Iron Claw

Iron Claw 2023


Skutočný príbeh nerozlučných bratov Von Erichovcov, ktorí sa začiatkom 80. rokov zapísali do histórie v silne konkurenčnom svete profesionálneho wrestlingu. Prostredníctvom tragédie a triumfu, v tieni svojho panovačného otca a trénera, hľadajú bratia nadživotnú nesmrteľnosť na najväčšej športovej scéne svojho času.


Princezná Nevesta

Princezná Nevesta 1987


Všetko sa začína ako príbeh, ktorý číta deduško z knihy svojmu vnukovi. V tom príbehu boli on a ona. Ona bola veľmi bohatý, on zase veľmi chudobný a obaja žili v mýtickom kráľovstve Florin. Každý deň jazdila Buttercup povýšene okolo farmárskeho chlapca Westleya a po celý čas sa zdalo, že jeho láska nemá žiadnu nádej. Jedného dňa si však dievča s prekvapením uvedomí, že ho tiež miluje. Je neskoro - Westley odišiel, aby získal bohatstvo a mohol sa o svoju milovanú uchádzať. Padne však do rúk pirátov, a o krásku sa uchádza korunný princ Humperdinck, ktorý si ju vybral za svoju nevestu. Dá ju uniesť trojicou darebákov a závisí len od Westleya, aby ju zachránil a vybojoval si jej ruku.



Rachot 2021


Akčné animované dobrodružstvo, v ktorom malé monštrá a príšerky súperia v športových zápasoch ako atraktívny bojovníci. Vitajte v svete, v ktorom môžu príšery a ľudia pokojne koexistovať. Dokonca sú krotké a zápasenie príšer rozkvitlo do podoby uznávanej športovej atrakcie. Lukratívny biznis v podobe exhibičných zápasov je však tvrdý. Winnie sa napriek tomu chce presadiť ako manažérka a ísť v otcových šľapajach. Winnie si teda vyhliadne roztomilé monštrum Steva Stupendousa a z neskúseného smoliara a outsidera chce vycvičiť úspešného zápasníka.



Waves 2019


Film sleduje osud rodiny, ktorú vedie dobre mienený, ale panovačný otec, keď prechádza láskou, odpustením a stretávaním sa po strate.


Burákový sokol

Burákový sokol 2019


The Peanut Butter Falcon rozpráva príbeh Zaka (Zack Gottsagen), mladého muža s Downovým syndrómom, ktorý uteká z opatrovateľského domu, aby si splnil svoj sen zúčastniť sa profesionálnej zápasníckej školy jeho idola The Salt Water Rednecka (Thomas Haden Church). Podivný zvrat udalostí ho spája s Tylerom (Shia LaBeouf), ktorý sa stane jeho trénerom a spojencom. Spoločne plávajú cez rieky, pijú whisky, hľadajú Boha a presviedčajú Eleanor (Dakota Johnson) aby sa pripojila k ich ceste .


DOA: Na život a na smrť

DOA: Na život a na smrť 2006


Štyri krásne, sexy ženy sú sokyňami v tajnom zápase bojových umení, ale čoskoro sa spoja proti zlým silám. Tina Armstrong je superstar v oblasti ženského wrestlingu. Christie je okúzľujúca zlodejka a nájomná vrahyňa. Princezná Kasumi je ázijskou majsterkou bojových umení. Helena Douglas je milovníčkou extrémnych športov a jej tragická minulosť ju spája s malým palácom v juhovýchodnej Ázii, kde sa tiež odohráva turnaj Dead or Alive.


Súboj s rodinou

Súboj s rodinou 2019


Saraya a jej brat Zak Knightovci nežijú v obyčajnej rodine. Otec Ricky cestuje po Anglicku ako zápasník, ktorý bojuje v ringu s matkou Juliou. Rodičia aktívne pomáhajú svojim deťom pri výučbe wrestligového zápasenia. V 18-tich rokoch Zak a Raya vstúpia do zápasníckeho šoubiznisu a dostanú príležitosť zúčastniť sa konkurzu do prípravného tábora pre WWE v USA. Ujme sa ich profesionálny tréner Hutch Morgan a pod jeho ochrannými krídlami musia tvrdo trénovať. Šancu vstúpiť do profesionálneho ringu a skutočne bojovať však dostane iba Saraya, ktorá si zvolí umelecké meno Paige, pod ktorým sa preslávi.



Peklo 2003


Život amerického inžiniera Kylea LeBlanca, ktorý sa pred časom aj rodinou presťahoval do Ruska kvôli práci v tamojších oceliarňach, sa zmení na nekončenú tragédiu, keď brutálny zločinec znásilní a zabije jeho milovanú manželku. Tým sa však Kyleovo utrpenie iba začína. keď totiž skorumpovaný súd násilníka oslobodí, Kyle sa rozhodne vziať spravodlivosť do vlastných rúk a priamo v súdnej sieni muža zastrelí. Nešťastnou náhodou však pritom príde o život i policajný dôstojník. Kylea preto odsúdia za vraždu a pošlú do neslávne známej väznice Kravai. Najdesivejšie sú v nej nepochybne pravidelné zápasy trestancov na život a na smrť, ktoré sú najobľúbenejšou zábavkou nielen samotného riaditeľa, ale i väzenských strážcov. Kyle sa pod týmto tlakom temer zlomí, no našťastie si postupne začne najmä vďaka svojmu spoluväzňovi 451 uvedomovať, že nebojuje len o svoj život, ale i o svoju ľudskosť.



WWE Raw 1993


A regularly scheduled, live, year-round program featuring some of the biggest WWE Superstars.


