诺丁山 1999
------著名影星安娜斯各特(茱莉亚罗伯茨 饰)的演艺事业如日中天。一天她来到了诺丁山的一间书店,邂逅了事业爱情两失意的老板威廉萨克(休格朗特 饰)。威廉认出了安娜是红极一时的明星,十分惊讶,也没想到自己会爱上这位明星,假扮记者借故约会安娜。很快两人坠入爱河,本来甜蜜的生活却一下子被发现了的记者破坏了。安娜承受着媒体的压力,需要做出决定,两人也吵了起来……
------著名影星安娜斯各特(茱莉亚罗伯茨 饰)的演艺事业如日中天。一天她来到了诺丁山的一间书店,邂逅了事业爱情两失意的老板威廉萨克(休格朗特 饰)。威廉认出了安娜是红极一时的明星,十分惊讶,也没想到自己会爱上这位明星,假扮记者借故约会安娜。很快两人坠入爱河,本来甜蜜的生活却一下子被发现了的记者破坏了。安娜承受着媒体的压力,需要做出决定,两人也吵了起来……
卡尔·阿伦 很长一段时间以来都诸事不顺,因为他总是以消极的“不,不行”式的态度跟人打交道。直到他参加了一个自助课程才有所改变,他在导师泰伦斯的压力下发誓:在一年时间里都只能说“好的”,而不管对方是谁,要求他做的是什么事情。令他惊奇的是,当他开始实践自己的誓言的时候,生活发生了不可思议的变化,他不仅得到了升职,赢得了45000美元的奖金,得到了一只人人爱的小狗,获得了护理学的学位,甚至一次环游世界的大好机会也落到他头上,但这些还不是最美妙的,最终,他还与一个叫蕾妮的美丽女孩 共堕爱河。然而,当他满怀信心地准备拥抱更多的机会时,却没有预料到,他根本消受不了如此之多的好事。
萨布里娜(朱莉娅·奥蒙德饰)是长岛一个富有庄园的司机的女儿,不谙世事的她对主人家的英俊风流的二少爷戴维(格雷戈·金尼尔饰)产生了恋情。但喜欢美色的戴维对平凡的萨布里娜根本不屑一顾,像这样平凡的女孩根本就不是他喜欢的类型。戴维的母亲莱瑞比夫人托朋友给萨布里娜在巴黎找了一份工作,打算把她送到巴黎的《时尚》杂志社中去工作两年。去巴黎工作就意味着要和戴维分开,这让萨布里娜十分难过。临别前,萨布里娜到来戴维的房间吐露了自己的感情,没想到却被戴维的哥哥莱纳斯(哈里森·福特饰)洞察了心曲。 在《时尚》杂志社里工作的萨布里娜渐渐变成一位漂亮干练、魅力四射的独立女性。在长岛,与风流倜傥的戴维不同的敬业家莱纳斯正和其母在极力撮合戴维与一家电子公司老板帕特里克·泰森之女伊莉莎白的婚事,因为两家产业合并有利可图,不久他们宣布订婚。从巴黎返回长岛的萨布里娜极具魅力,这让在路上巧遇她的戴维几乎认不出这就是当年那个平凡的邻家小女孩。戴维完全被她迷住了,一种前所未有的爱情冲动撞击着他的心灵。 在一次生日晚会上,迷醉的戴维邀请她去日光浴室会面饮酒。为了阻止戴维做出不利家族的事来,大哥莱纳斯提出以一百万的高价收买萨布里娜,但遭到断然回绝。于是,他一面命人给意外受伤住院的弟弟服了镇静剂,一面佯称要萨布里娜和他一起飞到马萨的葡萄园为产业拍照,以斩断他们的情缘。可是,这次同行却使一向不露声色的莱纳斯堕入情网并向萨布里娜表白了爱情。大感意外的萨布里娜长久地沉默着,回到庄园,戴维重提与萨布里娜约会的事,但被拒绝了。 与此同时,泰森父女要挟说,不赶走萨布里娜就取消合并。莱纳斯赶忙订了飞往巴黎的机票,想安置萨布里娜安静地生活在那里。此时已爱上莱纳斯的萨布里娜欣然接受邀请,但莱纳斯却受良心谴责,埋白了自己不很纯洁的动机。萨布里娜肝肠寸断地独往巴黎,得知莱纳斯恶意的计划后的戴维冲动地与兄长打了起来,却逼得莱纳斯吐露了心声。最终,戴维顾及了家族的利益与伊莉沙白成婚,莱纳斯则飞往巴黎与萨布里娜结合在一起 [2] 。
在纽约行医的伦敦牙医伯特伦•平库斯(瑞奇•吉弗斯 Richy Gervais 饰)不善与人相处,自私自利又愤世嫉俗。在一次结肠手术意外中,伯伦特假死7分钟,醒来后便具有了与鬼魂交流的能力。被众鬼魂骚扰烦不胜烦的伯伦特遇到了生前是公共关系专家的鬼魂弗兰克(格雷格•金尼尔 Greg Kinnear 饰),为求清净答应了他的请求,帮助阻止弗兰克遗孀、考古专家格温(蒂娅•莱欧妮Téa Leoni 饰)与人权律师男友理查德(比利•坎贝尔 Billy Campbell 饰)再婚。在与格温的接触中,伯伦特发现自己竟逐渐坠入爱河;而格温与理查德的婚事如愿取消,却并未达成弗兰克了结尘缘的心愿。不仅如此,众鬼魂求伯伦特协助完成最后愿望的请求愈演愈烈,这使一贯以自我为中心的伯伦特无所适从……
