
Izzivalci 2024


Tashi Duncan je nekdanja obetavna tenisačica, ki se je podala na trenersko pot. Uspešno vodi njenega moža, teniškega asa Arta, ki ga po seriji porazov prijavi na teniški turnir "Challenger", kjer se mora soočiti s preteklim šampionom Patrickom, nekdanjim najbližjim prijateljem in Tashino nekdanjo ljubeznijo. Med soočenjem njihove preteklosti in sedanjosti postane Tashi središče pozornosti, saj se igra znajde nenadoma v njenih rokah.


Madame Web

Madame Web 2024


Cassandra Webb je bolničarka na Manhattnu, za katero se zdi, da ima jasnovidne sposobnosti. Ko se je prisiljena soočiti z odkritji o svoji preteklosti, se združi s tremi mladimi ženskami, ki jim je usojena mogočna prihodnost – če bodo preživele smrtonosno sedanjost.


Večno sonce brezmadežnega uma

Večno sonce brezmadežnega uma 2004


Ko Joel (Jim Carrey) z osuplostjo spozna, da si je njegovo donedavno dekle Clementine (oskarjevka Kate Winslet) izbrisalo spomin na njuno burno razmerje. Obupan poišče izumitelja postopka dr. Howarda Mierzwiaka (dvakratni nominiranec za oskarja Tom Wilkinson), saj si želi tudi sam izbrisati spomin nanjo. Toda med postopkom začne Joel znova odkrivati svojo naklonjenost do Clementine, zato poskuša izbris prekiniti. Medtem ko ga dr. Mierzwiak in njegova ekipa (Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood) preganjajo po labirintu spominov, postane jasno, da Clementine ne bo mogoče izbiti iz Joelove glave.


2001: Odiseja v vesolju

2001: Odiseja v vesolju 1968


Legendarni film Stanleyja Kubricka na svojevrsten način opisuje evolucijo na našem planetu, vse od kamene dobe, ko so naši predniki začeli izdelovati in uporabljati orodje, pa do 21. stoletja in vladavine inteligentnih računalnikov. Kamena doba. Skupina opic v prisotnosti skrivnostnega črnega obeliska odkrije uporabo orodja kot orožja in inteligenco poveže z nasiljem. Leto 1999. Na Luni astronavti odkrijejo nov črni obelisk. Leto 2001. HAL, najinteligentnejši računalnik na svetu, nadzoruje vesoljsko plovilo, ki se nahaja nekje med Zemljo in Jupitrom. Zaradi napake je ogroženo življenje posadke.


Dìdi (弟弟)

Dìdi (弟弟) 2024


Leta 2008, v zadnjem poletnem mesecu pred začetkom srednje šole, se trinajstletni ameriški deček iz Tajvana nauči tistega, česar ga družina ne more naučiti: kako skejtati, kako flirtati in kako imeti rad svojo mamo.



Saltburn 2023


Ko si prizadeva najti svoje mesto na univerzi v Oxfordu, se študent Oliver Quick znajde povlečen v svet očarljivega in aristokratskega Felixa Cattona, ki ga povabi v Saltburn, obsežno posestvo svoje ekscentrične družine, na poletje, ki ga ne bo nikoli pozabil.


Back to Black

Back to Black 2024


Izjemna zgodba o vzponu Amy Winehouse do slave in nastajanju njenega prelomnega albuma Back to Black. Zgodba je predstavljena iz Amyjine perspektive in navdihnjena z njenimi globokimi osebnimi besedili. Film spremlja izjemno žensko in burno razmerje v središču enega najbolj legendarnih albumov vseh časov.



Tihotapec 2018


Kriminalna drama o obubožanem veteranu korejske vojne, ki postane tihotapec drog za mehiški kartel, je prvi režijski in hkrati igralski projekt Clinta Eastwooda po Gran Torinu iz leta 2008, igralsko zasedbo filma pa dopolnjujejo številni zvezdniki z Bradleyjem Cooperjem na čelu.


