我的老屁友 2024
《My Old Ass》是一部2024年的科幻喜剧剧情片,讲述了自由奔放的Elliott在一次蘑菇旅行中与39岁的自己相遇。当“老Elliott”向年轻的Elliott传达警告时,Elliott意识到她必须重新思考关于家庭、生活和爱情的一切。
《My Old Ass》是一部2024年的科幻喜剧剧情片,讲述了自由奔放的Elliott在一次蘑菇旅行中与39岁的自己相遇。当“老Elliott”向年轻的Elliott传达警告时,Elliott意识到她必须重新思考关于家庭、生活和爱情的一切。
贾斯汀·朗(Justin Long)饰演的播客(Podcast)主持人华莱士(Wallace)去采访环球探险家Mr. Howe(Michael Parks 饰演),结果被后者变成了半人半海象的怪物。而华莱士失踪后,哈里·乔·奥斯蒙特(Haley Joel Osment)所饰演的他的搭档Teddy Craft偕同华莱士的女友(Genesis Rodriguez 饰演)一同出发去寻找他。据说,约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)扮演的角色叫Guy Lapointe,是一名加拿大法语区的侦探。
马修(理查德·法恩斯沃斯Richard Farnsworth饰)和玛利亚(科琳·杜赫斯特Colleen Dewhurst饰)自觉年事已高,决定收养一个男孩来帮助他们料理农场里大大小小的事务。然而,孤儿院却闹出了马大哈,将一个名叫安妮(梅根·佛洛斯Megan Follows饰)的红发女孩送到了爱德华王子岛上。 安妮非常的活泼可爱,整天都有着说不完的话,问不完的问题,这让向来严肃缺乏幽默感的玛利亚感到招架不来。然而,随着时间的推移,老少之间渐渐产生了真挚的情谊。安妮梦想能够成为一名小说家,并且为了实现梦想而拒绝了一直爱慕她的少年吉尔伯特(强纳森·哥伦比Jonathan Crombie饰)的求婚。
13岁的爱米和妈妈生活在一起,一次交通事故夺去了妈妈的生命。爱米跟着久未谋面的父亲来到了农场生活。父亲酷爱飞行和发明,家里面到处都是稀奇古怪的发明。所有的这一切都让爱米感到很不适应。在一片被开发商推倒的树丛中,爱米意外的发现了一窝大雁蛋。爱米将这些雁蛋带回家,用自己的衣服和灯泡作了一个简单的孵化箱,一天天的等待着小雁出壳。一天,当爱米再次打开孵化箱的时候,一群湿漉漉的小雁子正瞪着圆溜溜的眼睛好奇的看着她。小雁子出壳了!出于本能,小雁子会把他们出壳后第一次看到的活的动物认做是自己的妈妈。于是,爱米就成了雁妈妈,小雁子们始终寸步不离的跟着她,在她身后争先恐后的奔跑着…… 在这些小雁子身上,爱米重新找到了快乐。可是按照政府的规定,野雁不可以被家养。为了让这些野雁重返自然,为了让爱米从失去母亲的悲伤中解脱出来,父亲卖掉了自己心爱的月球登陆舱,为爱米做了一架象大雁一样的飞机,教会了爱米飞翔。爱米驾驶着飞机冲上蓝天,在她身后,有长长的一队大雁在陪伴她一起飞翔…爱米和父亲驾驶着飞机,带着雁群,向雁子过冬的地方——安大略湖飞去。他们飞过河流,飞过草地,飞过城市。那个13岁的女孩和她的雁群成了天空中一道靓丽的风景,吸引着人们的目光。爱米终于到达了目的地,把大雁带回了家。等候在那里的一大群人都高兴的欢呼起来。阳光下,爱米的野雁在湖水中自由的嬉戏,南方的太阳柔和的给它们披上了一层温暖的光……
单亲妈妈戴安(安妮·杜尔瓦勒 Anne Dorval 饰)大大咧咧,抽烟喝酒满口脏话,有着一颗不服输的心。她独自抚养患有多动症、常做出暴力行为的儿子斯蒂夫(安托万-奥利弗·波尼安 Antoine-Olivier Pilon 饰),母子关系游走在爆炸的边缘。戴安担心斯蒂夫惹是生非,斯蒂夫迫切想表达对妈妈的爱。新邻居凯拉(苏珊娜·克莱蒙 Suzanne Clément 饰)适时出现,这位患有失语症的高中女教师充当了母子的缓冲阀,让三个人都开始看到平衡和希望。然而斯蒂夫以前暴力行为带来的后果正在发酵,戴安需要支付一大笔赔偿金。她决定出卖自己的幸福并且做出一个痛苦决定:将儿子送回医院接受治疗...... 《妈咪》是加拿大年轻导演泽维尔·多兰执导的第五部剧情长片,与多兰五年前在戛纳导演双周单元惊艳亮相的处女作《我杀了我妈妈》构成对照,同样讲述单亲家庭中狂躁而又深刻、依赖而又隔膜的母子关系。但不同于《我杀了我妈妈》的高度自传属性,《妈咪》更加宽厚和温暖,情绪更加饱满,几乎可以看作是多兰为自己处女作年少轻狂做出的一份愧意表达。本片入围第67届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元,与《再见语言》并列评审团奖。 ©豆瓣
《熊的故事》是由让·雅克·阿诺执导的冒险家庭片,切基·卡尤、Jack Wallace等参与演出。该片讲述了两只熊在森林中的惊险经历。
