欲望酒店 2011
上世纪60年代,在密西西比州,黑佣艾比里恩(维奥拉•戴维斯 Viola Davis 饰)勤勤恳恳照顾女主人的女儿,后者因产后抑郁症只顾与闺蜜贪欢。密西西比大学毕业生斯基特(艾玛•斯通 Emma Stone 饰)在报社负责家庭主妇信箱,并由此开始黑佣的生存状态。其中,希利(布莱丝•达拉斯•霍华德 Bryce Dallas Howard 饰)无疑是反面教材,她态度傲慢,对黑佣米妮(奥克塔维亚•斯宾瑟 Octavia Spencer 饰)抱有偏见,并力主黑佣不能与主人共用厕所。最终因不堪受辱,米妮愤然离去,并以牙还牙,假借道歉之机让她蒙羞。斯基特开始采访艾比里恩和米妮,希望了解黑佣的生存状态,并为自己的新书积累素材。与此同时,马丁路德金领导的平权运动正在如火如荼地开展,而斯基特所在的密西西比州正是斗争的前沿,因为黑人遭射杀的血案,种族隔离开始,一场肤色之争在所难免……
故事发生在偏僻的斯特普尔顿庄园,17 岁的阿尔伯特与司机安格斯被留在那里度过一个周末,除此之外,庄园里还有新来的女佣萝拉(多娜泰拉·达米亚妮 Donatella Damiani 饰)。某一天,萝拉注意到有人偷窥她的房间,于是她与阿尔伯特发生了他的第一次性体验。 当晚,萝拉的尸体被众人发现,阿尔伯特和安格斯共同埋葬了她。第二天,两人震惊的发现坟墓被挖开,并收到一封信,声称有人知道他们做了什么事。于是,阿尔伯特和安格斯开始怀疑彼此,并开始寻找谁可能目击了前一晚发生的事情的行动。然而,每次当他们接近真相时,都会遭遇新的干扰和挑战,使得他们更加困惑和不安。
从小生活在贫穷当中的玛丽萨•文图拉(詹妮弗•洛佩兹 饰)十分坚强,如今她需要独自抚养儿子泰勒,她没有丈夫,没有幸福的家庭,而是每天都要为着儿子与自己的生活奔波劳碌。玛丽萨在曼哈顿一间高级酒店内当清洁女工,工资微薄。玛丽萨梦想自己与儿子的生活能有更大的改善,也希望自己能遇到一个真心爱自己的人。就在这时,她与英俊优雅的贵族公子克里斯多佛•马歇尔(拉尔夫•费因斯 饰)在酒店内相遇了,他误会了正试穿名贵时装的玛丽萨是一名社会名媛。两人对彼此都有好感,可是当进一步发展感情的时候,玛丽萨的真实身份成为了最大的障碍,玛丽萨又能否苦尽甘来,得到自己最想要的生活呢?
1932年11月的英国。高斯福德庄园是一个名流云集之地, William McCordle爵士和他的妻子Sylvia约请了亲朋好友进行了一个狩猎会。邀请的客人包罗万象:伯爵夫人、一战英雄、英国音乐偶像,以及正在拍摄《陈查利》影片的美国电影制片人。当客人们聚集在楼上金碧辉 煌的画室时,侍候他们的贴身男女仆人们排站在硕大的住宅内,而佣人们则挤满了厨房和楼下的走道。随着一声尖叫,爵士死了。在调查此案的过程中,发现各人与各人之间隐藏着深不可测的矛盾,而事实的真相不叫人惊讶,叫人惊讶的是所谓的名流背后那些不堪入目的真面目。
故事发生在一间巨大阴森的庄园之中,鲍迪先生(Lee Ving 饰)是庄园的主人,他邀请了六位客人来到他的庄园做客,他们是普朗姆教授(克里斯托弗·洛伊德 Christopher Lloyd 饰)、格林先生(迈克尔·麦基恩 Michael McKean 饰)、皮考克太太(艾琳·布伦南 Eileen Brennan 饰)、怀特夫人(玛德莲·卡恩 Madeline Kahn 饰)和马斯塔德上校(马丁·穆尔 Martin Mull 饰)。 正当六人在大厅中齐聚一堂之时,灯光突然熄灭了,而当光明再度来领之时,在他们眼前出现的,居然是庄园主人鲍迪先生的尸体,这也就意味着,在这间庄园之中,隐藏了一个冷酷血腥的杀手。六位客人联起手来,试图找出这名杀手,而在此过程中,又不断的有人被害。真正的凶手究竟藏在哪里?
