An animated adaptation of twelve of Shakespeare's best-known plays. The series was produced by S4C for the BBC, but animated by some of the foremost artists of Soyuzmultfilm, the former Soviet Union's main animation studio. Each 26-minute play is directed by a different animator, in a wide variety of styles: cel animation for Macbeth, stop-motion puppets in Twelfth Night, and paint on glass for Hamlet.
Title | Shakespeare: The Animated Tales |
Year | 1994 |
Genre | Animation |
Country | Russia, United Kingdom |
Studio | BBC Two |
Cast | |
Crew | William Shakespeare (Original Story) |
Alternative Titles | The Animated Shakespeare |
Keyword | |
First Air Date | Nov 09, 1992 |
Last Air date | Dec 14, 1994 |
Season | 2 Season |
Episode | 12 Episode |
Runtime | 25:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 6.80/ 10 by 13.00 users |
Popularity | 52.367 |
Language | English |