The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an American children's television series that originally aired on NBC from September 15, 1968 through February 23, 1969. Produced by Hanna-Barbera and based on the classic Mark Twain characters, the program starred its three live-action heroes, Huck Finn, Becky Thatcher, and Tom Sawyer, navigating weekly adventures within an animated world as they attempted to outrun a vengeful "Injun Joe". After the show's original run, the series continued to air in reruns as part of The Banana Splits and Friends Show syndication package.
Title | The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn |
Year | 1969 |
Genre | Family, Animation |
Country | |
Studio | NBC |
Cast | Ted Cassidy, Lu Ann Haslam, Kevin Schultz, Michael Shea |
Crew | William Hanna (Producer), Joseph Barbera (Producer) |
Alternative Titles | |
Keyword | |
First Air Date | Sep 15, 1968 |
Last Air date | Jan 26, 1969 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 20 Episode |
Runtime | 30:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 5.80/ 10 by 6.00 users |
Popularity | 11.168 |
Language | English |