Celebrity Deathmatch

Celebrity Deathmatch 1998


Celebrity Deathmatch is a claymation television show that depicts celebrities against each other in a wrestling ring, almost always ending in the loser's gruesome death. It was known for its excessive amount of blood used in every match and exaggerated physical injuries. The series was created by Eric Fogel; with the pilots airing on MTV on January 1 & 25 1998. The initial series ran from May 14, 1998 to October 20, 2002, and lasted for a 75-episode run. There was one special that did not contribute to the final episode total, entitled "Celebrity Deathmatch Hits Germany", which aired on June 21, 2001. Professional wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin gave voice to his animated form as the guest commentator. Early in 2003, a film based on the series was announced by MTV to be in the making, but the project was canceled by the end of that year. In 2005, MTV2 announced the revival of the show as part of their "Sic 'Em Friday" programming block. Originally set to return in November 2005, the premiere was pushed back to June 10, 2006 as part of a new "Sic'emation" block with two other animated shows, Where My Dogs At and The Adventures of Chico and Guapo. The show's fifth season was produced by Cuppa Coffee Studios and the premiere drew over 2.5 million viewers, becoming MTV2's highest rated season premiere ever.


WWE Main Event

WWE Main Event 2012


WWE Main Event is a professional wrestling television program produced by WWE that airs on Peacock and streams on Hulu Plus in the United States. The show features WWE wrestlers and complements WWE's primary programs Raw and SmackDown.



WWE NXT 2010


Wrestlers will portray heroes or villains as they follow a series of events that build tension and culminate in a wrestling match or series of matches.


New Japan Pro Wrestling

New Japan Pro Wrestling 1972


New Japan Pro Wrestling is a Japanese promotion founded by Antonio Inoki in 1972. Owing to its TV program aired on TV Asahi, it is the largest wrestling promotion in Japan and one of the largest in the world.



GLOW 2017


In 1980s LA, a crew of misfits reinvent themselves as the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.


WWF Superstars Of Wrestling

WWF Superstars Of Wrestling 1986


WWF Superstars of Wrestling was a professional wrestling television program produced by the World Wrestling Federation. It debuted on September 6, 1986. Superstars, as it would later be known, was the flagship program of the WWF's syndicated programming from its inception until the premiere of Monday Night Raw in 1993.


WWE 205 Live

WWE 205 Live 2016


WWE's division of Cruiserweight's battle it out to decide who is the greatest wrestler under 205lbs.


WCW Saturday Night

WCW Saturday Night 1992


WCW Saturday Night was a weekly Saturday night TV show on TBS produced by World Championship Wrestling. The program existed through various incarnations under different names before becoming WCW Saturday Night in 1992. Although initially the anchor show of the Ted Turner-backed wrestling company, the September 1995 premiere of WCW Monday Nitro airing on sister station Turner Network Television usurped the show's once preeminent position in the company, as the primary source of storyline development and Pay-Per-View buildup. The show's place in the company was devalued by the advent of WCW Thunder in 1998, once the cornerstone of the WCW wrestling empire, WCW Saturday Night ended its run in 2000 as the company struggled creatively to meet the demands of producing over six hours of new broadcast material on a weekly basis. The rights to WCW Saturday Night now belong to WWE as a result of that company's 2001 purchase of WCW.


Shades of Sin

Shades of Sin 2004


A Maranhense young woman and a carioca tourist photographer fall for each other and get separated by destiny and a woman obsessed with his family's fortune.


WWE SmackDown

WWE SmackDown 1999


The superstars of World Wrestling Entertainment's "SmackDown" brand collide each and every Friday on WWE Friday Night SmackDown.



TNA iMPACT! 2004


TNA iMPACT offers a unique style of wrestling that features a blend of the traditional with high-flying athleticism and cutting edge action. TNA's roster includes the biggest names in wrestling today, and the hottest new stars in the sport.


Young Rock

Young Rock 2021


As Dwayne Johnson runs for president in 2032, he takes a comedic look back at his extraordinary life through the outrageous stories of his family and youth that shaped him into the man he is today. He explores his childhood years living amid influential wrestling icons while his dad rose to fame in the business, his rebellious teenage years attending high school in Pennsylvania, and his football years teamed up with powerhouse players at the University of Miami. In his telling, Johnson explains that while his experiences have been larger than life, he remains a down-to-earth guy who still relates to the American people.


Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground 2014


Lucha Underground introduces U.S. audiences to the high-flying, explosive moves of lucha libre. An ancient combat tradition, watch as good and evil wage war in a gritty battleground called “The Temple.”



WWE ECW 2006


ECW was a professional wrestling television program for WWE, based on the independent Extreme Championship Wrestling promotion that lasted from 1992 to 2001. The show's name also referred to the ECW brand, in which WWE employees were assigned to work and perform, complementary to WWE's other brands, Raw and SmackDown. It debuted on June 13, 2006 on Sci Fi in the United States and ran for close to four years until it aired its final episode on February 16, 2010 on the rebranded Syfy. It was replaced the following week with WWE NXT.


Dark Side of the Ring

Dark Side of the Ring 2019


Finding truth at the intersection of fantasy and reality in the veiled world of professional wrestling.


WWE NXT: Level Up

WWE NXT: Level Up 2022


Catch some of WWE’s brightest young talent as they look to begin their climb to the top of NXT 2.0 as WWE’s groundbreaking new show.


WWE This Is Awesome

WWE This Is Awesome 2022


Celebrating WWE's awesome history; reliving the moments that made fans go, "This is awesome!"


Total Divas

Total Divas 2013


An inside look of the lives of seven WWE Divas from their work within WWE to their personal lives.