The story revolves around Hiroshi Inaba, a private detective, and part-wolf-part-human being who was created artificially. Hiroshi runs his own detective agency and solves cases with the help of his cross-dressing secretary Yuuta, and Kei, a "relatively normal" teenager. The plot centres on Hiroshi and the gang trying to arrest his arch-nemesis Don Valentino, a mastermind goat with a taste for money (literally).
Title | Cuticle Detective Inaba |
Year | 2013 |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy |
Country | Japan |
Studio | |
Cast | Asami Shimoda, Ai Fukada, Miyu Irino, Yoko Hikasa, Junichi Suwabe, Toshiyuki Morikawa |
Crew | Hideo Takahashi (Sound Director), Yuki Nara (Original Music Composer) |
Alternative Titles | Cuticle Tantei Inaba |
Keyword | anime |
First Air Date | Jan 04, 2013 |
Last Air date | Mar 22, 2013 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 12 Episode |
Runtime | 24:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 6.80/ 10 by 5.00 users |
Popularity | 21.829 |
Language | Japanese |