Roparsko gnezdo

Roparsko gnezdo 2018


Zgodba spremlja legendarno ekipo bančnih roparjev, ki načrtujejo velik zaključni rop zveznih rezerv v Los Angelesu, ki ga želijo speljati „tik pred nosom“ elitnih policijskih enot. Film se osredotoča na življenje roparjev, pa tudi na življenja policijskih enot Los Angelesa.


Vse povsod naenkrat

Vse povsod naenkrat 2022


Evelyn Wang je zaskrbljena lastnica propadajoče pralnice. Zdravje njenega očeta je v slabem stanju, mož Waymond ji vroči ločitvene dokumente, hčerka Joy je zelo razočarana z življenjem. Na koncu se pojavi še neusmiljena delavka davčne uprave Deirdre. Potem, ko Evelyn poskuša še zadnjič rešiti svoj posel, Waymondovo telo nenadoma obsede dvojnik iz ene od skoraj neskončnih alternativnih resničnosti. Pove ji, da je edina oseba, ki lahko reši multiverzum pred grožnjo, ki uničuje resničnost. Evelyn pa mora še vedno plačati davke.



Povračilo 2023


Medtem ko direktor banke vozi svoje otroke v šolo, prejme klic neznanca, ki mu pove, da je pod njegov sedež postavil bombo. Ta bo eksplodirala, če izstopijo iz avtomobila in če se želijo rešiti, mora slediti navodilom neznanca in izpolniti določen niz nalog. Običajna vožnja na delo in v šolo tako v tekmi s časom postane zapletena igra življenja ali smrti v prizadevanju, da bi rešil sebe in svoje otroke.



Carol 2015


New York, petdeseta leta. Mlada Therese dela kot prodajalka v veleblagovnici in sanja o bolj izpolnjujoči prihodnosti. Nekega dne se pred njenim prodajnim pultom znajde elegantna Carol. Med ženskama hipoma vznikne vez, ki v naslednjih tednih preraste v nenavadno poglobljen odnos. A medtem ko je Therese komaj prestopila prag odraslosti, ima Carol že nekaj prtljage: moža, ki ga ne ljubi, in hčerko, ki je ne želi zapustiti. Čeprav je med ženskama precejšnja razlika v letih in družbenem statusu, je nemogoče prezreti, da med njima tli nekaj, kar utegne močno premešati karte njunih življenj.



Twister 1996


Jo Harding je v mladosti na lastne oči videla, kako je gromozanski tornado povzročil nezaslišano razdejanje in ji pri tem ubil očeta. Zato je svoje življenje posvetila raziskovanju teh uničujočih naravnih pojavov, čeprav tako delo s seboj prinaša tudi številne nevarnosti. Zdaj narava pripravlja nov grozovit udarec: največji tornado, ki je kdaj zadel Oklahomo. Jo tega ne namerava zamuditi, saj je to priložnost, da preizkusi posebno napravo, s pomočjo katere bo prišla do pomembnih podatkov o tem, kaj se dogaja v notranjosti tornadov. Že tako napeto ozračje popestri še njen bodoči bivši mož Bill, ki s seboj pripelje novo zaročenko Melisso.



Lov 2012


Režiser mednarodne senzacije Praznovanje predstavlja napeto psihološko dramo o moči laži ter uničujočih posledicah krive obtožbe. Nedavno ločeni Lucas je vzgojitelj v vrtcu, kjer ga otroci obožujejo. Prosti čas preživlja v družbi dobrih prijateljev v krajevnem lovskem klubu. Nekega dne pa nepremišljene besede majhne deklice njegovo življenje v trenutku obrnejo na glavo. Laž se širi kot virus, panika in nezaupanje kmalu uideta izpod nadzora in tesno povezana skupnost se znajde v stanju množične histerije, Lucas pa se je prisiljen podati v samoten boj za svoje življenje in dostojanstvo.


Ropar čiste vesti

Ropar čiste vesti 2020


Tom Carter je ropar, ki je v svoji karieri ukradel 9 milijonov dolarjev iz nekoliko manjših bank v Ameriki. Nikoli ga niso ujeli in njegova identiteta nikoli ni bila razkrita. Po tem, ko Tom spozna Annie, si želi zapustiti življenje roparja in začeti na novo, s svojo ljubljeno ženo. Odloči se priznati svoje kriminale, vrniti ves denar in si s tem zagotoviti svobodno in mirno življenje. Vendar se zadeva ne odvije povsem tekoče in brez zapletov. Dva mlada FBI agenta, katerima je dodeljen Tomov primer, se odločita teh 9 milijonov zadržati zase, hkrati pa Tomu pripisati umor svojega nadrejenega.


Once Again

Once Again 2020


Back at square one as divorcees, four siblings take another shot at love and dreams — after mustering up the courage to convince their parents first.


Grace and Frankie

Grace and Frankie 2015


Elegant, proper Grace and freewheeling, eccentric Frankie are a pair of frenemies whose lives are turned upside down - and permanently intertwined - when their husbands leave them for each other. Together, they must face starting over in their 70s in a 21st century world.


