Thor: Ljubezen in grom

Thor: Ljubezen in grom 2022


V novi Marvelovi kino uspešnici je Thor soočen z najtežjim potovanjem do sedaj. Podal se bo namreč na pot iskanja notranjega miru. Thorovo upokojitev prekine galaktični morilec, poznan kot »Gorr the God Butcher«, ki si želi uničiti vse bogove. Thor se bo moral pri soočenju z njim obrniti na pomoč Valkyrie, Korga in svoje bivše dekle Jane Foster, ki, na Thorovo veliko presenečenje, nepojasnjeno naekrat upravlja z njegovim čarobim kladivom, Mjolnirom in to enako, kot on sam. Skupaj se podajo v neznano avanturo, da bi odkrili razloge za Gorrovo maščevanje in ga ustavili preden bo prepozno.


Socialno omrežje

Socialno omrežje 2010


Režiser filmov Sedem in Nenavadni primer Benjamina Buttona raziskuje nastanek najbolj priljubljenega spletnega družabnega omrežja Facebook, ki je leta 2003 nastal v glavi študenta Marka Zuckerberga. Zaradi občutka odrinjenosti želi Mark ustvariti svoje omrežje poznanstev, zato napiše program, ki kmalu preraste v svetovni fenomen. Toda z vsakim milijonom dobička se večajo nesoglasja med Markom in njegovimi prijatelji, znajde pa se tudi pod drobnogledom oblasti.


Chungking ekspres

Chungking ekspres 1994


Film prinaša dve na videz podobni, a nepovezani zgodbi o osamljenosti in odtujenosti ljudi v velikem mestu. Obe govorita o policistih. Prvi objokuje izgubo dekleta, drugemu pa želi privlačna natakarica povsem spremeniti življenje. Film se začne v noči s 30. aprila na 1. maj 1994 v labirintu podobnem trgovskem kompleksu v Hongkongu, imenovanem Chungking House. Kitajka s svetlo lasuljo se trudi skriti heroin v prtljago skupine Pakistancev, ki naj bi drogo spravili iz države. 1. maja hkrati mine tudi ves mesec, odkar je policista št. 223 zapustilo dekle. Zato priseže, da se bo zaljubil v prvo dekle, ki bo prikorakalo skozi vrata – izkaže se, da je to svetlolasa tihotapka ... Drugo prizorišče je restavracija s hitro pripravljeno hrano, v kateri Faye, mlada pobalinka, posluša pop uspešnico "California Dreaming". Tudi drugega policista, redno stranko, je pravkar zapustilo dekle in mu ključe od stanovanja pustilo prav v restavraciji...


Drive-Away Dolls

Drive-Away Dolls 2024


Jamie, svobodomiselno dekle, obžaluje zaradi razpadlega razmerja s Sukie, njena sramežljiva prijateljica Marian pa se mora sprostiti. V iskanju novega začetka Jamie izve, da Marian načrtuje potovanje v Tallahassee na Floridi in se odloči, da se ji bo pridružila. A stvari gredo hitro po zlu, ko jima pot prekriža skupina nesposobnih kriminalcev.



Oskrbnik 2011


Živali v živalskem vrtu obožujejo Andrewa, ki pridno skrbi zanje. Je zelo simpatičen fant, a nekoliko osamljen, saj se težko prilagaja. Ko ugotovi, da se bolje počuti v družbi levov kot v družbi žensk, se odloči, da bo zapustil živalski vrt in se posvetil življenju. V tem trenutku živali prekinejo svoj molk in odkrijejo svojo največjo skrivnost – lahko govorijo! Naenkrat začnejo klepetati brez prestanka. Andrewu nudijo najboljše učne ure iz svojega rituala parjenja. Da bi mu pomagale najti sanjsko žensko, so živali pripravljene storiti in izreči vse.


Torque: Divji v sedlu

Torque: Divji v sedlu 2004


Biker Cary Ford se je vrnil v rodno mesto, da bi se srečal s svojim dekletom Shaneom in poskrbel za nekatere nedokončane posle. Ko je pred dvema mesecema zapustil mesto, je imel Ford nekaj koles, ki so pripadala Henryju, neusmiljenemu preprodajalcu mamil in vodji kolesarske tolpe "Hellions". Zdaj Henry stisne Ford v poskusu, da si povrne kolesa, ki imajo v rezervoarjih nekaj bolj dragocenega kot bencin.





After college, Rikuo Uozumi, a boy without much ambition in life, takes on a job at a convenience store. The days pass by uneventfully for Rikuo until he meets his former girlfriend and classmate, but especially thanks to the unusual Haru Nonaka, and her pet raven...


About Time

About Time 2018


Our heroine will have the unfortunate ability to see the “life clocks” of everyone around her, including herself, and the hero will somehow be able to stop her “time” without lifting a finger. This story will follow time that is stopped, extended, and even erased through the love they have for each other.


Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off 2023


Scott Pilgrim meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, only to find out her seven evil exes stand in the way of their love.


I Am Sorry, I Love You

I Am Sorry, I Love You 2015


When the man you love dies in a tragic accident, is it possible to go on with your life? Han Siyi was happy with her life with her boyfriend Ling Hongpei, but Hongpei dies tragically in a car accident one day. Unable to move on to the other world, Hongpei lingers around his ex-girlfriend after becoming a ghost and tries to help her recover from her devastating loss. Can Hongpei help Siyi find happiness again with the nerdy Wang Shuhai?


The Baker and the Beauty

The Baker and the Beauty 2020


Daniel Garcia is working in the family bakery and doing everything that his loving Cuban parents and siblings expect him to do. But on a wild Miami night he meets Noa Hamilton, an international superstar and fashion mogul, and his life moves into the spotlight. Will this unlikely couple upend their lives to be together and pull their families into a culture clash?


Smile Again

Smile Again 2010


Raised in America by his mentally handicapped mother Anna, Dong Hae dreams of traveling to Korea to propose to the woman he loves.. After qualifying for a speed skating competition, he smuggles his mother to Korea with him, but his undying devotion to her soon begins causing him problems. Finally reconnecting with his lost love Saewa, Dong Hae finds his affections divided when things don’t work out as he planned in this award-winning daily drama.


Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach 2018


In this social experiment, smoking-hot celebrity singles think they're running away to paradise for a once-in-a-lifetime romantic vacation full of fun and sun. But just as the party is getting started, unwanted guests arrive to break up their good time.



Twenty 2017


A lesbian musician struggles to break her patterns of whirlwind romances while serving as the shoulder to lean on for a group of eclectic friends, who offer little in return.


Two Worlds of Love

Two Worlds of Love 2014


Drama about a girl that becomes a spirit after ending up in a car crash, trying to find a way back to become a human again with the help of the detective. Naamrin, a bratty and hi-so girl is about to marry her fiance, Popetorn, whom she grew up with because her mother, Thara raised him since he was a little boy. However, after trying on her wedding dress, she is challenged to a road race that escalates to a road rage, resulting in the death of both drivers. Yeeo is a police officer that happened to be bicycling pass the scene and hears the call on his police radio. He gets to the scene and watches paramedics pull out road rival from the nearby lake. He then meets the Naam's spirit, who doesn't know that she's dead. Yeeo picks up a necklace that parted from her during the wreck and tucks it into his pocket. Since then, Naam's spirit becomes attached to Yeeo and he is the only one that can see her. She believes that Yeeo is the only one that can help her.