关键词 Based On Light Novel
青春猪头少年不会梦到红书包女孩 2023
进入三月,第三学期也剩下一个月。麻衣的毕业典礼这一天终于来临。 “叔叔,你是谁?” 咲太在七里滨海岸等待麻衣时,酷似童星时代的麻衣的小学生出现在他面前? 另一方面,花枫事件之后就分开住的咲太父亲来电…… “你妈妈说,她想见花枫一面。” 无法接受花枫发生的事件而长年住院的母亲传达“想见她一面”的心愿…… 家人的羁绊,新思春期症候群的征兆──
青春猪头少年不会梦到娇怜外出妹 2023
祈求初恋对象翔子获得幸福未来的十二月过后,不知不觉间咲太也迎接了高中二年级第三学期的到来。能和三年级生麻衣在峰原高中共度的校园生活所剩不多的这时候,咲太那长年热爱看家的妹妹花枫说出没对任何人透露过的秘密。 「我想读哥哥上的高中。」这对花枫来说是一大决心。咲太明知这是极为困难的选择,还是温柔地支持着花枫──
紫罗兰永恒花园 剧场版 2020
——「爱」究竟是什么? 曾经将「爱」告诉自己、 给予自己的,重要的人。 即使想见,却再也见不到。 永远。 放开了手的、最最重要的那个人。 从事代笔业的她,名字是「薇尔莉特·伊芙加登」。自幼身为士兵参战,没能获得培育心灵机会的她,无法理解自己重要的上司「吉尔伯特·布干维利亚」所留下的话语。——我从心底,爱着你。 让人们背负深深伤痕的战争结束之后,经过数年。生活随着新技术的开发而改变,人们开始面向前方前进。但,薇尔莉特坚信着吉尔伯特还在某处活着,每一天只是思念着他。——亲爱的吉尔伯特少校。今天我又再一次回忆起了少校的事情。薇尔莉特强烈的愿望,溶解在静谧的夜当中。 在吉尔伯特母亲的月忌日,薇尔莉特像是要代替他一般地献上鲜花。某天,她与吉尔伯特的哥哥·迪特福利特海军上校不期而遇。迪特福利特告诉她是时候该忘记吉尔伯特了,但薇尔莉特立刻做出了答复。「我无法忘记」。 就在此时,薇尔莉特接到了一通委托电话。委托人是名叫尤里斯的少年。另一方面,在邮政公司的仓库里,发现了一封收信人不明的信……。
刀剑神域进击篇:暮色黄昏 2022
世界首个VRMMORPG游戏《Sword Art Online》成为了“死亡游戏”。距1万名用户被困在游戏中一事发生,已有一个多月。攻略了钢铁浮游城“艾恩葛朗特”第一层后,亚丝娜继续与桐人搭档,以最顶层为目标继续着旅程。然而,带领玩家攻略游戏的两大精英公会“ALS”(艾恩葛朗特解放队)和“DKB”(龙骑士团)之间爆发了冲突,这背后,有一名神秘人物在暗中行动。在命悬一线的危险战斗中,继“攻略”压力后的另一重“威胁”将桐人和亚丝娜卷入其中。
为美好的世界献上祝福!红传说 2019
本应由于交通事故(!?)导致人生轻易闭幕的游戏迷家里蹲·佐藤和真,事出偶然地带着女神·阿库娅转生到了异世界。“在如同RPG游戏一样的异世界,享受憧憬已久的冒险者生活!目标是勇者!”像这样兴奋了还没多久,转生而来的和真就尽是遇到倒霉的事情。 麻烦制造机废柴女神·阿库娅,重度中二病魔法使·惠惠,妄想停不下来的女骑士·达克妮丝,和真与空有高超能力值却无比残念的这3人组队,欠下一屁股债,涉嫌颠覆国家罪而遭到审判,讨伐魔王军干部,偶尔还会死一死…… 这样的某一天,突然跑来的红魔族少女·悠悠的一句爆炸性发言,让和真等人当场石化。“我想要和真先生的孩子!”问明原因,原来惠惠和悠悠的故乡“红魔之里” 目前正濒临灭亡的危机。追在出发前去拯救村落的悠悠后面,和真等人向着红魔之里出发,但——!?向和真小队袭来的最大危机!平凡的冒险者和真度过的异世界生活,未来究竟会怎样!?
