Gróf Monte Christo

Gróf Monte Christo 2002


Klasický príbeh Alexandra Dumasa o nevinnom mužovi, ktorý sa neprávom dostane do väzenia a po úteku zrealizuje dokonalú pomstu všetkým svojím nepriateľom. Mladý námorník Edmond Dantès sa chystá oženiť s krásnou Mercedes Morrellovou, ale zradou priateľa Fernanda Mondegu sa ocitne v obávanej väznici na ostrove If. Šťastím v nešťastí je preňho chvíľa, keď sa k nemu omylom prekope spoluväzeň abbé Faria, ktorý mu dá nádej na útek. Naučí ho všetko, čo má poznať všestranne vzdelaný muž a prezradí mu úkryt pokladu na ostrove Monte Christo.



Togo 2019



Posledný súboj

Posledný súboj 2021


Na základe skutočných udalostí film odhaľuje príbeh posledného súboja medzi šľachticmi Jeanom de Carrougesom a Jacquesom Le Grisom, dvoch dlhoročných priateľov, ktorí sa pod vplyvom turbulentných udalostí stávajú nekompromisnými rivalmi a úhlavnými nepriateľmi. Keď manželku Jeana de Carrouges Margueritu brutálne napadne Jacques Le Gris, tá odmieta mlčať a vystúpi, aby obvinila svojho útočníka, zo zločinu. Tento čin odvahy a vzdoru predstavuje v stredovekom Francúzsku ohrozenie jej vlastného života. Kráľ Karol VI nariaďuje svojim poddaným šľachticom, aby vzájomný spor vyriešili rozhodujúcim súbojom. Následná skúška bojom a vyčerpávajúci vzájomný duel na život a na smrť vkladá osud všetkých troch hlavných hrdinov do Božích rúk.



Lamborghini 2022


Ferruccio Lamborghini začínal skromne výrobou traktorov, počas druhej svetovej vojny sa venoval vojenským vozidlám a keď navrhol a začal vyrábať automobily Lamborghini, vďaka svojej genialite sa stal skutočnou ikonou automobilového priemyslu. Na druhej strane ho ničila rivalita s Enzom Ferrarim a neúspech v osobnom živote, kde prežíval citové zmätky, vášne, lásku i tragédiu.


Legenda o princeznej Kaguya

Legenda o princeznej Kaguya 2013


Tento nádherne nakreslený film japonského majstra anime Isao Takahatu rozpráva zvláštny príbeh. Jeho hrdinkou je krásna princezná Kaguya, ktorú jedného dňa ako malé dievčatko nájde muž v žiariacom bambusovom stonku. Privedie ju domov a spolu s manželkou začnú dievča, z ktorého rýchlo vyrastie neodolateľná kráska, vychovávať ako vlastné. Záhadná princezná, ktorá je zrejme nadpozemského pôvodu, zaujme každého, koho stretne, ale udalosti sa dajú do pohybu a je jasné, že dievča musí čeliť trestu za svoje previnenia.


Posledný Mohykán

Posledný Mohykán 1992


Angličania a Francúzi bojujú o nové územia v severnej Amerike a obe znepriatelené strane využívajú na svoje ciele aj indiánskych bojovníkov. Biely lovec prezývaný Sokolie oko spolu s poslednými príslušníkmi kmeňa Mohykánov Čingačgúkom a jeho synom Unkasom pomáhajú anglickej posádke brániť jednu z pevností. Proti nim stoja Francúzi a najmä Hurón Magua, ktorý veliteľovi pevnosti prisahal pomstu za vyvraždenie svojej rodiny.


Tiger a drak

Tiger a drak 2000


Stredoveká cisárska Čína. Krásny a silný Li Mu Bai je jedným z najlepších majstrov najvyššieho bojového umenia svojej doby. Z utajovanej lásky k priateľke a bojovníčke Šu Lien chce ukončiť svoju kariéru. Musí však ešte pomstiť smrť svojho majstra, ktorú spôsobila zákerná bojovníčka Nefritová líška. Tá sa zmocnila tajného kódexu bojových umení z kláštora Wu-Tan a vycvičila si žiačku, krásnu Žen. Dievča ukradne vzácny meč Zelený osud a pomáha svojej učiteľke proti mocným súperom. Netuší však, ako sa Nefritová líška previnila . Mu Bai a Šu Lien ju chcú ochrániť, dokonca umožniť stretnutie s jej milencom, púštnym banditom Luom...


