Bimbles Bucket was an animated cartoon shown on CITV created by Michael Jupp the creator of The Dreamstone and produced by Martin Gates Productions for HTV. The show ran for 3 series between 1996 and 1998.
- 2. The Pogo Tournament1998-05-04
- 3. The Bird1998-05-11
- 4. The Robot1998-05-18
- 5. Vandals1998-05-25
- 6. Dad's Tomatoes1998-06-01
- 7. Fairy Tale Day1998-06-08
- 8. The Sludge Monster1998-06-15
- 9. The Freeze1998-06-22
- 10. Celebration1998-06-29
- 11. The Crab1998-07-06
- 12. Sweetie1998-07-13
- 13. Weather Witch1998-07-20