Nočno kopanje

Nočno kopanje 2024


Ray Waller, nekdanji igralec bejzbola prve lige, ki se zaradi bolezni predčasno upokoji, se preseli v nov dom z ženo Eve, najstniško hčerko Izzy in mlajšim sinom Elliotom. Ray potiho upa, da se bo kljub vsemu vrnil v profesionalno ligo, zato prepriča Eve, da bo bazen na dvorišču novega doma zabaval otroke in njemu nudil fizioterapijo. Toda temna skrivnost iz preteklosti bo sprostila zlonamerno silo, ki bo družino potegnila v globino neizogibnega terorja.


Prevarantke na Wall Streetu

Prevarantke na Wall Streetu 2019


Film sledi planu maščevanja dveh striptizet, ki združita moči proti možem iz Wall Streeta, ki so njune stranke.



Oporišče 2020


V odročnem oporišču Keating, globoko v dolini treh gora v Afganistanu, se manjša enota ameriških vojakov pogumno upira neustavljivim silam usklajenega napada Talibanov. Odmevna bitka za Kamdeš je bila najbolj krvav ameriški spopad v afganistanski vojni leta 2009, četa Bravo 3-61 CAV pa je postala ena od največkrat odlikovanih enot v 19-letnem konfliktu.



Klan 1997


Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.


Lovely Runner

Lovely Runner 2024


Right after Ryu Sun-jae, a top star, ends his life, Im Sol, his top fan, somehow ends up at a time when they were in high school and tries to protect him. A fantasy romance unfolds where people who missed each other in time finally meet.


Everybody Hates Chris

Everybody Hates Chris 2005


Chris is a teenager growing up as the eldest of three children in Brooklyn, New York during the early 1980s. Uprooted to a new neighborhood and bused to a predominantly white middle school two-hours away by his strict, hard-working parents, Chris struggles to find his place while keeping his siblings in line at home and surmounting the challenges of junior high.


The Helicopter Heist

The Helicopter Heist 2024


Two childhood friends decide to try one last heist — to rob millions from Sweden's safest cash depot. But the police are already on their heels.


Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran

Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran 2000


Wandering the lands of Japan - Ran is a master swordsman with a strong sense of honor combined with the courage and strength to right wrongs and battle injustice.​ But that doesn't stop her from having a good time! Stuck with an unwanted traveling companion,​ Myao,​ the two will bring law and order to the countryside.​.. if they don't kill each other first.​ A comedic,​ action drama from start to finish - the way of the Samurai will never be the same!


Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love 2019


Luo Zhi has a crush on an outstanding boy named Sheng Huainan and follows up his steps to get into the same university. They have to get over problems between themselves and their families, and make progress in their relationship.


At the Threshold of an Era

At the Threshold of an Era 1999


Spanning 20 years, from 1990 to 2010, the series tells of three entrepreneurs who founded a company together to achieve the ultimate goal of developing a pollution-free town in Hong Kong. Through the years, they face many struggles, but most particularly, the family vendetta between two of the company founders.


Like a Dragon: Yakuza

Like a Dragon: Yakuza 2024


Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive into the yakuza-controlled underworld of 1995 Kamurocho. Meanwhile, in 2005, their friendship is deteriorated, as tensions between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance are at a boiling point.


The Hot Zone

The Hot Zone 2019


In this anthology series, heroic scientists risk all to deal with deadly outbreaks.



Robotboy 2005


Robotboy is the latest creation of the world renowned scientist Professor Moshimo. Due to fears that Robotboy would be stolen by his arch-enemy Dr. Kamikazi and his main henchman Constantine to be used to take over the world, Professor Moshimo entrusts Robotboy to 10-year-old Tommy Turnbull, his biggest fan. While being protected by Tommy and his two friends Lola and Gus, or "G-man" as he calls himself, Robotboy learns how to behave and act as if he were a real boy.


