
Pyramid is an American television game show that has aired several versions. The original series, The $10,000 Pyramid, debuted March 26, 1973, and spawned seven subsequent Pyramid series. The game featured two contestants, each paired with a celebrity. Players attempt to guess a series of words or phrases based on descriptions given to them by their teammates. The title refers to the show's pyramid-shaped gameboard, featuring six categories arranged in a triangular fashion. The various Pyramid series won a total of nine Daytime Emmys for Outstanding Game Show, second only to Jeopardy!, which has won thirteen. Dick Clark is the host most commonly associated with the show, having hosted every incarnation from 1973–88, save for a 1974–79 syndicated version, The $25,000 Pyramid, hosted by Bill Cullen. John Davidson hosted a 1991-92 version of The $100,000 Pyramid, and another version, simply titled Pyramid, ran from 2002–04 with Donny Osmond as host. A new version titled The Pyramid premiered September 3, 2012 on GSN. This version was hosted by Mike Richards. The show only lasted one season before being cancelled.
Studio, ,
Alternative TitlesThe $20,000 Pyramid (1976-1980: ABC-TV.), The (New) $25,000 Pyramid (1982-1988), The $10,000 Pyramid (1973-1976: CBS-ABC-TV.), The $25,000-50,000 Pyramid(s) from 1974 to 1981 on Syndicated., The $100,000 Pyramid
Keyword, , , , , , , , ,
First Air DateJan 01, 1970
Last Air dateJan 01, 1970
Season0 Season
Episode0 Episode
Runtime30:14 minutes
IMDb: 6.00/ 10 by 4.00 users


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