This science-fiction show revolves around a mad scientist, known by his friends as the "Al Ragol Al E'naab." The mad scientist concocts an elixir that gives regular human beings supernatural abilities. Though he tries to use his potion to help people, the government hinds him out and goes after him. In the midst of his manhunt, Egypt undergoes a major disaster, prompting the Egyptian government to seek out his help rather than his arrest.
Title | The Hibiscus-Man |
Year | 2013 |
Genre | Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Comedy |
Country | Egypt |
Studio | YouTube, Dream TV |
Cast | Ahmad Fahmy, Hesham Maged, Shiko, Merritt, Engy Wegdan, Entesar |
Crew | Shadi Ali (Director), Shiko (Writer), Hesham Maged (Writer), Ahmad Fahmy (Writer), Walaa Sherif (Screenplay), Mohamed Fawzi (Producer) |
Alternative Titles | The Jujube Man |
Keyword | superhero |
First Air Date | Jul 10, 2013 |
Last Air date | Aug 08, 2013 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 30 Episode |
Runtime | 38:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 6.20/ 10 by 6.00 users |
Popularity | 15.209 |
Language | Arabic |