The story centers on Minato, who goes to an anime event that has a voice acting recital with a friend. He is fascinated by the talent of the voice actors, and he meets Chikako, who studies at the Suidoubashi Animation Academy. The series follows the trials and tribulations of those who aim to become voice actors.
Title | I'm glad I could keep running. |
Year | 2018 |
Genre | Animation, Drama |
Country | Japan |
Studio | BS11 |
Cast | Iori Noguchi, Rinu, Jun Fukuyama, Mai Fuchigami |
Crew | Masaki Usui (Character Designer), Hiromasa Ogura (Art Direction), Maiko Imazeki (Director of Photography), Rie Matsubara (Editor), Hozumi Goda (Sound Director), Yui Ando (Sound Effects) |
Alternative Titles | Hashiri Tsuzukete Yokattatte. |
Keyword | romance, slice of life, anime, seiyuu |
First Air Date | Oct 09, 2018 |
Last Air date | Oct 30, 2018 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 4 Episode |
Runtime | 15:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 6.00/ 10 by 1.00 users |
Popularity | 7.032 |
Language | Japanese |