Dancougar Nova - Super God Beast Armor is a Super Robot anime television series, produced by Ashi Productions and directed by Masami Ōbari, who was also in charge of mechanical design. The series is supposedly a follow-up of its predecessor, Dancougar - Super Beast Machine God, but became a spiritual sequel to Gravion. The series premiered across Japan on the Japanese CS television network Animax on 15 February 2007, spanning a total of 12 episodes.
Title | Dancougar Nova - Super God Beast Armor |
Year | 2007 |
Genre | Animation, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy |
Country | Japan |
Studio | ANIMAX |
Cast | Haruna Ikezawa |
Crew | Masami Obari (Mechanical Designer), Masami Obari (Series Director) |
Alternative Titles | Dancouga, Jūsō Kikō Dancouga Nova, Beast Armor Machine Attack Dancouga Nova, Super God Beast Armor Dancouga Nova |
Keyword | sequel, mecha, piloted robot, combat, anime, super robot, based on anime |
First Air Date | Feb 15, 2007 |
Last Air date | May 03, 2007 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 12 Episode |
Runtime | 25:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 4.70/ 10 by 3.00 users |
Popularity | 3.307 |
Language | Japanese |