哥布林杀手:哥布林的王冠 2020
希望能找到去击退戈布林而失去消息的剑士小姐。 受到剑之少女的委托,哥布林杀手一行人前往北方雪山。 被袭击的寒村,神秘的教堂,以及察觉到哥布林行动有异样的哥布林杀手。 “夺回……失去的东西,全部。” 为了拯救被囚禁的剑士小姐,以被雪包围的古老城堡为舞台,哥布林杀手等人面对以压倒性强大而自豪的“何者”统率的哥布林,激斗一触即发。
青春猪头少年不会梦到怀梦美少女 2019
居住在天空与海洋辉映的城镇“藤泽”的梓川咲太,就读高中二年级。 他与既是学姐又是恋人的樱岛麻衣所度过的令人雀跃的日常,随着初恋对象牧之原翔子的出现而改变。 不知为何,存在着“中学生”和“大人”两个翔子。 出于无奈开始和翔子住在一起的咲太,受到“大人翔子”的捉弄,和麻衣的关系也变得尴尬。 此时,“中学生翔子”身患重病的事实被发现,咲太的伤痕开始隐隐作痛——。
紫罗兰永恒花园外传:永远与自动手记人偶 2019
作为“战争机器”长大的女主人公薇尔莉特·伊芙加登,在战争中失去双臂,并与收养她的少佐分离,在装上义肢后,成为邮政公司一名从事代写书信工作的 “自动手记人偶”。在车马缓慢、只能以信件传递感情的年代里,“自动手记人偶”通过与委托人接触交流,代写书信,以优美准确的文字传递着人们最为真挚的感情。外传的故事中,薇尔莉特·伊芙加登接到了一桩特殊的委托工作……
Re:从零开始的异世界生活 雪之回忆 2018
中二病也要谈恋爱!剧场版 -Take On Me- 2018
“十八岁。高中最后一年。明明如此,六花却……仍然是个中二病” 升入大学的考试近在眼前,高中三年级到来前的春假。 富㭴勇太和小鸟游六花的共同生活依然一成不变。 但他们的上位契约似乎仍未缔结……。 这样的某一天,六花的姐姐十花宣言要将六花带去意大利。 她说自己的工作已经安定下来,因此要携家迁居。 勇太虽然感到焦躁,但十花却提出了 不能就这么放着考大学也很危险的六花不管,这样的合理意见。 这样下去的话,两人就要被迫分开。 担心他们的丹生谷等一如往常的成员,对勇太提出了“私奔”的提案。 就这样,以日本全国为舞台,两人的逃亡剧就此展开。
剧场版 幼女战记 2019
统一历1926年。 谭雅·冯·提古雷查夫少校所率领的帝国军第二〇三航空魔导大队, 在南方大陆发起攻打共和国军残党的战役。 他们期待着凯旋休假,但在本国等待着他们的却是参谋本部的特命。 命令称“联邦国境附近有大规模动员的征兆”。 面临新的巨人的觉醒,不顾一切的帝国军自然地将战果扩大…… 与此同时,联合王国主导的多国籍义勇军踏入了联邦内部。 敌人的敌人即是朋友。 被国家理性所引导,迎来多舛命运的他们之中,有一位少女。 玛丽·苏准尉。 她为了向杀害父亲的帝国讨回正义,而拿起了枪。
Re:从零开始的异世界生活 冰结之绊 2019
如果是为了你的话,我可以成为任何东西—— 继2018年秋剧场上映的《Re:从零开始的异世界生活 Memory Snow》之后,动画完全新作篇章第2弹。女主角爱蜜莉雅与精灵帕克相遇,被召唤至罗兹瓦尔宅邸之前的故事。讲述一直生活在艾利欧鲁大森林的爱蜜莉雅面临露格尼卡王国王选之前的故事,TV系列的前日谭。
魔法禁书目录:恩底弥翁的奇迹 2013
在学园都市制作的宇宙升降机“恩底弥翁”完成在即的某一天,上条当麻和茵蒂克丝与一位无能力者(Lv0)少女鸣护艾丽莎相遇了。 茵蒂克丝与艾丽莎两人因为“旺盛的食欲”这样谜一般的羁绊而意气相合起来,就在三人享受放学后的愉快时光之时,带着魔术师的史提尔突然发动了袭击。而本次袭击的目标正是艾丽莎。为何身为科学世界的艾丽莎会被魔法世界的人追击?因为受到了魔法世界的强烈攻势,学园都市一侧的莎特奥拉率领着秩序维护部队开始了行动。 上条与茵蒂克丝还有艾丽莎他们因被卷入这样的状况而极度混乱迷茫,史提尔对他们这样说道:“那里的她,将会引发魔法世界跟科学世界之间的战争。” 在科学与魔术魔法交汇之时,以“恩底弥翁”为舞台的故事开始了!