法国绅士马德奥(费尔南多·雷依Fernando Rey 饰)在西班牙乘车回国,在车厢里他遇到了一对母女、一个侏儒以及一个弟弟的朋友。火车发动前,一个女人(莫利纳·安赫拉Molina Angela 饰)拎着行李匆匆赶来,马德奥向她泼了一桶冷水,这让众人颇为不解。回到车厢后,马德奥跟其他人讲述自己的遭遇:原来这女人是马德奥哥哥家的西班牙女仆孔奇塔(卡洛尔·布盖Carole Bouquet 饰)。她的美貌深深吸引了马德奥。为了示爱,他资助孔齐塔母女摆脱经济困难,然后提出让她做自己的爱人。虽然,孔奇塔对他半推半就,但是始终没有答应他的性要求。这令他非常恼火,特别是当他发现这个自称处女的女人居然另有情人时,更是怒不可遏…… 本片中,西班牙导演布努埃尔用两名女演员扮演同一角色,颇具象征意义。
猎奇漫画家・氏贺Y太的代表作之一,在海外的狂热者之间也很有人气的《麻衣的日常》改编的真人版 在一个偏僻的地方,一个虐待狂的地方发布了一则广告,想要引诱年轻的少女来当女佣,但却控制她们遭受虐待、酷刑、谋杀和食人。
萨德(乔弗瑞•拉什Geoffrey Rush饰)是19世纪的法国作家。他才高八斗,崇尚言论自由,小说中有不少情色描写。这些作品激怒了法国当局,政府把他关入疯人院,然而,专制的枷锁只令到萨德更坚定地奋笔疾书,作品在疯人院里一部一部的诞生。 疯人院的主管是一个开明的年轻神父。他也读萨德的小说,对萨德的才华和精神充满欣赏。他对萨德提供优厚的生活条件,让他专心写作,同时让洗衣女梅德林(凯特•温斯莱特Kate Winslet饰)帮助萨德,把他的作品带到外面出版。梅德林与萨德之间也暗生情愫。 然而,强大的国家机器还是将萨德送上了绞刑架。政府容忍不了他“伤风败俗”,但他的作品却流传了下来,开启了民众的思想。
少女葛利叶(Scarlett Johansson 饰)家境贫寒,于是来到画家维梅尔(Colin Firth 饰)家做女佣。维梅尔的家庭是一个母系社会。他的岳母、妻子,常常摆出颐指气使的神情。因为维梅尔曾经有过外遇,妻子对正当青春的葛利叶更是戒心重重。在非常苛刻和压抑的氛围下,葛利叶在维梅尔家过得卑躬屈膝。维梅尔的画带给了她一点生活的乐趣。她收拾主人画室的时候,流露出了对艺术的天分。她跟维梅尔谈论对画的理解,二人的交心让彼此的情意慢慢滋长。葛利叶知道不可能与维梅尔修得正果,但她愿意做模特奉献给维梅尔作画。她默默地,忍受着维梅尔给她的耳朵打上洞,戴上他妻子的珍珠耳环,画出这一刻的窒息的美丽。
奥黛莎·杨、乔什·奥康纳、奥利维娅·科尔曼、科林·费斯将出演新片[母亲节幽会](Mothering Sunday,暂译)。本片由伊娃·于颂([太阳之女])执导,爱丽丝·伯奇([麦克白夫人]、《普通人》)将撰写改编自格雷厄姆·斯维夫特小说的剧本。故事发生在1924年,尼文夫妇(费斯、科尔曼饰)去参加了邻居家儿子保罗(奥康纳饰)与艾玛订婚的午餐会,尼文家的女佣简(杨饰)因此可以放假去庆祝母亲节,她为自己的自由感到高兴。近7年来,她乐此不疲、毫无愧色地做了保罗的情人。这次他们终于可以在保罗的卧室里第一次见面了。今天将是他们作为恋人的最后一次见面。本片计划将于今秋在英国开机。
疗养院的老太太薇拉连人带轮椅滚下了楼梯,当场毙命。护理她的保姆桃乐丝(凯西•贝茨 Kathy Bates 饰)手持凶器站在旁边。桃乐丝是唯一的嫌疑人。原来,桃乐丝是薇拉雇佣了40年的女佣,由于她饱受主人的责骂和变态要求,所以这起案件很容易被导向怀恨在心、伺机报复的谋杀。警方一直想把她定罪,判处她20年徒刑。这个案子惊动了桃乐丝远在纽约做记者的女儿莎琳娜(詹妮弗•杰森•李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)。她亲自参与案件的追踪,再度与离散多年的母亲重逢,共同生活了几日。这令她不得不回首阴暗往事,而桃乐丝也总是恍然回忆起女儿小时候的样子。与此同时,一个恶魔般的身影也随之被记忆唤醒。那是她的丈夫,经常对她实施暴力。在忍无可忍之际,她做出了最后的反击……
故事发生在墨西哥城的一个中产阶级社区“罗马”,讲述年轻女佣克里奥(雅利扎·阿巴里西奥饰)在雇主索菲亚(玛丽娜·德·塔维拉饰)家中工作,该家中索菲亚的丈夫长期在外,由女佣克里奥照顾索菲的四个孩子。突如其来的两个意外,同时砸中了女佣克里奥和雇主索菲亚,两人究竟该如何面对苦涩茫然的生活?四位孩子似乎是希望所在。 这是以导演阿方索·卡隆的儿时记忆铸成的影片,而卡隆其实就是片中某一位小孩。
Kobayashi lives alone in an apartment, until one day, Tohru appeared and they ended up living together. Tooru looks down on humans as inferior and foolish, but having been saved by Kobayashi-san, she does everything she can to repay the debt and help her with various things, although not everything goes according to plan. A mythical everyday life comedy about a hard working office lady living with a dragon girl.
