Pa ne že spet ti!

Pa ne že spet ti! 2014


Režiser zabavnih komedij Poročiva se, Klik - za popolno življenje in Oskrbnik predstavlja romantično zgodbo z neobetavnim začetkom, ko se slepi zmenek med samskima staršema Jimom in Lauren konča s serijo zabavnih katastrof. Kljub temu muhasta usoda poskrbi, da se njuni poti znova prekrižata, ko se skupaj z otroci znajdeta na afriškem safariju. Čudaški domačini, divje živali, muhasti otroci in druge nadloge, sanjsko popotovanje spremenijo v živo nočno moro, toda Jim in Lauren počasi spoznavata, da se lahko tudi največja nasprotja nenavadno privlačijo.



Zulu 1964


Januarja 1879 so Britanci napovedali vojno zoper zulujska plemena v Južni Afriki, v pričakovanju, da njihova dobro oborožena in izurjena armada ne bo imela težkega dela. Garnizija 1350 britanskih vojakov se je pod hribovjem Isandlwana spopadla z več kot 4000 zulujskimi vojščaki in ti so pregazili ter močno zdesetkali Angleže. Po zmagi nad Britanci so se Zulujci odpravili po njihovih sledeh do majhnega misijona Rorke's Drift, ki je služil kot oskrbovalna postaja in ga je stražilo še kakšnih 150 vojakov. V enem dnevu in noči, v sredo 22. januarja 1879 ter še naslednje jutro, je v zaporednih napadih Zulujcev potekalo obleganje majhne postojanke, vendar napadalcem ni uspelo vdreti vanjo in so se naposled umaknili.



Prey 2007



Mia in beli lev

Mia in beli lev 2018


Družina 10-letne Mie se preseli v Južno Afriko, kjer začne upravljati kmetijo z levi. Pretres ob selitvi ublaži dekličino prijateljstvo z malim levom po imenu Charlie. Čez tri leta Miino življenje znova pretrese nepričakovana novica, saj odkrije, da je njen oče prikrival skrivnost. Ker se boji, da je Charlie v nevarnosti, se odloči, da z njim pobegne. Prijatelja se znajdeta na popotovanju po južnoafriški savani v iskanju kraja, kjer bi Charlie znova lahko svobodno živel.



Zulu 2013




Duma 2005



24 ur do smrti

24 ur do smrti 2017


Medtem ko nekdanji vojak Travis Conrad žaluje po smrti žene in sina, se nanj s ponudbo, ki je ne more zavrniti, obrne prijatelj iz vojaških vrst Jim Morrow, ki zdaj dela za skrivno vojaško organizacijo Red Mountain. Conrad postane plačani morilec, vendar se situacija zaplete, ko ga, ravno ko locira tarčo, ustreli in ubije enako izurjena agentka Interpola Lin Bisset. Ko je že videti, da je vsega konec, se zbudi v operacijski dvorani, kjer njegovo telo s pomočjo visoko tehnološkega medicinskega postopka za 24 ur obudijo nazaj v življenje. Conrad ima zdaj ravno dovolj časa, da izvede nalogo …


Diepe Waters

Diepe Waters 2022


A South African, Afrikaans-language telenovela which takes place in and around a competitive swimming club, Die Swartmarlyne.


Wild at Heart

Wild at Heart 2006


The Trevanion family decide to make a fresh start and emigrate to South Africa to set up an animal reserve.



Hartklop 2023


A group of brilliant newly graduated doctors are thrown together in the corridors of the Beyers Naudé Academic Hospital, where they perform miracles to save the lives of their patients - regardless of the cost to themselves.


Blood & Water

Blood & Water 2020


After crossing paths at a party, a Cape Town teen sets out to prove whether a private-school swimming star is her sister who was abducted at birth.


Shaka Zulu

Shaka Zulu 1986


South Africa, 1823. The Zulu Empire, headed by King Shaka, a brilliant but ruthless military strategist, begin to encroach on the British colony of Cape Town. A volunteer cadre of explorers, mercenaries and professional soldiers are sent to Zululand to try to make contact with Shaka and assess the real threat of his army.


Shaka iLembe

Shaka iLembe 2023


Set in the 1700s, Shaka iLembe tells the story of the making of the iconic African king, with iterations from his early childhood through to adulthood.


Master of the Game

Master of the Game 1984


Elderly Kate Blackwell looks back at her family's life beginning with her Scottish father Jamie McGregor's journey to South Africa to make his fortune in diamonds. The family history is littered with revenge, lust, betrayal, manipulation, and murder.


Trompie en die Boksombende

Trompie en die Boksombende 1980


The original 1975 feature film about the mischievous young Trompie and the misadventures he and his gang of friends embark upon, based on the books by Topsy Smith.



Classified 2023


Suddenly forced to leave her mother in the US to join her father's stepfamily in South Africa, Ella is swept up in a whole new reality as an expat.


Beaulah: Queens van die Kaap

Beaulah: Queens van die Kaap 2024


Meet Cape Town's most charismatic drag queens in this eye opening reality series. A jaw-dropping introduction to a world of extreme transformations, unforgettable fashion, warring houses, opposing queen mothers, wig-gates, and sisterhood.


Life Is Wild

Life Is Wild 2007


The story of a dysfunctional blended family from New York who moves to a rural South African town and finds they must rely on each other more than they ever did back home.


Die Real Housewives van die Wynlande

Die Real Housewives van die Wynlande 2023


A reality series that gives an exclusive look and follows the lives of 6 unique, interesting and dynamic women from the Winelands and their lavish lifestyles.


Kidnap and Ransom

Kidnap and Ransom 2011


Kidnap and Ransom is a British television three-part miniseries, originally shown on ITV in January 2011 with a second series following in February 2012. The series follows the work of a British hostage negotiator Dominic King, played by Trevor Eve, who is also executive producer of the series.


I'm a Celebrity... South Africa

I'm a Celebrity... South Africa 2023


Fifteen former I’m a Celebrity campmates return to take on South Africa, an even harder proposition that will push them to their limits and test them like never before in bigger and tougher challenges, and a harsher and more unforgiving environment as they compete against each other to become the first ever 'I'm A Celebrity Legend'.


Wie Was Dit?

Wie Was Dit? 2024


In this competition show, a group of couch investigators are challenged to solve a fictional murder every day. The contestant who has solved the most crimes at the end of the series wins a cash prize.


Dead Places

Dead Places 2021


An author who has dedicated his career to solving paranormal cases, returns home to South Africa to investigate the biggest mystery of his life: His sister's death in a water canal 20 years ago.


Desert Rose

Desert Rose 2022


The Greyling siblings reunite at their family home in the Namaqualand desert in the Northern Cape after one of them reneges on a decade-long deal to settle the debts they took on when their father abandoned them and disappeared.


Die Real Housewives van Pretoria

Die Real Housewives van Pretoria 2022


A reality series that gives an exclusive look and follows the lives of 6 unique, interesting and dynamic women from Pretoria and their lavish lifestyles.