魔法坏女巫 2024
阴间大法师(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)回来了!在发生一场意想不到的家庭悲剧后,迪兹家族的三代家人又回到冬河镇的家中。丽迪亚(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)仍然受到阴间大法师的纠缠,当她叛逆的女儿阿斯特丽德(珍娜·奥尔特加 Jenna Ortega 饰)在阁楼发现了神秘的小镇模型,以及通往阴间的入口不小心被打开之后,她的生活就被搞得天翻地覆。当阴间和阳间开始出现麻烦时,迟早会有人说出阴间大法师的名字三次,然后这个调皮捣蛋的恶魔就会回来,释放他独特的混乱力量。
勇敢善战雷神托尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰),作为永恒境界阿斯加德的王位继承人,受人敬仰。然而由于一次鲁莽的行动,险些挑起一场古老的战争,因此被父亲天神奥丁(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)流放到人间。托尔在人间认识了 美丽的女科学家珍•福斯特(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)和她的工作伙伴,在他们的帮助下,托尔找到了和自己一起被贬的雷神之锤,但此时的雷神之锤并不属于他。此间,托尔的弟弟洛基为了成为阿斯加德的王,居然联合寒冰巨人,企图在永恒境界掀起一场腥风血雨。为了维持永恒之界的法度,托尔的四位朋友也来到人间,他们决定带托尔返回永恒之境。此时,为了阻止雷神重归永恒境界,洛基派出巨人杀死托尔。丧失能力和法战的托尔为了保护无辜的人类与自己的朋友,献出了自己的生命。托尔的死打破了天神的的咒语,托尔复活并重获雷神之力战胜巨人。此时,天神生命危在旦夕,托尔必须与自己的朋友们重返永恒之界,维护那里的法度……
十九世纪,罗马尼亚存在着一个人鬼共存的神秘地带――特兰西尼亚古镇。镇上有一支邪恶势力在天黑后统治着该地区,那就是吸血鬼德古拉(理查德•劳斯伯格 Richard Roxburgh 饰)领导下妖魔鬼怪。他们一到日黑就出来大肆杀戮,手段异常残忍。更加恐怖的是,这个队伍在不断壮大中,噬血的科学怪人也不远万里投靠了德古拉。 罗马尼亚的天主教在多次征剿失利后,远赴美国请来了吸血鬼猎人范海辛(休•杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)。范海辛带着助手前往特兰西尼亚途中,巧合下救了另一位吸血鬼女猎人――安娜(凯特•贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)。安娜因为家族世代受到德古拉的诅咒而家破人亡,从小练就了一套猎鬼本领。安娜和范海辛一拍即合,共同前往对付德古拉……
室町时代时期的虾夷族少年阿席达卡,某日遇到被称为“邪魔神”攻击他所居住村落的怪物。在阿席达卡为了保护村落与邪魔神对战时,过程当中遭受邪魔神的攻击而留下创伤与诅咒。击败了邪魔神之后,阿席达卡发现对方是由一头愤怒的山猪神所变化而成,并在祂的体内发现一颗铁弹。之后村里的女巫便劝他以铁弹为线索,来离开村落前往西方,查找邪魔神产生的来源和解除诅咒方法。 于阿席达卡的旅途中,他拯救了两名来自于炼铁据地“达达拉城”的住民。在协助对方返回到达达拉城之后,阿席达卡得知邪魔神身上的铁弹,便是遭到由达达拉城所打造的火枪所伤,其中达达拉城的统治者黑帽大人因为炼铁缘故从森林中砍伐许多木头资源,便与森林中的神祇交恶发生冲突。起初阿席达卡对于黑帽大人夺取资源、伤害森林神祇的行为感到愤怒,但之后目睹到众多穷人以及被社会隔离的痳疯患者在达达拉城有着生存机会而动摇。 后续他知晓森林里住着一位由犬神所养大,憎恨黑帽大人一心想取下对方性命,有着“幽灵公主”名号的人类少女小桑。在阿席达卡来到达达拉城的当日夜晚里,小桑突然现身于达达拉城内想找寻机会突击黑帽大人。当她们俩人展开打斗时,阿席达卡试图想调停双方之间的斗争,但在阻止的过程中阿席达卡意外遭旁人用石火枪给误射打伤。而小桑之后则将阿席达卡带回自己居住的森林里疗养。 在伤口撤销后,阿席达卡得知小桑打算与其祂山猪神同盟向人类一决死战,并发现到黑帽大人要与朝廷一方势力联手,来夺取名为“山兽神”的森林神祇之首级,以获得对方长生不死能力的事情。之后阿席达卡便试着想在混乱的局势中,找寻可解决冲突的方式。
一个无名少女和她的冒险家伙伴们必须对抗邪恶的末影龙,后者正走在毁灭的道路上,威胁着要摧毁这个封闭的星球。 游戏可单人可多人,玩家在一个三维世界里用各种方块建造建筑物,透过像积木一样来对元素进行组合与拼凑,能制作出小木屋、城堡或城市。
权欲熏心、冷酷嗜血的海恩波利国王(米基.洛克饰)为寻找失落多年的传说中的厄皮洛斯神弓,不惜带领他残暴的军队将古希腊夷为平地。凭借这把威力无比的神弓,他释放了足以毁灭众生的魔兽泰坦,他将有能力推翻奥林匹斯山的众神,成为他的世界的绝对统治者。 此时此刻宇宙之神宙斯也需要一个英雄。一位叫忒修斯的石匠(亨利.卡维尔饰)发誓要为在海恩波利的袭击中死去的母亲报仇。他成为被神选中的英雄,在先知的帮助下,最终他在决定人类未来的殊死决战中成为不朽的战神。
迪士尼日前邀请《列车上的女孩》(The Girl on the Train)编剧艾琳·克里希达·威尔森(Erin Cressida Wilson)为他们创作一部真人版《白雪公主》电影的剧本,同时他们还邀请《啦啦之地》(La La Land)里歌曲的作词人Benj Pasek和Justin Paul为本片创作全新的歌曲。