命运-奇异赝品 黎明低语 2023
境界的彼方 剧场版 未来篇 2015
加速世界:无限超频 2016
2046 年,透过名为“神经连结装置(Neuro-Linker)”的终端连线设备,人们已经可以使虚拟构建与完全数位量子化的世界与现实同步,上班族与学生们可以直接在眼中显示各类介面,并以手指凭空触空操作、收发资讯,甚至透过电缆直接与他人连线共享思绪。让生活的大小诸事都已完全无法与网路脱节。作为主角,肥胖、迟钝总是受人欺负而内向自卑的中学生“有田春雪”,只有在虚拟世界中的壁球反应游戏能找到一丝喘息之地。但在某日,众人景仰的学生会副会长“黑雪公主(黑雪姫)”闯入了他的生活中,帮助他脱离被霸凌的困境,并让他接触到名为“Brain Buster”的程式,成为能以千倍思考速度观察实体世界的“超频连线者(Burst Linker)”进而卷进超频者之间的战斗中。为了报答对黑雪公主的恩惠,春雪自愿以化身“白银之鸦(Silver Crow)”对黑雪公主(黑雪姫)效忠而重建“黑之王(Black Lotus)”的“黑暗星云”军团。
AURA ~魔龙院光牙最后的战斗~ 2013
曾经的中二病深度患者佐藤一郎(岛崎信长 饰),再升入高中后痛改前非,决定过回普通高中男生的生活。然而平凡的日子并未持续多久,某晚一郎为了取会忘记的东西返回校舍,结果在走廊里见到了面无表情、衣着古怪的同班同学佐藤良子(花泽香菜 饰)。良子鲜少在班中露面,为了和同姓的佐藤一郎做出区分,因此被同学分别称为Lady’s和Men’s。她自称是来自异世界,其目标是找到“龙端子”。女孩怪异的表现隐隐勾起了一郎对神秘事物的迷恋,而他同时对中二黑历史也深深抗拒。班主任以黑历史要挟,希望一郎能和良子成为朋友。就这样,两个奇怪的少男少女开始了寻找龙端子的神奇旅程……
路人女主的养成方法 Fine 2019
某个春天的日子,安艺伦也决定做一部以在樱花飞舞的坡道上命中注定般相遇的少女——加藤惠为女主角的同人游戏。邀请了加入了美术部、作为同人插画家活动的泽村·斯潘塞·英梨梨,以及学年第一的优等生、作为轻小说作家活跃的霞之丘诗羽,成立了blessing software。终于发表了第一部作品。 英梨梨和诗羽为了开发游戏大作《Fields Chronicle》,来到了人气创作者红坂朱音的身边。blessing software的代表伦也继续进行社团活动,与副代表惠一起开始了新作的开发。启用学妹波岛出海为插画师,委托出海的哥哥——伊织为制作人,和冰堂美智留以及她的乐队——icy tail一起进行新作的开发…… 英梨梨和诗羽的大作究竟如何?伦也和惠的关系有什么异变?blessing software究竟将去向何方?围绕路人女主的青春涂鸦,迎来大结局。
境界的彼方 剧场版 过去篇 2015
血咒一族中硕果仅存的少女栗山未来,与不该存在的半妖少年神原秋人,两人某日放学后在屋顶邂逅,当时的栗山正对人生失去期望,准备从顶楼跳下。然而当她与半妖少年神原秋人初会的时候,世界却为之一变。 一年后,栗山未来奇迹似地从最终决战中生还,竟然失去了记忆。秋人为了栗山未来着想,开始刻意疏远她,希望她不用想起悲惨的过往。然而,在新的战斗中,栗山未来再次表达了对秋人等人的情感,面对种种难题,他们究竟该如何抉择?