曾经享誉盛名的儿童侦探(现年32岁)继续解决宿醉和顾影自怜之间的琐碎谜团。 直到一个天真的客户将他的第一个“成人”案带给他——找出谁残酷地谋杀了她的男朋友。
在未来的世界里,美国政府被推翻而成立了吉累共和国,这是一个专利独裁的政权 ,由于某些不明的原因社会上不孕的原因极为严重,因此有生育能力的年轻女人被当作特权子生育下一代的工具。凯和丈夫及五岁的女儿企图逃离吉累共和国时遭到逮捕,因而被送到统治者家中作为统治者生育的工具。由于统治者为凯之美色所惑而开始要求增加幽会次数,统治者之妻便唆使凯与年轻司机来往……
这部记录片拍摄的起因是美国哥伦比亚中学的校园枪击事件。纪录片人摩尔着眼于大屠杀的背景、环境以及公众对这个事件反应,深入到美国暴力事件的本质,把枪支作为一种符号来探讨美国自由和自我毁灭之间的联系与矛盾。摩尔通过与南方公园作者Matt Stone、美国枪支协会时任主席Charlton Heston和音乐人Marilyn Manson等人的互动,逐步揭示出科伦拜恩大屠杀发生和美国高暴力犯罪的根源。
冰球是令加拿大举国疯狂的体育项目,电视上,多伦多与蒙特利尔两地的评论员唇枪舌剑,电视前,分处两地的警员马丁 与大卫 却同样面对和子女沟通的障碍。一起发生在州界上的凶杀案让两人走到了一起,但法语区和英语区的差异为他们貌合神离的合作增加了不少佐料。以死者身上的纹身以及现场的直升机为线索,两人逐渐接近事情的真相,但那位纹身杀人狂的动作始终快他们一步,甚至在电视节目中直接向二人挑衅。在办案过程中,马丁和大卫求同存异增进了了解,幕后那位视出卖球队为叛国行为的狂热冰球爱好者也浮出了水面……
Ex-pro hockey player Matt Shade irrevocably changes his life when he teams up with fierce P.I. Angie Everett to form an unlikely investigative powerhouse.
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?
Following the adventures of a bunch of nobodies who get up to a whole lot of nothing in the fictional prairie town of Dog River, Saskatchewan, Corner Gas focuses on the life (or lack thereof) of Brent LeRoy, proprietor of a gas station that is the only stop for miles around and a hub of action on the Prairies.
A team of Vancouver investigators, led by homicide detective Angie Flynn, sets out to uncover the motive of each puzzling murder by discovering the killer's connection to the victim. Viewers get a glimpse of the killer before and after the crime is committed.
A coming-of-age story about an outsider who, against all odds and numerous challenges, fights for love and acceptance and for her place in the world. The series centers on a young orphaned girl in the late 1890’s, who, after an abusive childhood spent in orphanages and the homes of strangers, is mistakenly sent to live with an elderly woman and her aging brother. Over time, 13-year-old Anne will transform their lives and eventually the small town in which they live with her unique spirit, fierce intellect and brilliant imagination.