Misaki Ayuzawa is the first female student council president at a once all-boys school turned co-ed. She rules the school with strict discipline demeanor. But she has a secret—she works at a maid cafe due to her families circumstances. One day the popular A-student and notorious heart breaker Takumi Usui finds out her secret and makes a deal with her to keep it hush from the school in exchange for spending some time with him.
Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she's sold as a lowly servant to the emperor's palace. But she wasn't meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she's making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!
After the loss of his mother, Chihiro is left alone. With no known family left, he has to find a way to move on. Things aren’t looking good until a chance encounter with the young and handsome Madoka—who turns out to be his wealthy uncle! Madoka offers him his home and all Chihiro has to do is clean up after the messy, irresponsible man. The problem? This job requires a uniform—a maid outfit!
In 19th-century London, class lines are sharply drawn, and the social standing to which people are born dictates the path their lives will follow. Emma, an honest and hardworking young maid, never felt her place in life to be a burden. But then she met William, a member of the gentry and the eldest son of a wealthy family. His warm smile and earnest affection threaten to capture her heart... but can love truly conquer all?
Kim Ji-Woon was born to a lawmaker father and doctor mother. He then went on to work at a big company, but he quit his job and stopped talking to his parents. Kim Ji-Woon meets a woman and begins to work as a housekeeper at her home. While doing his job, he listens to his customer's worries and gives advice to help them solve their problems.
Clumsy Hotori Arashiyama is a girl with a love for mysteries and a knack for getting into trouble. Hotori works as a waitress in an unsuccessful coffee shop when the manager comes up with a plan to increase its fortunes by changing into a maid cafe. Unfortunately, no one knows how to make a successful maid cafe other than dressing everyone in a maid outfit. What follows is a wacky series of incidents involving Hotori’s many friends, mismatched love stories… and ghosts and aliens.
Hitoyoshi, a high school kid who lives alone, hears a knock on his door. He opens it to find a strange girl offering to be his maid. She has beautiful black hair, graceful manners, and…a dark past as an assassin. But despite her deadly background and lack of household skills, Hitoyoshi takes her in. As she adjusts to her new life, she begins to experience emotions she’s never felt before.
