Jake in Progress is an American comedy series broadcast on ABC from 2005 to 2006. Created by Austin Winsberg, the show was originally conceived as a real-time comedy; the first season was to show the first date of Jake and a woman. This was dropped during development, and the show became more conventional and episodic. The first aired episode reflected the original plan, and covering the first half-hour of a date.
Title | Jake in Progress |
Year | 2006 |
Genre | Drama |
Country | |
Studio | ABC |
Cast | John Stamos, Wendie Malick, Ian Gomez, Rick Hoffman, David Hornsby, Margaret Welsh |
Crew | Peter Traugott (Producer), Brad Grey (Producer) |
Alternative Titles | |
Keyword | new york city, dating, public relations |
First Air Date | Mar 13, 2005 |
Last Air date | Jan 09, 2006 |
Season | 2 Season |
Episode | 21 Episode |
Runtime | 30:60 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 5.30/ 10 by 3.00 users |
Popularity | 8.909 |
Language | English |