老鼠德佩罗(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 配音)自幼体弱多病,却拥有两只硕大无比的耳朵。童年在图书馆度过,慢慢的开始学会了认字,学会了阅读,他喜欢童话故事中那些英雄救美的故事,常常幻想自己也能成为一个英勇的骑士,在美人落难时拔刀相助。一次外出中,德佩罗认识了豌豆公主(艾玛·沃特森 Emma Watson 配音)。渴望成为英雄的德佩罗,因为触犯了鼠国严苛的律条被父亲勒斯特(威廉姆·H·麦西 William H. Macy 配音)驱逐。在多尔王国外的广袤土地上,德佩罗认识了同样被自己国家驱逐的老鼠罗斯库洛(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 配音)。 不久之后,流放的德佩罗得知豌豆公主被关入地牢,对公主心怀爱恋的德佩罗决定决一死战救出公主,会战胜邪恶赢得自己该有的爱和尊严吗? 本片根据美国著名儿童文学家凯特·迪卡米罗的同名小说改编。
住在深山老林里的老爷爷(地井武男 配音)一早进山砍竹子,结果竟在附近的一根发光的竹笋中发现了只有掌心大小的娃娃。没有子女的老爷爷兴奋不已,他双手捧着娃娃回到家中,而小家伙竟然在老奶奶(宫本信子 配音)的手中越变越大。之后的岁月里,舐犊情深的爷爷小心呵护他的公主(朝仓亚纪 配音),小女孩则以惊人的速度生长,她与村里的孩子们周游乡间,结识了诚实可靠的舍丸哥哥(高良健吾 饰),而一首莫名的歌曲却令她潸然泪下。老爷爷在山里先后发现金子和美丽布匹,他决心让公主过上贵族的生活,于是举家搬到了京城的豪宅中。公主超凡脱俗,貌美绝伦,从此“辉耀姬”的名字在京城贵族间广为传颂。然而美丽女孩的笑容渐渐退去,这似乎并不是她所向往的生活……
Naruto Uzumaki, a mischievous adolescent ninja, struggles as he searches for recognition and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the village's leader and strongest ninja.
A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.
37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.
Years ago, the fearsome Pirate King, Gol D. Roger was executed leaving a huge pile of treasure and the famous "One Piece" behind. Whoever claims the "One Piece" will be named the new King of the Pirates. Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who consumed a "Devil Fruit," decides to follow in the footsteps of his idol, the pirate Shanks, and find the One Piece. It helps, of course, that his body has the properties of rubber and that he's surrounded by a bevy of skilled fighters and thieves to help him along the way. Luffy will do anything to get the One Piece and become King of the Pirates!
Bullies often target someone frail and weak—someone exactly like Yûgi Muto. He treasures his Millennium Puzzle, an ancient Egyptian artifact that was brought into his grandfather's game shop. Believing that solving the puzzle will grant him his wish, he completes the puzzle, unleashing a new personality within him, the soul of the "King of Games." The new personality named Yami Yûgi is the exact opposite of Yûgi. Upon any injustice toward him, Yami Yûgi takes over Yûgi's body and forces the opponent into a "Shadow Game".
In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now...
