My Gym Partner's a Monkey is an American animated television series created by Tim Cahill and Julie McNally-Cahill and produced by Cartoon Network Studios. The story revolves around Adam Lyon, a human who, after a clerical error listed his surname as "Lion," is forced to transfer to Charles Darwin Middle School, a school for local anthropomorphic zoo animals, where he is partnered with Jake Spidermonkey in gym, with whom he quickly becomes best friends.
Title | My Gym Partner's a Monkey |
Year | 2008 |
Genre | Animation, Comedy, Kids |
Country | United States of America |
Studio | Cartoon Network |
Cast | Maurice LaMarche, Brian Doyle-Murray, Rick Gomez, Cree Summer, Phil LaMarr, Tom Kenny |
Crew | |
Alternative Titles | Mi compañero de clase es un mono |
Keyword | |
First Air Date | Dec 26, 2005 |
Last Air date | Nov 27, 2008 |
Season | 4 Season |
Episode | 100 Episode |
Runtime | 30:22 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 6.08/ 10 by 85.00 users |
Popularity | 44.453 |
Language | English |