The Super Trio Series is a Hong Kong variety show produced by TVB. The series debuted in 1995, and remained in production for eighteen years due to its popularity. The show was hosted by Eric Tsang and his two assistants - Jerry Lamb and Chin Kar-lok. The show initially ended its run with the airing of the final episode on July 16, 2005. However, on March 9, 2008, the first episode of the show's spin-off series Super Trio Wonder Trip was aired; its main purpose was to introduce a series of new games that are to be imported from various game shows all over the world and would appear in series 8, Super Trio Supreme.
Title | Super Trio Series |
Year | 2022 |
Genre | Reality |
Country | Hong Kong |
Studio | TVB Jade |
Cast | Eric Tsang Chi-Wai, Chin Ka-Lok, Louis Yuen Siu-Cheung, Mayanne Mak, Hellston Ching, Amisha Ng |
Crew | |
Alternative Titles | 超级无敌奖门人, 超级无敌奖门人之再战江湖, 天下无敌奖门人, 惊天动地奖门人, 宇宙无敌奖门人, 吾系奖门人, 继续无敌奖门人, 铁甲无敌奖门人, 超级游戏奖门人, 超级无敌奖门人 终极篇, 开心无敌奖门人, 超級無敵獎門人, 超級無敵獎門人之再戰江湖, 天下無敵獎門人, 驚天動地獎門人, 宇宙無敵獎門人, 吾係獎門人, 繼續無敵獎門人, 鐵甲無敵獎門人, 超級遊戲獎門人, 超級無敵獎門人 終極篇, 開心無敵獎門人, Super Trio Series, The Super Trio Continues....., A Trio Delights, Super Trio Show (Sr.2), The Super Trio Mega Show, Movie Buff Championship (Sr.2), The Super Trio Show, Super Trio Returns, Super Trio Maximus, Super Trio GameMaster, Super Trio Supreme |
Keyword | game show, variety show, 奖门人 |
First Air Date | Dec 20, 1995 |
Last Air date | Dec 25, 2022 |
Season | 11 Season |
Episode | 295 Episode |
Runtime | 26:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 0.00/ 10 by 0.00 users |
Popularity | 139.425 |
Language | Cantonese |