The story begins when Berry, an average girl from an average home, meets Hack, a girl who looks like a boy. Charmed by Hack, Berry meets up with the team Hack leads, the Ghost Detectives Club. Members of this club are “socially dead,” working invisibly within the digitally controlled society of Tom Sawyer. As she works with the group, Berry learns about Zero, a mysterious figure who lurks within Tom Sawyer’s underground. She and Hack decide to chase down this figure, and in time, the truth behind the city is revealed...
Title | YUREI DECO |
Year | 2022 |
Genre | Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Action & Adventure |
Country | France, Japan |
Studio | Tokyo MX |
Cast | Mira Kawakatsu, Anna Nagase, Miyu Irino, Setsuji Sato, Sayuri Sadaoka, Rie Kugimiya |
Crew | Tomohisa Shimoyama (Series Director), Dai Sato (Series Composition), mito (Original Music Composer), Yebisu303 (Original Music Composer), Kotaro Saito (Original Music Composer), Akira Honma (Character Designer) |
Alternative Titles | Yuurei Deco, You0 DECO, You 0 DECO |
Keyword | virtual reality, dystopia, detective agency, anime, augmented reality |
First Air Date | Jul 03, 2022 |
Last Air date | Sep 18, 2022 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 12 Episode |
Runtime | 24:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 5.20/ 10 by 4.00 users |
Popularity | 69.096 |
Language | Japanese |