Kľúčové slovo Night Life
Noc v Roxbury 1998
Vyzerá to, že Steve a Doug Butabiovci sa nikdy nedostanú na zoznam hostí slávneho tanečného klubu Roxbury. Lenže keď sa stretnú s jedným jeho riadnym členom, zdá sa, že majú vyhrané. Ich nový kamarát prepašuje dvojicu dovnútra a bratia sa tak ocitnú priamo uprostred trblietavého sveta, o ktorom doteraz len snívali. To je ale trefa! Bratia Butabiovci predsa nie sú žiadne béčka a odteraz to chcú dokázať celému svetu - proste to roztočiť!
Sladký život 1960
Mladý novinár Marcello sa pohybuje v najvyšších kruhoch spoločenskej smotánky. Pre slávu a úspech urobí čokoľvek. Po príchode slávnej filmovej hviezdy Sylvii sa zdá, že jeho sen je na dosah. Konečne má šancu dostať sa na vrchol. Aký má ale zmysel utápať svoj život v alkohole, náhodných sexuálnych epizódach a primitívnej divokej zábave? Jednoducho jediný – žiť si svoj „sladký život“.
生きる 1952
Donde caben dos 2021
Cocktail 1988
Francúzska spojka 1971
Dvaja tvrdí policajti z New Yorku, Jimmy Doyle a Buddy Russo sa pokúšajú zachytiť obrovskú zásielku heroínu, ktorá je na ceste z Francúzska. Veľký prípad však nedopadne podľa ich predstáv, gang vedený uhladeným Alainom Charnierom unikne. Doyle, hnaný nenávisťou k obchodníkom s drogami, prijme ich brutálne pravidlá hry, a tak sa - zákonite - nejeden raz ocitne za hranicou zákona. Z pocitu vlastnej bezmocnosti, že tajomnú "Francúzsku spojku" nevie chytiť, postupuje násilne a brutálne.
Hallam Foe 2007
Night on Earth 1991
Moje čučoriedkové noci 2007
Elizabeth, sklamaná mladá žena, sa vydáva na púť po Spojených štátoch, aby spoznala samu seba a vyliečila si zlomené srdce. Na potulkách prežíva nečakané situácie - filozofuje s majiteľom nočnej kaviarne, odhaľuje zúfalé plány hazardnej hráčky, ktorej sa lepí smola na päty, a spoznáva zničený vzťah medzi policajtom a jeho spurnou manželkou. Všetky tieto zážitky menia Elizabethin prístup k životu, vzťahom a nakoniec aj k sebe samej. Oslobodzuje sa od pút minulosti a objavuje novú cestu, na ktorej konci čaká naozajstná láska.
CBGB 2013
Nuit blanche 2011
Sweet and Lowdown 1999
Killing Zoe 1993
Les bonnes femmes 1960
Zillion 2022
La Fille de Monaco 2008
La noche 2016
Wrong Side of the Tracks 2022
When his teenage granddaughter falls victim to the drug dealers overtaking his neighborhood, a fed-up war veteran takes matters into his own hands.
Winter Night 2022
A love story revolving around Zheng Da Qian, an employee of an advertising company, and Mu Zi Li, an entrepreneurial boss. Zheng Da Qian is a northeastern girl with a bright personality. She is an employee of an advertising company. She also has a careless personality and extremely low emotional self-esteem. She seems to be very independent and strong when working. But in fact, there was a time that she was frustrated with her career and relationship, so she chose to return to her hometown in Northeast China, so that she can spend time alone to focus more on herself. Mu Zi Li is the boss of a start-up company. He seems to be easy-going and humorous on the outside. In fact, he has his own principles and stubborn personality. In order to protect his family, he chose to accept the current status quo that makes him feel depressed with his life. He never expected to meet Zheng Daqian, a northeastern girl who shared the same problem with him, which is emotional entanglements.
Beware the Batman 2013
Set during Bruce Wayne's early years as the Batman, following his initial period of battling organized crime. He hones his skills with the assistance of his butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce is introduced to Alfred's goddaughter, Tatsu Yamashiro. Tatsu is a martial arts swordsmaster hired to act as Bruce's bodyguard, but also recruited to act as a superhero partner to Batman.
The Dark: Nature's Nighttime World 2012
A new perspective on wildlife at night. A team of biologists and specialist camera crew explore the length of South and Central America to find out how animals have adapted to life in the dark.
Black/Crowes~roppongi underground~ 2022
A drama based on actual events: the black market casino "Ultra Violet" is located in the basement of a building in Roppongi. The manager, Yasuki Kanzaki, is the head of the staff, along with Shiho, Shinke, and Yui, whose age is unknown, are working there. On the same day, a popular actor Ryota Yoshida arrives with a gravure idol Hitomi. He plays baccarat with Hamano, a music producer…
Bring On The Night 2012
Following a recent setback, life becomes so-so and depressing for Kabir. But one night, he happens to discover his friend's 200-year old, obscure cottage in the city, and everything changes.