A survival variety show where the contestants become a character in a virtual world. The contestants will be disguised as a virtual character with AI face-editing technology to completely hide their identity to transform them into virtual characters that exist in real life. The contestants will be showing their appealing charms to the viewers through the show. The audience matches and guesses the identities of the contestants to a real life star, if the contestant's identity has been found out, they are eliminated, and only one last character stands.
Title | God Star |
Year | 2021 |
Genre | Reality |
Country | South Korea |
Studio | TVING |
Cast | Kwon Hyuk-soo, Choi Ye-na, Park Myung-soo, Lee Jin-ho, Joo Woo-jae, Queen Wa$abii |
Crew | Oh Min-ju (Director) |
Alternative Titles | |
Keyword | virtual world |
First Air Date | Oct 29, 2021 |
Last Air date | Nov 26, 2021 |
Season | 1 Season |
Episode | 5 Episode |
Runtime | 40:14 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb: | 0.00/ 10 by 0.00 users |
Popularity | 1.628 |
Language | Korean |