Magical Warfare

Magical Warfare
Takeshi Nanase is an ordinary high school boy who has a somewhat dark past. One day, he comes across a girl named Mui Aiba, in a uniform he has never seen before, collapsed on the school campus. This encounter changes his destiny completely. She tells Takeshi that she is a magician, and she apologizes, for she turned Takeshi into a magician, too. What Takeshi once knew as one world is actually two — the world where magicians live and the world where humans live.
TitleMagical Warfare
Genre, ,
Studio, , ,
Cast, , ,
Crew, , , , ,
Alternative TitlesMahou Sensou, Mahou Sensou, Mahō Sensō, Mahou Sensou, Mahou Sensou, Война магов, Волшебная война, Магічні війни, Mahou Sensou
Keyword, , , , ,
First Air DateJan 10, 2014
Last Air dateMar 28, 2014
Season1 Season
Episode12 Episode
Runtime24:14 minutes
IMDb: 7.40/ 10 by 102.00 users