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 2018
37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 2021
A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.
Sword Art Online 2012
In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now...
Monogatari 2009
Although there are still traces of the brief period he became a vampire, third-year high school student Koyomi Araragi is human again. He happens upon others with their own supernatural problems and finds that he can empathize. Koyomi becomes involved in their lives, seeking to help them and occasionally asking for advice from Meme Oshino, the homeless man who helped him become human again.
Overlord 2015
In the year 2138, virtual reality gaming is booming. Yggdrasil, a popular online game is quietly shut down one day. However, one player named Momonga decides to not log out. Momonga is then transformed into the image of a skeleton as "the most powerful wizard." The world continues to change, with non-player characters (NPCs) beginning to feel emotion. Having no parents, friends, or place in society, this ordinary young man Momonga then strives to take over the new world the game has become.
Durarara!! 2010
In Tokyo's downtown district of Ikebukuro, amidst many strange rumors and warnings of anonymous gangs and dangerous occupants, one urban legend stands out above the rest—the existence of a headless "Black Rider" who is said to be seen driving a jet-black motorcycle through the city streets. Mikado Ryuugamine has always longed for the excitement of the city life, and an invitation from a childhood friend convinces him to move to Tokyo. Witnessing the Black Rider on his first day in the city, his wishes already seem to have been granted. But as supernatural events begin to occur, ordinary citizens like himself, along with Ikebukuro's most colorful inhabitants, are mixed up in the commotion breaking out in their city.
Shakugan no Shana 2005
The world has become a slaughtering ground for the Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who thrive on the life energy of humans. These merciless murderers only leave behind scant remainders of souls called "Torches," which are mere residues that will eventually be destroyed, along with the very fact of the victims' existence from the minds of the living. In an ambitious endeavor to put an end to this invisible, hungry massacre, warriors called Flame Hazes relentlessly fight these monsters. One fateful day, Yuuji Sakai ceases to be a regular high schooler—he becomes trapped in a crevice of time and is suddenly attacked by a Denizen. Coming to his rescue just in the nick of time is a nameless hunter who seems no different from an ordinary young girl except for her blazing eyes and burning crimson hair. However, before Yuuji can learn anything more about his situation, he discovers that he has already been reduced to a Torch—merely a scrap of memory waiting to be extinguished.
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- 2016
Natsuki Subaru, an ordinary high school student, is on his way home from the convenience store when he finds himself transported to another world. As he's lost and confused in a new world where he doesn't even know left from right, the only person to reach out to him was a beautiful girl with silver hair. Determined to repay her somehow for saving him from his own despair, Subaru agrees to help the girl find something she's looking for.
Date a Live 2013
Thirty years ago a strange phenomenon called a "spacequake" devastated the center of Eurasia, claiming the lives of at least 150 million people. Since then, smaller spacequakes plague the world on an irregular basis. Shido Itsuka, a seemingly ordinary high schooler comes across a mysterious girl at the ground zero of a spacequake and learns she is one of the "Spirits" who are the real cause of the spacequakes that occur when they manifest themselves in the world. He is recruited to make use of his mysterious ability to seal the Spirits' powers thus stopping them from being a threat to mankind. However, there is a catch: to seal a Spirit's power, he must make her fall in love with him and kiss him.
