The Trap Door

The Trap Door
The Trap Door is a claymation-style animated television series, originally shown in the United Kingdom in 1984. The plot revolves around both the daily lives and the misadventures of a group of monsters living in a castle. Although the emphasis was on humour and the show was marketed as a children's programme but also for family entertainment, the show drew much from the genres of horror and dark fantasy. The show has since become a cult favourite and remains one of the most widely recognised kids' shows of the 1980s. Digital children's channel Pop started rerunning the show in 2010.
TitleThe Trap Door
Genre, , ,
Crew, , , , ,
Alternative Titles
Keyword, , ,
First Air DateOct 06, 1986
Last Air dateJul 28, 1990
Season2 Season
Episode40 Episode
Runtime5:4 minutes
IMDb: 7.40/ 10 by 18.00 users