米歇尔(朱丽叶•比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)是个富家女,心里却并不幸福。她失恋,患上眼疾,情绪低落之下决定到外面的世界去流浪。她喜欢画画,在街头遇到断了腿的埃里克斯(德尼•拉旺 Denis Lavant 饰),画下了他抽搐的脸。拉旺是个一无所有的流浪汉,却爱上了米歇尔。两人开始了热恋,流浪中互相取暖互相疗伤。然而米歇尔的视力慢慢模糊,她的心愿是在失明前看看博物馆的画。满街都贴着米歇尔家人的寻人启事,拉旺感到米歇尔即将离他而去,悲伤不已。他用枪打碎自己的手指,疯狂的烧掉寻人通知,却没有留得住一段即将幻灭的感情。 ©豆瓣
埃利斯(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)是一名商人,曾经有过一段非常黑暗的过去。他的父亲罗伊(詹姆斯·卡恩 James Caan 饰)是一名杀人凶手,犯下过灭门的惨案。父亲带给埃利斯的阴影一直持续到他成年。之后,在一场旅途中,埃利斯邂逅了名为戴维斯(梅格·瑞恩 Meg Ryan 饰)的女子,戴维斯温柔而又善良,她的出现拯救了埃利斯一团乱麻的生活。很快,两人就坠入了情网,走到了一起。 实际上,戴维斯也有着悲惨的经历,她的所有家人都死于一场谋杀,而她是唯一的一名幸存者。埃利斯可怕的预感得到了证实,杀死戴维斯家人的不是别人,正是自己的父亲。
上世纪90年代初东北,年轻气盛的私营小巴司机徐铁爱上了家境优渥的舞蹈演员陈丽莎,因为现实差距,二人的关系遭到丽莎母亲的强烈反对。为了赚钱, 徐铁答应帮助老板二条接货,而陷入险境。默默暗恋徐铁的蚊子为救徐铁而牺牲,让徐铁悔恨不已,而陈丽莎却在现实面前放弃了徐铁。因年少无知而犯错,付出了代价的徐铁终于成长,醒悟真爱原来在身边。
Ji Shu is a young writer of popular novels. His books are a hit among their many fans, but Ji Shu is blighted by emotional apathy and pessimism writer. His novels ultimately reflect this bleak outlook and almost universally end in tragedy. In many ways, he is the quintessential BE (bad ending) writer. By contrast, Song Yan Qi is an optimistic film and drama series planner. She loves happy ending (HE) stories. Song Yan Qi would like to adapt a Ji Shu novel for the screen but would ideally like to ensure the story ends happily – something Ji Shu cannot accept. But the duo’s lives are thrown into chaos when they are sucked into the world of the novel. As they begin to “live” the lives of Ji Shu’s characters, they begin to “rewrite” the story – and become drawn to one another. But will their own love stories end in joy – or sadness?