Ha-Chaim Ze Lo Hacol

Ha-Chaim Ze Lo Hacol 2001


Israeli TV sitcom about a divorced couple trying to live their lives together.


Matrimonial Chaos

Matrimonial Chaos 2018


Is marriage really the completion to love? This comedy drama begins with this question and defines the difference in thought between men and women about love, marriage and family.


Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce)

Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2021


Everything comes unraveling for three successful women who work on a radio show as twists, turns and troubles plague their seemingly happy marriages.


The Millers

The Millers 2013


A divorced reporter, looking forward to the single life, finds his parents' marital problems derail his plans.


Rescue Me

Rescue Me 2004


Rescue Me revolves around the lives of the men in a New York City firehouse, the crew of 62 Truck. Examining the fraternal nature and relationships of firefighters, the series tackles the daily drama of the life-and-death situations associated with being a firefighter, while exploring the ways the men use dark humor to protect their true emotions.


Cougar Town

Cougar Town 2009


Jules Cobb is a mom in her forties facing the often humorous challenges, pitfalls and rewards of life's next chapter. Along for the journey is her son, her ex-husband, her husband/neighbor and her friends who together make up her dysfunctional, but supportive and caring extended family... even if they have a funny way of showing it sometimes.


Marriage Cuisine

Marriage Cuisine 2014


Professor Yang Shu forget to accompany his daughter to school during his participate in drug research and development of small rise in early examination. The daughter fainted due to heat stroke in the school room. The mother, a five-star hotel after lunch chef Ar Chen in this situation was very angry when she found her husband already secretly resigned to make drug development joint venture after more dissatisfaction and resolute A divorce . However Yang Shu research results have been successful, all of a sudden fame and fortune. But despite that, Yang Shu wants nothing more but to have back his family again.


Gary Unmarried

Gary Unmarried 2008


A recently divorced couple shares custody of their two children while starting new relationships.


Dear John

Dear John 1988


Dear John starred Judd Hirsch as easygoing Drake Prep high school teacher John Lacey who is dumped by his wife, Wendy, via a Dear John letter. Wendy ends up with everything in the divorce settlement, including custody of the couple's son, forcing John to move into an apartment in Ozone Park, Queens. John soon joins the One-2-One Club, a self help group for divorced, widowed or lonely people. The group is led by Louise (Jane Carr), a sex-obsessed British woman. Other members of the group include Kate McCarron (Isabella Hofmann), a sweet divorcée; Kirk Morris (Jere Burns), a cocky ladies' man; Ralph Drang (Harry Groener), a shy and neurotic tollbooth collector; Bonnie Philbert (Billie Bird), a feisty senior citizen; and Tom, Mrs. Philbert's quiet boyfriend (Tom Willett).


Price Of Passion

Price Of Passion 2017


Ferhat is a hitman working for his criminal uncle. Aslı is a young and idealistic doctor. One day, their roads crossed in the most unexpected way: Aslı is forced to operate on a man that Ferhat had shot.


Sleeping Jukujo

Sleeping Jukujo 2012


Aizawa Senba's husband asks her to get divorced after he meets his first love through facebook and wants to marry her. In order for her to get custody of her son, she decides to work at a luxurious hotel, and there she meets the young heir of the hotel, Takaoka Yuusuke, and starts to have feelings for him.



Loot 2022


After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding herself along the way.


Familiar Wife

Familiar Wife 2018


After receiving a bizarre chance to go back in time, a man wakes up to find that his whole life — including the person he married — is different.



Divorce 2016


A middle-aged couple experience the pain, the relief and the trials and tribulations of a divorce in this dry, witty comedy.


The World of the Married

The World of the Married 2020


Ji Sun Woo is an associate director of a family clinic with a perfect life—a great career, married to a handsome, young-looking man, mother to an adoring son, and surrounded by seemingly caring friends. She couldn't be more content. Lee Tae Oh, her husband, is an aspiring movie director. However, when his temptation leads him to betray Sun Woo along with the people around her, she gets driven to revenge. The perilous twists-and-turns of a married couple's life unfolds.


Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce 2014


Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who is secretly hiding her separation from her husband as she starts to navigate her life as a single woman in her 40's in Los Angeles. She starts to side with and take advice more from her divorced friends rather than her married ones and it leads her to some unexpected and life-changing experiences.


Mulheres Apaixonadas

Mulheres Apaixonadas 2003


The series surrounds the damaged relationship between a saxophonist and a woman who falls in love for a former boyfriend, whom she had left to marry him.


All of Us

All of Us 2003


Robert James, an entertainment reporter for a local Los Angeles television station, is handsome, smart and thoroughly modern in his thinking. Recently divorced from the somewhat self-absorbed Neesee, the mother of their endearing 6-year-old son, Robert refuses to buy into the old stereotype that being divorced means you can't get along with the ex.