Toronto’s only female private detective in the 1920s takes on the cases the police don’t want or can’t handle. From airplanes and booze running to American G-men, Communists and union busters, Frankie’s fearless sense of adventure gets her into all kinds of trouble, but she always manages to find her way out.
The life of a group of adolescents going through the trials and tribulations of teendom at Degrassi Community School.
The day-to-day life of two unwilling partners of the Montreal Police Department, Officers Nick Barron and Ben Chartier. These two beat cops patrol the urban sprawl of downtown's 19th district, in cruiser No. 2. 19-2 is about the tensions and bonds that develop between two incompatible men of very different temperaments and life experiences. Over time, Nick and Ben's mistrust and antagonism for each other give way to moments of mutual respect and a wavering chance at a true partnership.
Letterkenny follows Wayne, a good-ol’ country boy in Letterkenny, Ontario trying to protect his homegrown way of life on the farm, against a world that is constantly evolving around him. The residents of Letterkenny belong to one of three groups: Hicks, Skids, and Hockey Players. The three groups are constantly feuding with each other over seemingly trivial matters; often ending with someone getting their ass kicked.
Cold Squad is a Canadian police procedural television series first broadcast in 1998 that followed the investigations of a part of the Vancouver Police Department Homicide Division tasked with solving cold cases, the titular Cold Squad, as led by Sergeant Ali McCormick. The cast of Cold Squad was diverse and changing, McCormick being the only character to appear in all 7 seasons. Some notable series regulars include Detective Tony Logozzo in seasons 1-2, Sgt. Frank Coscarella in seasons 3-4, Sgt. Len Harper in seasons 5-7, Insp. Vince Schneider season 1, Insp. Simon Ross season 2, Insp. Andrew Pawlachuk seasons 3-7, Det. Mickey Kollander seasons 3-6, Det. Nicco Sevallis seasons 3-6, Christine Wren seasons 4-7, as well as Det. Samantha Walters and Const. Ray Chase in season 7. Between the second and third seasons, almost the entire on-screen cast other than Julie Stewart were replaced. This along with the new sets, a significant revamp of the credits and theme music, and even having McCormick's hair change from auburn to dirty-blonde all contributed to a considerable reworking of the series.
Da Vinci's Inquest is a Canadian dramatic television series that aired on CBC Television from 1998 to 2005. While never a ratings blockbuster, seven seasons of thirteen episodes each were filmed for a total of ninety-one episodes. The show, set and filmed in Vancouver, stars Nicholas Campbell as Dominic Da Vinci, once an undercover officer for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but now a crusading coroner who seeks justice in the cases he investigates. The cast also includes Gwynyth Walsh as Da Vinci's ex-wife and chief pathologist Patricia Da Vinci, Donnelly Rhodes as detective Leo Shannon, and Ian Tracey as detective Mick Leary.
Follow the booze-fueled misadventures of three longtime pals and petty serial criminals who run scams from their Nova Scotia trailer park.
Ambitious young cops try to prove themselves in their high-stakes careers, in which the smallest mistake can have deadly consequences. At the core of the close-knit group is perfectionist Andy McNally, whose father was a homicide detective before he burned out on the job. The series follows Andy and her four colleagues -- Dov Epstein, Gail Peck, Traci Nash and Chris Diaz -- as they experience the trials, triumphs and tribulations of police work, as well as its effect on their personal lives.
Take a trip to Yellowknife, Canada to experience one of the most dangerous careers around. In unfathomably cold conditions, truck drivers haul equipment and supplies to miners in the Canadian tundra in the dead of winter on a 350-mile highway of ice.
Toby Logan is a highly skilled paramedic with a secret – he can read minds. Toby never really knew his parents and grew up in foster care, this coupled with his secret, which he shares with no one, has made him a bit of a loner. Until now, Toby has kept his ability hidden, exploring its possibilities only with his long time mentor and confidante Dr. Ray Mercer.
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
Griffin Conner, a med-school dropout having left in a haze of disgrace, is forced to return to Bethune General Hospital as its newest orderly and work alongside his family.
Blue Murder is a Canadian crime drama television series, featuring stories that reflected the turbulence of urban life and the crimes that make headlines. The Blue Murder squad members were an elite group of big-city investigators out to solve some of the city's most complicated and riveting crimes.
Three fiercely talented female homicide investigators work tirelessly to solve crimes while navigating the complicated demands of their personal lives.