Anna zo Zeleného domu

Anna zo Zeleného domu 1985


Na prelome storočia sa rozhodnú vziať do svojho domu sirotu. Matthew a jeho sestra Marilla sú však tak trocha zmätení z toho, keď im namiesto chlapca pošlú dievčatko. Jej meno je Anne Shirley a hneď v prvých minútach je celkom zreteľne vidieť, že je to dievča s mimoriadnou fantáziou a netradičným pohľadom na svet. Len náhodou sa Marilla rozhodla nechať si Annu v dome, aj keď Annin spôsob myslenia a snívania je Marille a jej pragmaickému mysleniu vzdialený. Netrvá však dlho, kým sa Anna novom prostredí udomácni a kým si Marilla uvedomí, čo Anna do jej života môže priniesť...


Obávaný bojovník

Obávaný bojovník 2006


Huo Yuan Jia sa už ako mladý chlapec snažil vyrovnať svojmu otcovi a dosiahnuť jeho kvality v bojovom umení Wu Shu. Jeho najväčšou túžbou vždy bolo - a stále je - robiť česť svojmu rodu a byť tým najlepším. To sa mu po niekoľkých rokoch a náročných súbojoch aj podarilo. Jeho povesť majstra bojových umení sa šírila rýchlosťou blesku, ale nanešťastie priamoúmerne s prichádzajúcou slávou rástla i jeho pýcha. Po tom, ako v súboji zabil svojho súpera, však krvná pomsta padla na celú jeho rodinu! Po tejto tragédii zmizol na sedem rokov, aby objavil pravý zmysel boja.


Pulang Araw

Pulang Araw 2024


Red Sun is a family drama that tells stories of courage, sacrifice, and hardships that every Filipino family has. These stories were inspired by the tales of the unsung heroes who defied the odds of World War II and the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.


Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders 2013


A gangster family epic set in 1919 Birmingham, England and centered on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby, who means to move up in the world.


Black Butler

Black Butler 2008


In Victorian London, 12-year-old business magnate Ciel Phantomhive thwarts dangers to the queen as he's watched over by his demon butler, Sebastian.


Emma: A Victorian Romance

Emma: A Victorian Romance 2005


In 19th-century London, class lines are sharply drawn, and the social standing to which people are born dictates the path their lives will follow. Emma, an honest and hardworking young maid, never felt her place in life to be a burden. But then she met William, a member of the gentry and the eldest son of a wealthy family. His warm smile and earnest affection threaten to capture her heart... but can love truly conquer all?


Babylon Berlin

Babylon Berlin 2017


Beneath the decadence of 1929 Berlin, lies an underworld city of sin. Police investigator Gereon Rath has been transferred from Cologne to the epicenter of political and social changes in the Golden Twenties.


Vikings: Valhalla

Vikings: Valhalla 2022


In this sequel to "Vikings," a hundred years have passed and a new generation of legendary heroes arises to forge its own destiny — and make history.



Porus 2017


The story of Indian warrior Porus and his life especially the Battle of the Hydaspes with the Great Alexander.



Peacemaker 2003


For 15-year-old Tetsunosuke Ichimura, childhood innocence has given way to a blinding thirst for revenge. Haunted by the vicious slaying of his parents, Tetsu decides to seek out the Shinsengumi, an elite group of swordsmen sworn to protect the capital. The Shinsengumi are engaged in a brutal conflict with the Choshu rebels, the same ruthless killers who murdered Tetsu's parents. In the name of justice - and against the will of his older brother - Tetsu desperately hopes to join the Shinsengumi. But an incident late one night forces him to face reality. The Shinsengumi show themselves capable of the same brutality as his parents' murderers. Wading through a sea of espionage, intrigue, and flowing blood, the young boy must decide whether to shed his humanity and become a demon of the Shinsengumi, or to relinquish his hatred and become a Peacemaker in the spirit of his father. Revenge is sweet, but is it worth losing your soul?


The Apothecary Diaries

The Apothecary Diaries 2023


Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she's sold as a lowly servant to the emperor's palace. But she wasn't meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she's making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!


Hell's Paradise

Hell's Paradise 2023


Gabimaru reigns as the strongest and most ruthless assassin in his village. But now finds himself on death row—with only one way out: retrieve the Elixir of Life from a sinister island. Longing for freedom, he accepts the challenge. But with fellow convicts vying for the same prize and demonic beasts lurking, how will Gabimaru survive this harrowing quest?



