Sport Mastermind is a British television quiz show first broadcast by BBC television in July and August 2008. The show is a spin-off of the long running quiz show Mastermind and is themed on sport. Veteran TV sport presenter Des Lynam was the host and question-master, with the show itself titled Des Lynam's Sport Mastermind in many TV listings.
- 1. Episode 12008-07-08
- 2. Episode 22008-07-09
- 3. Episode 32008-07-15
- 4. Episode 42008-07-16
- 5. Episode 52008-07-22
- 6. Episode 62008-07-23
- 7. Episode 72008-07-30
- 8. Episode 82008-08-06
- 9. Episode 92008-08-13
- 10. The Final2008-08-20