Beauty and the Beast is an American drama series which first aired on CBS in 1987. Creator Ron Koslow's updated version of the fairy tale has a double focus: the relationship between Vincent, a mythic, noble man-beast, and Catherine, a savvy Assistant District Attorney in New York; and a secret Utopian community of social outcasts living in a subterranean sanctuary. Through an empathetic bond, Vincent senses Catherine's emotions, and becomes her guardian.
Title | Beauty and the Beast |
Year | 1990 |
Genre | Drama, Crime |
Country | United States of America, France, Italy |
Studio | CBS |
Cast | Linda Hamilton, Ron Perlman, Roy Dotrice, Jay Acovone, Ren Woods, Ellen Geer |
Crew | Ron Koslow (Director), John David (Producer), Stephen Kurzfeld (Producer), Patricia Livingston (Producer), Paul Junger Witt (Executive Producer), Harvey Frand (Producer) |
Alternative Titles | La Belle et la Bête |
Keyword | new york city, secret society, romance, outcast, assistant district attorney, beast, interspecies romance |
First Air Date | Sep 25, 1987 |
Last Air date | Aug 04, 1990 |
Season | 3 Season |
Episode | 56 Episode |
Runtime | 47:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 7.50/ 10 by 262.00 users |
Popularity | 6.746 |
Language | English |