Oshin 1983


Oshin is a Japanese serialized morning television drama, which aired on broadcaster NHK from April 4, 1983 to March 31, 1984. The series follows the life of Shin Tanokura during the Meiji period up to the early 1980s. Shin was called "Oshin", which is an archaic Japanese cognomen.


Rurouni Kenshin

Rurouni Kenshin 2023


Ten years have passed since the end of Bakumatsu, an era of war that saw the uprising of citizens against the Tokugawa shogunate. The revolutionaries wanted to create a time of peace, and a thriving country free from oppression. The new age of Meiji has come, but peace has not yet been achieved. Swords are banned but people are still murdered in the streets. Orphans of war veterans are left with nowhere to go, while the government seems content to just line their pockets with money.


Yona of the Dawn

Yona of the Dawn 2014


The legend of the Four Dragons and the origin of the land has been passed down for generations in the land of Kouka. Currently, Hiryuu Palace has no one else next in line for the throne other than the fifteen year old princess, Yona, who had been raised with care. Finally, the night of her sixteenth birthday arrives. She expects it to be a wonderful day spent with her peace-loving father, Il, her servant and friend Hak, and her cousin Soo-won, who she had feelings for... However... That night, Yona goes to visit her father to tell him how she really feels, because he opposes to her getting married to Soo-won. However, when she gets to her room, she encounters a shocking truth. The destinies of Yona and the Four Dragons entwine in this period drama fantasy romance!


Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth

Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth 2016


An elite group of young warriors trained in morals and martial arts finds love and friendship in Silla during Korea’s ancient Three Kingdoms period.


Ninja Girl & Samurai Master

Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 2016


The anime centers on a young female ninja named Chidori, whose dream is to help the Warring States-era warlord Oda Nobunaga to achieve his goals.


Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers 2001


Drawn from interviews with survivors of Easy Company, as well as their journals and letters, Band of Brothers chronicles the experiences of these men from paratrooper training in Georgia through the end of the war. As an elite rifle company parachuting into Normandy early on D-Day morning, participants in the Battle of the Bulge, and witness to the horrors of war, the men of Easy knew extraordinary bravery and extraordinary fear - and became the stuff of legend. Based on Stephen E. Ambrose's acclaimed book of the same name.



Mushi-Shi 2005


Ginko, a Mushi master, travels from place to place researching the Mushi and helping people who are suffering because of it.


Wagon Train

Wagon Train 1957


The series initially starred veteran movie supporting actor Ward Bond as the wagon master, later replaced upon his death by John McIntire, and Robert Horton as the scout, subsequently replaced by lookalike Robert Fuller a year after Horton had decided to leave the series. The series was inspired by the 1950 film Wagon Master directed by John Ford and starring Ben Johnson, Harry Carey Jr. and Ward Bond, and harkens back to the early widescreen wagon train epic The Big Trail starring John Wayne and featuring Bond in his first major screen appearance playing a supporting role. Horton's buckskin outfit as the scout in the first season of the television series resembles Wayne's, who also played the wagon train's scout in the earlier film.


The Story of Ming Lan

The Story of Ming Lan 2018


The Story of Ming Lan, based on the novel written by Guan Xin Ze Luan, follows our heroine through her youth, into her adulthood, and well into her marriage life as well. She’s the 6th child of the Sheng household. Though she is an intelligent and beautiful child, she was not loved by her family (her dad, her sisters, her mom dies early.) She has to hide her intelligence and suffers through the years, hoping to avenge for her mom. During this process she will meet many friends and foes, one of which is our male lead, Gu’s second son, Gu Ting Ye. He has helped and mistreated her before, but also the one to witness her sharp wits and lonely soul. After they get married, they will work together as a power couple, managing the new King’s regime as well as harvesting a world of happiness on their own.


Taisho Era Contract Marriage: The Substitute Bride and a Soldier's Fierce Love

Taisho Era Contract Marriage: The Substitute Bride and a Soldier's Fierce Love 2024


I used to think there was no love in marriage... Until I met a fierce and passionate soldier! Despite being the daughter of a viscount, Asako is rejected by high society and treated as a nuisance by her parents. When a marriage proposal arrives suddenly for Asako's younger sister from none other than Captain Kido, a soldier known for his coldness, she doesn't hesitate for a moment. To protect her precious younger sister, Asako volunteers as... a substitute bride!