Hanna-Barbera Superstars 10 is an anthology series of ten animated TV movies produced by Hanna-Barbera for syndication and ran from 1987 to 1988 as part of The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera's 3rd and 4th season, featuring Hanna-Barbera's popular animated characters, Yogi Bear, The Flintstones, Scooby-Doo, The Jetsons, Huckleberry Hound and Top Cat, starring in feature-length adventures.
- 1. Yogi's Great Escape1987-09-20
- 2. The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones1987-10-18
- 3. Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers1987-11-15
- 5. Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats1988-03-20
- 6. Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School1988-03-15
- 7. Rockin' with Judy Jetson1988-09-18