那年圣诞不一样 2024
对滨海惠灵顿的小镇居民来说,这是一个难忘的圣诞节:史上最强的暴风雪打乱了所有人的计划 — 也包括圣诞老人的。
对滨海惠灵顿的小镇居民来说,这是一个难忘的圣诞节:史上最强的暴风雪打乱了所有人的计划 — 也包括圣诞老人的。
在芭比乐园里,各种各样的芭比和肯每天都过着童话般100%完美的生活。但是某一天,芭比(玛格特·罗比 Margot Robbie 饰)发现自己的生活开始有了变化——比如她的一天不再一帆风顺,她开始思考死亡的意义,甚至她的双脚也不再是完美的高跟鞋形——她竟然脚掌落地了!接连出现的不完美打破了芭比乐园的平静,意识到存在感危机的芭比被迫前往真实世界探寻真相,肯(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)也一路同行,一场大冒险就此开启。
贾斯帕(詹森·舒瓦兹曼饰)被认为是邮政学院最差的学生,他驻扎在北极圈内的一个冰冻岛屿上,那里的当地人之间几乎不交流,更不用说写信了。当贾斯帕准备放弃之时,他找到了自己的盟友阿尔娃(当地的一名教师,拉什达·琼斯饰),并发现了克劳斯(奥斯卡奖得主 J·K·西蒙斯饰),克劳斯是一个神秘的木匠,独自住在一个满是手工玩具的小屋里。这几段不可思议的友谊让斯密伦斯堡又重新充满了欢声笑语,创造出了新的故事,这里有慷慨的邻居、神奇的传说和小心翼翼挂在烟囱上的长袜。《克劳斯:圣诞节的秘密》是一部节日喜剧动画片,由《神偷奶爸》联合创剧人塞尔希奥·巴勃罗斯担任导演,由琼·库萨克、威尔·萨索和诺曼·麦克唐纳徳联袂主演。
平静的湖畔小镇,疼爱儿子的单亲妈妈早织(安藤樱 饰)、为学生着想的爽直老师保利 (永山瑛太 饰)以及天真烂漫的孩子们本过着安稳的生活,却因为一次校园冲突,发酵酿成轩然大波,惹起社会与媒体的关注。当事态越见严重,竟在一个暴风雨的清晨,两个孩子双双失去了踪影…
经历了逃离洞穴、挺过末日危机之后的原始人咕噜家族,咕噜一家决定寻找新家园。中途盖 已成了咕噜一家中的一员,但让瓜哥 头疼的是,盖跟女儿小伊 每天你侬我侬,还妄想组成只属于两人的小家庭。就在咕噜一家人饥肠辘辘之际,他们发现了一片高墙内隐藏着食物丰饶的沃土,原来开辟这片世外桃源的文明人夫妇霍普和菲尔是已经去世的盖的父母的朋友。在最初的热情款待后,一心想要撮合盖和女儿晓晓的霍普和菲尔,发现咕噜一家成了绊脚石,为了把盖抢过来,他们用上了攻心计。两家人闹得不可开交,盖和小伊也产生了裂痕,却浑然不知危险正慢慢靠近……
出身泰国华人家庭的无业年轻人阿安(马群耀 饰)看到堂妹因照顾病重的爷爷而继承房产后,也对身患绝症的姥姥(乌萨·萨梅坎姆 饰)动了心思,计划复刻堂妹的“致富之路”获取百万遗产。但面对同样“努力”的舅舅们和挑剔毒舌的姥姥,阿安这条争当全职孝孙的“啃姥致富”之路似乎没有他预想的那么顺利……
影片根据曼罗·里夫1936年经典童书《爱花的牛》改编,讲述西班牙一头名为“费迪南德”(约翰·塞纳 John Cena 配音)的公牛的爆笑历险故事。费迪南德体型健壮,但却心地善良性格温和,它被误认为是危险的野兽,从而被捕送往他乡被逼做一只“斗牛”。为回到家人身边,他不得不踏上了一场终极冒险旅程……
威尔顿预备学院以其沉稳凝重的教学风格和较高的升学率闻名,作为其毕业班的学生,理想就是升入名校。新学期文学老师约翰·基汀(罗宾·威廉姆斯 饰)的到来如同一阵春风,一反传统名校的严肃刻板...
兰顿·卡特(夏恩·韦斯特饰)生活在北卡罗莱纳州的一个海港小镇,是镇上首富的独生子,他是典型的坏小子,不好好读书还整天和镇上几个吊儿郎当的家伙一起疯玩疯闹。一次,兰顿和他的几个哥们儿恶作剧地诱骗一个新来的插班生跳进水泥厂的大池子里,没想到黑暗的池子里堆放着废弃的钢管,结果插班生满身鲜血地爬了上来。意识到玩笑开大了的男孩们全都吓跑了,只有兰顿多留了一会儿安慰受伤的孩子,于是,他成了唯一被抓住的“凶手”。 虽然侥幸逃脱了牢狱之灾,但兰顿还是被判罚做义工——给邻近小学的学生作家教并且参加学校的春季汇演,这对他来说简直比蹲监狱还难受。可是,就是这个偶然事件,让兰顿结识了他这一辈子都不会忘记的女孩--杰米·苏利文(曼迪·摩尔饰),杰米是镇上牧师的女儿,是个典型的乖乖女,她经常利用课余时间自愿作义工,自然认识了兰顿,起初,他对这个差点儿害死一条人命的家伙嗤之以鼻,渐渐地,她发现兰顿并不像她想象的那样坏。随着两人逐渐深入的交往,他们竟然不可思议地坠入了情网,这让简直所有熟悉兰顿和杰米的人都大跌眼镜。 杰米的真诚、善良、纯洁和她对生活的热爱每天都在感染、改变着兰顿,他慢慢地厌倦了自己以前的那种生活,开始追求自己的理想和信仰,但在这时,杰米的父亲却扮演了棒打鸳鸯的角色,不相信像兰顿这样的孩子会真正爱上自己的女儿。兰顿到底该如何向女友的父亲证明自己的真爱呢?这段灰姑娘与坏小子的恋爱会如何收场呢?