Corleone: A History of la Cosa Nostra

Corleone: A History of la Cosa Nostra 2019


How, from 1974 to 1993, Totò Riina (1930-2017), supreme boss of the Corleone family, ruled by blood and terror over the Sicilian Mafia. An implacable account, based on the testimony of his men and those who fought against them.


Spirit of Wonder: Scientific Boys Club

Spirit of Wonder: Scientific Boys Club 2001


As young boys, Cooper, Gordon, and Shepherd where enchanted by the theories of life on Mars published by Percival Lowell, one of th emost influential people on the subject. Consequently, the formed a club called the "Scientific Boys Club" and it continues for 50 years to come. With the help of Gordon's daughter Windyy and her husband Jack, the boys pursue their lifelong dream of traveling to Mars. Bristol may be a small town, but the scientific boys club isn't the only attraction! Find out what is going on in the other side of this town as Miss China is shrunken to the size of a pea and travels to Mars!


jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy

jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy 2022


The lives of an emerging superstar and a filmmaker intertwine in this intense, intimate docuseries charting Kanye West's career, filmed over two decades.


Stay With Me

Stay With Me 2023


Su Yu, a high school student who lives a simple life with his father, faces a major change when his mother remarries a wealthy man, introducing him to his step-brother Wu Bi. Despite their initial differences-Wu Bi being a cold and arrogant top student, while Su Yu is an unreasonable underachiever-their relationship takes an unexpected turn after an accident. As they gradually warm up to each other, their bond grows stronger. However, when a heated fight arises, their true identities are revealed...



Quiz 2020


The story of Charles Ingram, a former British army major who caused a major scandal in the early 2000s after being caught cheating his way to winning £1 million on the game show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ingram, his wife Diana and an accomplice, Tecwen Whittock, who was sitting in the audience, initially pulled off the on-screen heist before being caught and standing trial.



Vyprávěj 2009


Vyprávěj je český televizní retroseriál vyráběný v koprodukci České televize a společnosti Dramedy Productions. Natáčení začalo v roce 2009 a první díl s názvem Od začátku byl uveden na programu ČT1 v pondělí 31. srpna 2009. Seriál je uváděn v týdenní periodicitě a stopáž každého dílu je cca 52 minut. Děj se odehrává v Československu a je zasazen do skutečných historických událostí, které ovlivňují příběhy jednotlivých postav. Dobovou atmosféru autoři navozují ukázkami z dobových Československých filmových týdeníků s původními komentáři, případně novým historizujícím komentářem, který namluvil Vladimír Fišer. Příběh je doprovázen hlasem vypravěče, který propůjčil herec Vojtěch Kotek a poté Matěj Hádek. Scénáře vznikají pod vedením scenáristy Rudolfa Merknera.


Mr Bates vs The Post Office

Mr Bates vs The Post Office 2024


One of the greatest miscarriages of justice in British legal history where hundreds of innocent sub-postmasters and postmistresses were wrongly accused of theft, fraud and false accounting due to a defective IT system.



Lucan 2013


Belgravia, London, November 7th, 1974. Sandra Rivett, nanny of the aristocratic Lucan family, is found beaten to death. Shortly thereafter, the prime suspect, John Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan, mysteriously disappears. When the manhunt begins, the subsequent scandal shakes the foundations of the British ruling class like never before.


Babel II: Beyond Infinity

Babel II: Beyond Infinity 2001


Koichi is an ordinary youth given extraordinary powers to fight a shadowy underworld of renegade psychics. Hidden in a forgotten desert lies the tower of Babel, created by an unknown force. As its successor, Koichi summons three psychic guardians and challenges Yomi, Leon and any other renegades brave enough to stand in his path.


The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox

The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox 2024


This definitive docuseries chronicles the Red Sox's journey to their first World Series title in 86 years via interviews with star players and personnel.