When a low-ranked fairy accidentally resurrects a powerful demon, their fates become cosmically entangled as the world is thrown into turmoil.
Andy, a Negator with the ability "Undead," has been long in search for someone with the ability to give him a 'real death.' Fuko Izumo brings misfortune to those around her due to her ability "Unluck." The two decide to join the Union, an organization which aims to control and protect the world from unidentified phenomena. The two uncover the mystery of the world as they search for the "greatest death ever."
Taira Kei has a talent for contemporary dance since he was young and went to study in Germany to join a dance company in his teens. He has won several international competitions and was referred to as a “prodigy”. However, he encountered a setback in the middle and got frustrated. He returned to Tokyo and takes a part-time work while he tries to re-capture his dream. Nishihara Yui is a Chemisty teacher in her 30s, working at a prestigious high school. Even while continuing a love affair with a married colleague, she was still lonely until she meets Kei and gets swallowed in passion.
It follows a pair of school sweethearts who part ways and meet again in a story about never giving up on love and bravely chasing after your dreams. Zhou Xiao is a big fan of detective novels. Zhao Fanzhou is a student of forensic science who is talented in the field. The two fall into a sweet romance, yet their story ends in a heartbreak when Zhao Fanzhou breaks up with Zhou Xiao. One day, they meet again.
Shi Huahua, a wild girl from the countryside, is skilled in martial arts. On her way to the mountains alone for training, she promised her master to do "98 good deeds." When she first enters the big city, she becomes the spokesperson of a company by mistake and saves the two-faced boss, Zhou Zhifei. The boss is caught in a family feud and his inner trauma has relapsed. A seemingly coincidental yet is actually a story full of fate thus unfolded. The two people's contrasting upbringing, attitudes and lifestyles are brought together and the two of them gain healing from each other. Surrounded by family, friendship and love, both of them eventually realize the end goal of their life and achieve a beautiful love that best suits each other.
Everyone thought that fate played an unbelievable joke - the foul-mouthed woman from the village who can beat a brawny man with her bare hands has become queen! She will be the one to help her "weak chicken" husband in a story full of laughter and warmth. Liu Jin Feng was abandoned by her own father. Growing up in a small alley, she and her mother only had each other to depend on. The entire court laughed when she married into the imperial family. Even her husband, the King , was suspicious of her and repeatedly tried to test her loyalties. Duke Qi has been manipulating government affairs, the young king has always had lofty ideals for the future of his kingdom. Jin Feng's chubby appearance is unlike the fair and slender maidens in the inner court. With her around, life in the palace has become less boring and more chaotic. As the newly weds get to know each other, the most "mismatched" king and queen become the most perfect couple.
A working class single mother appeals to send her son to the best state school in her area. When the headmaster of a local private school hears of her campaign, he is intrigued, and offers her son a place at his school, betting that he can turn the boy's life around.
Liu Xiangxiang, trapped in a dream, is tasked with assassinating Prince Mu Chunshen in the Kingdom of Chu, with four chances before facing death by poison. Disguising herself in various roles within the prince's mansion, her attempts are repeatedly thwarted by unforeseen events. As she gets closer to Mu Chunshen, she discovers his kindness and falls in love, while uncovering the hidden truth behind her assassination mission.