Goblin Slayer 2018
"I'm not saving the world. I just kill goblins." Rumor has it that, in a certain guild in the middle of nowhere, there is an extraordinary man who has climbed all the way to the Silver rank just by killing goblins. At the same guild, a priestess who's just become a new adventurer has formed her first party... and the man who ends up rescuing that party when they get into trouble is none other than the Goblin Slayer.
The Eminence in Shadow 2022
Shadowbrokers are those who go unnoticed, posing as unremarkable people, when in truth, they control everything from behind the scenes. Sid wants to be someone just like that more than anything, and something as insignificant as boring reality isn’t going to get in his way! He trains in secret every single night, preparing for his eventual rise to power—only to denied his destiny by a run-of-the-mill (yet deadly) traffic accident. But when he wakes up in a another world and suddenly finds himself at the head of an actual secret organization doing battle with evil in the shadows, he’ll finally get a chance to act out all of his delusional fantasies!
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill 2023
Tsuyoshi Mukohda, an ordinary salaryman, is suddenly transported to another world one day. The unique skill he gains upon arrival in this world is the seemingly useless "Online Grocery." Mukohda is discouraged at first, but the modern foods he's able to bring to his new world using this skill prove to have some unbelievable effects!
Accel World 2012
A short, overweight student uses the Neuro Link, an evolution of the Nerve Gear, to escape himself from the reality. But his skills in the virtual world brings him to the attention of Kuroyukihime, a popular student who introduces him to the Brain Burst.
Ascendance of a Bookworm 2019
Avid bookworm and college student Motosu Urano ends up dying in an unforeseen accident. This came right after the news that she would finally be able to work as a librarian as she had always dreamed of. When she regained consciousness, she was reborn as Main, the daughter of a poor soldier. She was in the town of Ehrenfest, which had a harsh class system. But as long as she had books, she didn't really need anything else. However, books were scarce and belonged only to the nobles. But that doesn't stop her, so she makes a decision... "If there aren't any books, I'll just create some."
Berserk of Gluttony 2023
Fate Graphite was born into a world where magical skills shape your destiny. His skill is Gluttony, a seemingly useless curse of unending hunger that has left him shunned and looked down upon. Until one day, after he takes the life of a thief, his true power awakens: he can devour the skill of anyone he kills to feed his appetite. Will he learn to control this gruesome ability for the better?
The Apothecary Diaries 2023
Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she's sold as a lowly servant to the emperor's palace. But she wasn't meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she's making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!
Myriad Colors Phantom World 2016
In the near future, in a world born of human imagination, what humans would call ghosts or monsters appear, and they come to be called "phantoms." Haruhiko Ichijō, is a first year at Hosea Academy along with his upperclassman Mai Kawakami, who fights phantoms with the ability "Spirit of Five Elements," Reina Izumi, who has the ability "Phantom Eater," and Koito Minase, who fights phantoms in solitude. They experience the ups and downs of high school life before a certain incident leads them to the truth of this world.
High School D×D 2012
High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!
KONOSUBA - God's blessing on this wonderful world! 2016
After a traffic accident, Kazuma Sato’s disappointingly brief life was supposed to be over, but he wakes up to see a beautiful girl before him. She claims to be a goddess, Aqua, and asks if he would like to go to another world and bring only one thing with him. Kazuma decides to bring the goddess herself, and they are transported to a fantasy world filled with adventure, ruled by a demon king. Now Kazuma only wants to live in peace, but Aqua wants to solve many of this world’s problems, and the demon king will only turn a blind eye for so long…
Violet Evergarden 2018
The war is over, and Violet Evergarden needs a job. Scarred and emotionless, she takes a job as a letter writer to understand herself and her past.