, creating the world of the Ton inherited by the characters in Bridgerton.
In an era when the demons are in power, they are the masters of the despicable cultivators and mortals. The cultivator elders deem it necessary to send someone back in time, to determine the origin of the demon lord and to prevent his awakening. Li Su Su accepts the mission, becoming the mortal Ye Xi Wu, General Ye's third daughter who is married to Tantai Jin, the hostage prince and future demon lord. She is determined to destroy Tantai Jin, who in the future will massacre many. But as a witness to Tantai Jin's past life and rise to power, an unexpected tale emerges, one complicating her quest.
The war for Eternia begins again in what may be the final battle between He-Man and Skeletor. A new animated series from writer-director Kevin Smith.
Deadly seismic activities that peaked with a 10.5 earthquake and devastated the West Coast have altered the core structure of the earth and now threaten to jeopardize North America and the Western hemisphere. In a desperate bid to save lives - and the country - President Hollister calls once again upon one of the nation's top seismologists, controversial scientist Dr. Samantha Hill and her supervisor and former boyfriend Dr. Jordan Fisher, to interpret the latest onslaught of quakes.
In the near future, a group of women weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal.
In 17th century England, Mary Villiers molds her beautiful son, George, to seduce King James I, intending to gain riches and influence through outrageous schemes.
In a mysterious primeval land populated by dinosaurs and other extinct creatures, people from throughout human history have been resurrected. When 21st century Australian paleontologist Helena Walker awakes there after tragedy, she must learn to survive and find new allies, or die again at the hands of ruthless warlords, all while trying to uncover the true nature of their strange new world.
The Aquabats! Super Show! is an American action-comedy television series which premiered on March 3, 2012 on the United States cable network The Hub. The series was created by Christian Jacobs and Scott Schultz, both the creators of the Nick Jr. series Yo Gabba Gabba!, and Jason deVilliers. Based on the superhero mythology of The Aquabats, a real-life comedy rock band which series co-creator and lead singer Jacobs formed in 1994, The Aquabats! Super Show! follows the comic adventures of a fictionalized version of the band, a musical group of amateur superheroes, as they haphazardly defend the world from a variety of villains and monsters. Styled similarly to the campy aesthetics of 1960s and 1970s children's television and Japanese tokusatsu, Super Show! utilizes various mediums of visual styles and special effects, mixing live-action storylines with cartoon shorts, parody advertisements and musical interludes.
Insight into the London, West Midlands and North West of England ambulance services, from the highly-pressurised control room to the crews on the streets. Ambulance provides an honest 360-degree snapshot of the daily dilemmas and pressures.