The future, probably Japan. Robots have long been put into practical use, and androids have just come into use. Influenced by the Robot Ethics Committee, it's become common sense for people to treat androids like household appliances. Their appearance – indistinguishable from humans except for the ring over each android's head – has led some people to empathize unnecessarily with androids. Known as "android-holics", such people have become a social problem. Rikuo, a high school student, has been taught from childhood that androids are not to be viewed as humans, and has always used them as convenient tools. One day, Rikuo discovers some strange data in the behavior records of his family's household android, Sammy. Rikuo and his friend Masaki trace Sammy's movements, only to discover a mysterious café that features a house rule that "humans and robots are to be treated the same".
Adını Feriha Koydum is a Turkish television drama series produced by Med Yapım. The series broadcast on Show TV and it is written by duo Melis Civelek and Sırma Yanık.
The series centers on four Latina maids working in the homes of Beverly Hills’ wealthiest and most powerful families, and a newcomer who made it personal after a maid was murdered and determined to uncover the truth behind her demise, and in the process become an ally in their lives.
In a futuristic society where robots are a household staple, Yui— a maid robot— has just been purchased by her new owner, Takaya. But while Yui thinks she’ll be taking on normal household chores like cooking and cleaning, Takaya has other things in mind! With a fetish for cosplay that can’t be matched, Takaya will have his new maid dressing up in all sorts of outfits whether she likes it or not.
Like many hardworking members of the workforce, Kuroto Nakano is perpetually stressed out by his job. Still, since he lives alone, he must carry on to sustain himself. Little do humans like Kuroto know, this stress takes the form of darkness residing within a person's body and will bring one's life to ruin. Fox deities can see this darkness and have the duty to save people before it is too late. To help rid Kuroto of his stress, Senko-san, an eight hundred-year-old foxgirl, volunteers to take care of him, and will do everything she can to ease the tension in his weary soul.
Hazel is an American sitcom about a fictional live-in maid named Hazel Burke and her employers, the Baxters. The five-season, 154-episode series aired in primetime from September 28, 1961 until April 11, 1966 and was produced by Screen Gems. The show aired on NBC for its first four seasons, and then on CBS for its final season. The first season, except for one color episode was in black and white, the remainder in color. The show was based on the popular single-panel comic strip by cartoonist Ted Key, which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post.
Due to a childhood curse, anything that the Duke touches will die - which makes his flirty maid’s behavior all the more shocking! Can the Duke and his companions break the curse, or is he doomed to a life where love is forever out of his reach?
After fleeing an abusive relationship, a young mother finds a job cleaning houses as she fights to provide for her child and build them a better future.
Ashti is the story of a Bengali girl (Resham) who works as a maid for Abrash's (Humayun Saeed) affluent family. Ashti is engaged to Nazrul Islam (Faisal Qureshi) but is secretly in love with Abrash who sympathizes with her and encourages her to pursue her education. However, she soon discovers that Abrash is to marry Zarnish (Angeline Malik).
Akihabara is the center of the universe for the coolest hobbies and quirkiest amusements. In the spring of 1999, bright-eyed Nagomi Wahira moves there with dreams of joining a maid café. She quickly dons an apron at café Ton Tokoton, AKA the Pig Hut. But adjusting to life in bustling Akihabara isn't as easy as serving tea and delighting customers. Paired with the dour Ranko who never seems to smile, Nagomi must do her best to elevate the Pig Hut over all other maid cafés vying for top ranking. Along the way she'll slice out a place for herself amid the frills and thrills of life at the Pig Hut. Just when Nagomi's dreams are within her grasp, she discovers not everything is as it seems amid the maid cafés of Akihabara.
A girl named Haru Asagi works as a maid for the Miyanomori family, which is headed by one of Japan's most powerful magnates. However, the family head suddenly announces that he is retiring, so one of his six sons must assume control of the family.
The story begins with an orphan girl named Asma (Hina Altaf), abandoned by her mother, a maid. The mother left her to protect Asma from being sold by her alcoholic father. The mother asked her employer, Azra Mansoor, to raise Asma and she agrees. Asma enjoys doing all the work in the house rather than studying. She is considered a maid even though Asma considers herself a family member.