Nakajima Youko is your average somewhat timid high school student. One day, a strange man named Keiki appears before her, swearing allegiance. Before she could properly register what was happening, demon-like creatures attack Youko and her friends, after which they are pulled into a different world. A world unlike what she has ever known. Separated from Keiki, Youko and her friends must do whatever they can if they wish to survive in this new world.
Two young brothers are raised as alchemists, but when they are severely injured trying to perform a forbidden act, they begin searching for the one thing that can save them; the fabled philosopher's stone.
Ken Kaneki, a bookworm college student, meets Rize, a girl his own age with whom he shares many interests.
Kobayashi lives alone in an apartment, until one day, Tohru appeared and they ended up living together. Tooru looks down on humans as inferior and foolish, but having been saved by Kobayashi-san, she does everything she can to repay the debt and help her with various things, although not everything goes according to plan. A mythical everyday life comedy about a hard working office lady living with a dragon girl.
Reach the top, and everything will be yours. At the top of the tower exists everything in this world, and all of it can be yours. You can become a god. This is the story of the beginning and the end of Rachel, the girl who climbed the tower so she could see the stars, and Bam, the boy who needed nothing but her.
"I'm not saving the world. I just kill goblins." Rumor has it that, in a certain guild in the middle of nowhere, there is an extraordinary man who has climbed all the way to the Silver rank just by killing goblins. At the same guild, a priestess who's just become a new adventurer has formed her first party... and the man who ends up rescuing that party when they get into trouble is none other than the Goblin Slayer.
Twelve-year-old Gon Freecss one day discovers that the father he had always been told was dead was alive. His Father, Ging, is a Hunter — a member of society's elite with a license to go anywhere or do almost anything. Gon, determined to follow in his father's footsteps, decides to take the Hunter Examination and eventually find his father to prove himself as a Hunter in his own right. But on the way, he learns that there is more to becoming a Hunter than previously thought, and the challenges that he must face are considered the toughest in the world.
Thirty years ago a strange phenomenon called a "spacequake" devastated the center of Eurasia, claiming the lives of at least 150 million people. Since then, smaller spacequakes plague the world on an irregular basis. Shido Itsuka, a seemingly ordinary high schooler comes across a mysterious girl at the ground zero of a spacequake and learns she is one of the "Spirits" who are the real cause of the spacequakes that occur when they manifest themselves in the world. He is recruited to make use of his mysterious ability to seal the Spirits' powers thus stopping them from being a threat to mankind. However, there is a catch: to seal a Spirit's power, he must make her fall in love with him and kiss him.
In 2012, the world allegedly comes to an end at the hands of a human-made virus, ravaging the global populace and leaving only children untouched. It is at this time that vampires emerge from the recesses of the earth, likely followed by age-old horrors of the dark thought only to be myth. The vampires sweep the earth and claim it in a single violent stroke, subjugating the remnants of humanity and leading them beneath the surface to safety. This "protection" comes at the price of donating blood to their captors. At the age of twelve, Yūichirō and his friend and fellow orphan Mikaela plotted to escape along with the children in Hyakuya Orphanage. However, this resulted in their deaths and Mikaela sacrifices himself in order for Yūichirō to escape and be saved by members of the Moon Demon Company, an extermination unit of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. Four years later, Yūichirō dedicates his life to destroy vampires and seek revenge against them for murdering his "family".
Young Tatsumi travels to the capital of the Empire in order to earn money for his starving people and encounters a world of unimaginable depravity, dominated by the ruthless Prime Minister who controls the child Emperor. Tatsumi is recruited by Night Raid, a group of assassins dedicated to eliminating corruption by mercilessly killing officials and privileged nobles.
Seeking to recover his memory, a scissor-wielding, hairdressing, bungling quasi-assassin stumbles into a struggle for power among feuding factions.
After a traffic accident, Kazuma Sato’s disappointingly brief life was supposed to be over, but he wakes up to see a beautiful girl before him. She claims to be a goddess, Aqua, and asks if he would like to go to another world and bring only one thing with him. Kazuma decides to bring the goddess herself, and they are transported to a fantasy world filled with adventure, ruled by a demon king. Now Kazuma only wants to live in peace, but Aqua wants to solve many of this world’s problems, and the demon king will only turn a blind eye for so long…
The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.
Honnouji Academy is forcefully ruled by the iron-fisted control of its student council and its president, Satsuki Kiryuin. Transfer student, Ryuko Matoi, arrives on campus carrying a giant sword, that is actually half of a scissor. She is looking for the woman who holds the other half of her sword who killed her father. It is said that Satsuki Kiryuin knows the identity of the killer but when Ryuko confronts her she is beaten by the student council and their powerful "Goku Uniforms" whom she cannot match in strength. However, once Ryuko receives her own "Kamui" by the name of Senketsu, the odds are lifted in her favor.