蒂姆·古德曼(贾斯提斯·史密斯饰)为寻找下落不明的父亲来到莱姆市,意外与父亲的前宝可梦搭档大侦探皮卡丘(瑞安·雷诺兹 配音)相遇,并惊讶地发现自己是唯一能听懂皮卡丘说话的人类,他们决定组队踏上揭开真相的刺激冒险之路。探案过程中他们邂逅了各式各样的宝可梦,并意外发现了一个足以毁灭整个宝可梦宇宙的惊天阴谋。
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
Beginning in a time of relative peace, we follow an ensemble cast of characters as they confront the re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.
For as long as he can remember, Ichigo Kurosaki has been able to see ghosts. But when he meets Rukia, a Soul Reaper who battles evil spirits known as Hollows, he finds his life is changed forever. Now, with a newfound wealth of spiritual energy, Ichigo discovers his true calling: to protect the living and the dead from evil.
Twenty-four-year-old Kara Zor-El, who was taken in by the Danvers family when she was 13 after being sent away from Krypton, must learn to embrace her powers after previously hiding them. The Danvers teach her to be careful with her powers, until she has to reveal them during an unexpected disaster, setting her on her journey of heroism.
Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.
Former Avenger Clint Barton has a seemingly simple mission: get back to his family for Christmas. Possible? Maybe with the help of Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old archer with dreams of becoming a superhero. The two are forced to work together when a presence from Barton’s past threatens to derail far more than the festive spirit.
Thanks to his police officer father's efforts, Shawn Spencer spent his childhood developing a keen eye for detail (and a lasting dislike of his dad). Years later, Shawn's frequent tips to the police lead to him being falsely accused of a crime he solved. Now, Shawn has no choice but to use his abilities to perpetuate his cover story: psychic crime-solving powers, all the while dragging his best friend, his dad, and the police along for the ride.
After the fall of the Galactic Empire, lawlessness has spread throughout the galaxy. A lone gunfighter makes his way through the outer reaches, earning his keep as a bounty hunter.
Eleanor Shellstrop, an ordinary woman who, through an extraordinary string of events, enters the afterlife where she comes to realize that she hasn't been a very good person. With the help of her wise afterlife mentor, she's determined to shed her old way of living and discover the awesome (or at least the pretty good) person within.
With different personalities, life goals and taste in men, five female college students become housemates in a shared residence called Belle Epoque.
That’s right, honey! A decade after their unforgettable eight-season run, comedy’s most fabulous foursome is back.
There's nothing that bonds a group of single black women together more than sidestepping the land mines of living, working and dating in Atlanta. In a sea of swipe-lefts, social media drama and unrealistic #relationshipgoals, these friends try to find their Mr. Right.
Having left behind Seattle Grace Hospital, renowned surgeon Addison Forbes Montgomery moves to Los Angeles for sunnier weather and happier possibilities. She reunites with her friends from medical school, joining them at their chic, co-op, Oceanside Wellness Center in Santa Monica.
James is 17 and is pretty sure he is a psychopath. Alyssa, also 17, is the cool and moody new girl at school. The pair make a connection and she persuades him to embark on a darkly comedic road trip in search of her real father.
4400 centers on the return of 4400 people who, previously presumed dead or reported missing, reappear on Earth. Though they have not aged physically, some of them seem to have deeper alterations ranging from superhuman strength to an unexplained healing touch. A government agency is formed to track the 4400 people after one of them commits a murder.
Based on the animated series Adventure Time, these four specials explore the unseen corners of the world with both familiar and exciting brand-new characters.
When a low-ranked fairy accidentally resurrects a powerful demon, their fates become cosmically entangled as the world is thrown into turmoil.
Mary Ann returns to present-day San Francisco and is reunited with her daughter and ex-husband, twenty years after leaving them behind to pursue her career. Fleeing the midlife crisis that her picture-perfect Connecticut life created, Mary Ann is quickly drawn back into the orbit of Anna Madrigal, her chosen family and a new generation of queer young residents living at 28 Barbary Lane.
Moriko Morioka is a 30-year-old single NEET woman. After dropping out from reality, she has taken off in search for a fulfilling life and ended up in a net game or "netoge." In the netoge world, she began her new life as a refreshing and handsome character named Hayashi. While starting out as a beginner, a pretty character named Lily reached out to help her. Meanwhile, in the real world, awaits a shocking encounter with a good-looking elite company employee, a mysterious blue-eyed blonde.
Livia and Felipe are in a forbidden love story doomed to end tragically. A century later, they both have a new chance to make their love real again. “Time After Time” is an innovative romance set in two different eras in which characters hold the opportunity to make up for their mistakes, come to terms with the past and write themselves another story.