King Kong

King Kong 2005


Zgodnja trideseta leta prejšnjega stoletja. Carl Denham je drzni filmski ustvarjalec, ki se odloči, da bo svoj novi projekt posnel v nevarni džungli na samotnem otoku. Ko glavna igralka zapusti projekt, se Denham odloči, da bo s seboj vzel lepo plavolasko Ann Darrow. Ta se na ladji zaljubi v zadržanega pisca Jacka Driscolla, ki naj bi za Denhama napisal najnovejšo pustolovščino. Ko pisana druščina končno prispe na otok, jih tam pričakajo sovražno nastrojeni domačini, toda Denham in ostali ne vedo, da jih v neznanem in nevarnem okolju čaka še večja nevarnost. Gorila velikanka po imenu Kong.


Kralj komedije

Kralj komedije 1982


Rupert Pupkin je navzven dobrosrčen mladenič, ki ga mučijo grandiozne blodnje. Prepričan je v svoje izjemne komedijantske sposobnosti, le da ga svet še ni odkril. V svoji kletni sobici vodi zasebni pogovorni šov z Lizo Minelli iz kartona in fantazira, da ga njegov idol, zvezdnik pogovornih šovov Jerry Langford, opeva in snubi kot svojo zamenjavo v oddaji. Vprašanje je, ali je Pupkin bolan ali zgolj izkazuje tisto izjemno voljo in samozavest, ki sta potrebni za uspeh. Pupkin poskuša na vsak način pritegniti Langfordovo pozornost v prepričanju, da ga bo slednji popeljal v svet slavnih. Doživi izjemno razočaranje, ko ga Langford obravnava kot smet. S pomočjo motene prijateljice televizijskega zvezdnika ugrabi. Tedaj se situacija, ki je bila še malo prej smešna, prevesi v groteskno predstavo družbene razslojenosti.


Biti Ricardovi

Biti Ricardovi 2021


Humoreska 'Lucy, I’m home.' je bila med 1951 in 1957 najbolj priljubljena nanizanka in je postala eden od največjih popkulturnih fenomenov 20. stoletja. Med zvezde je izstrelila dotedaj neuspešno rdečelaso igralko Lucille Ball in njenega moža, kubanskega glasbenika Desija Arnaza. Film prikazuje delček te zgodbe, kako so se za fasado blišča in slave najbolj slavnega para v Ameriki skrivale mnoge nečednosti: špekulacije o Arnazovi domnevni nezvestobi, obtožbe, da je Ballova v preteklosti sodelovala s komunisti, spori s televizijsko mrežo, ki so bili pogosto obarvani z močno seksistično in rasistično noto... Vse to je postopoma vodilo do konca zakona med njima.


BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman 2014


Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the 90s - 20 years later. BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit TV show "Horsin' Around," but today he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters.


The Other Two

The Other Two 2019


A former professional dancer, Brooke, and her brother Cary, an aspiring actor, try to find their place in the world while wrestling with their feelings about their 13-year-old brother Chase's sudden rise to internet fame.


My Daddy Is an Idol!

My Daddy Is an Idol! 2012


"Papadol" depicts the entertainment world and family world through idol singer Ryo Nishikido (Ryo Nishikido) as he gets married to a single mother.


The Game of Business Card

The Game of Business Card 2017


Behind the glitzy entertainment industry lies a dark and sinister world: harsh working conditions of production sites, domineering hotshots, and the tragic fate of unpopular talents. This a suspenseful thriller about a man who works at a frontline of the entertainment industry who is entangled in a mysterious game of life and death.


Tzomet Miller

Tzomet Miller 2016


When showbiz and everyday life intertwine. an inside look at the life of one of Israel's most popular and prolific comedians, Adir Miller. Stand-up comedian, creator and star of the popular comedy, Traffic Light, Adir gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the world of show business. Along with his eccentric and megalomaniacal agent, Adir struggles to prove his abilities as a "serious" actor because everyone typecasts him as a "funny guy".


Slowly and Intensely

Slowly and Intensely 1970


A period drama depicting the birth of the Korean entertainment industry, and its growth from the Korean War to the 1980s.


Passfire: The Series

Passfire: The Series 2017


You wanted more, you got more! Passfire is back with Passfire the Series: Season 1. Six brand new episodes give you more footage, more depth, more fireworks, more Passfire! In 2016 Veverka Bros. Productions brought you Passfire, a documentary about fireworks culture across the globe that told the story of the world's most amazing fireworks, the people who make them and the cultures behind them in 23 countries on six continents. Passfire the Series continues the ride with more of what you want: more destinations, more information, more detail, and more fun! Season 1 has six exciting episodes: Maltese Wheels, Galician Rockets, Boom Boom Girls, Japanese Artistry, Fireworks Organizations and The Maltese Fireworker.


Dark Money

Dark Money 2019


13 year old British film star Isaac Mensah was sexually abused by a producer on the set of a Hollywood film, the family decide to take action after learning the truth and Deal with US Lawyers who offer the family 3 million to stay silent.


Skip Beat!

Skip Beat! 2011


A television adaptation of a Japanese comic titled Skip Beat about a girl name Gong Xi who got betrayed by her long time boyfriend, Bu Puo Shang. In an attempt to get revenge, she debuts as a celebrity and the drama unfolds with the various events she experiences soon after. Gong Xi then meet Dun He Lian, another actor in her agency, who is also her childhood friend.


Vegas: The Story of Sin City

Vegas: The Story of Sin City 2024


From the 1930s to today, this series examines Vegas' evolution into an entertainment mecca, and its everlasting ability to reflect and refract American identity. Featuring interviews with entertainers, former showgirls, and other experts.