Ice-T's Rap School is a reality television show on VH1. It is a spin-off of the British reality show Gene Simmons' Rock School, which also aired on VH1.
In Rap School, rapper/actor Ice-T teaches eight teens from York Preparatory School in New York City how to become a real hip-hop group called the "York Prep Crew". Each week, Ice-T gives them assignments and they compete for an imitation gold chain with a microphone on it. On the season finale, the group performed as an opening act for Public Enemy.
- 1. Episode 12006-10-17
- 2. Episode 22006-10-20
- 3. Episode 32006-10-27
- 4. Episode 42006-11-03
- 5. Episode 52006-11-10
- 6. Episode 62006-11-17