
Parazit 2019


Čierna komédia sleduje chudobnú, ale prefíkanú štvorčlennú rodinu, ktorá sa rozhodne infiltrovať do bohatej domácnosti biznismena Parka. Čo sa môže stať, keď sa stretnú dva odlišné svety?


Cez palubu

Cez palubu 1987


Joanna Staytonová sa síce na nedostatok peňazí sťažovať nemôže, ale ani keby ich mala miliónkrát viac, mladému Deanovi by aj tak za odvedenú prácu nezaplatila. Lenže božie mlyny melú spravodlivo a niekedy aj pekelne rýchlo. A tak na výlete na luxusnej jachte spolu s manželom Joanna spadne cez palubu a stratí pamäť. Jej manžel reaguje patrične egoisticky a svoju milovanú ženu v hodine opúšťa. To však už je príležitosť pre Deana, ktorý Joannu presvedčí, že jej skutočný manžel je práve on. Ostáva už iba jediné: Dúfať, že sa Joanne pamäť nikdy nevráti.



Brooklyn 2015


Keď se mladé dievča z totálneho zapadákova presťahuje do jedného z najväčších miest na svete, čaká ju silný šok… A presne to se v päťdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia stalo Eilis (Saoirse Ronan), ktorú k takémuto dobrodružstvu „donútila“ staršia sestra. Eilis vyráža na cestu cez oceán – z malého írskeho mestečka Enniscorthy do newyorskej štvrti Brooklyn. V cudzom svete si pripadá ako vo vyhnanstve a chýba jej doterajší život v rodnom Enniscorthy. Všetko sa však zmení po jej zoznámení sa s talianskym robotníkom. Počas spoločne tráveného času smútenie za domovom akosi vyprcháva a Eilis prichádza rušnému životu v New Yorku na chuť. Zrazu však dôjde k udalosti, kvôli ktorej sa musí vrátiť späť do rodného Írska, kde je opäť vtiahnutná do svojho pôvodného života. A aj tu stretáva novú lásku, čím sa dostáva medzi dva hlasy vlastného srdca. Musí sa rozhodnúť medzi svetom, z ktorého pochádza a svetom, v ktorom si môže splniť svoj sen.


Jasmínine slzy

Jasmínine slzy 2013


Cate Blanchett, ako Jasmína, predstavuje očarujúcu manželskú “trofej” bohatého a šarmantného podnikateľa, žijúceho v New Yorku. Pohybuje sa v high society, prežíva život plný večierkov, je obdarovavaná drahými šperkami. Je to život, o ktorom snívala a presne to, po čom túžila. Po čase však prichádza pád. Z očarujúceho manžela sa vykľuje podvodník a Jasmína, ktorá stratí všetky prepychové vymoženosti, odchádza k svojej sestre do San Francisca. Tu prichádza ku konfrontácii dvoch životných štýlov. Sestra, v podaní britskej herečky Sally Hawkins, totiž žije úplne rozdielnym štýlom, pohybuje sa medzi zemitými predstaviteľmi tohto mesta a nechápe Jasmíne slzy za strateným životom.


32 a stále slobodná

32 a stále slobodná 2009


Mladá konzultantka, ktorá miluje svoj mestský život v Miami, miluje svoje topánky, svoje autá a kariérny postup, sa musí presunúť do malého mesta a dozerať na zmeny v miestnej továrni. V presvedčení, že jej splnenie tejto úlohy prinesie zaručene postup v práci, skočí po tejto ponuke, napriek tomu, že netuší do čoho sa v skutočnosti púšťa. Po chladnom privítaní počasia i miestnych obyvateľov, však nájde časom aj pozitíva svojej situácie a dokonca si ju tu obľúbia. Postupne nachádza hlbší zmysel svojho života a možno i muža svojich snov. Keď však dostane príkaz továreň zatvoriť a všetkých prepustiť, je nútená zvážiť svoje priority a nájsť spôsob ako mesto zachrániť.


Moja ľavá noha

Moja ľavá noha 1989


V tomto skutočnom príbehu, ktorý sa odohráva v retrospektívach, sa do chudobnej írskej robotníckej rodiny narodí Christy Brown s ochromujúcou mozgovou obrnou. Keďže dokáže ovládať len pohyby ľavej nohy a hovoriť hrdelnými zvukmi, prvých desať rokov svojho života je mylne považovaný za mentálne postihnutého.


Pardon, nezastihli sme vás

Pardon, nezastihli sme vás 2019


Ricky a jeho rodina bojujú s ťažkosťami kvôli dlhu od finančnej krízy v roku 2008. Príležitosť opäť sa postaviť na nohy a získať nezávislosť sa objaví s lesklou novou dodávkou, ktorá poskytne Rickymu šancu stať sa samostatne zárobkovým šoférom. Je to ťažká práca, rovnako ako aj práca jeho ženy, ktorá je opatrovateľkou. Ich rodinné puto je silné, ale nová situácia nasmeruje každého inde a prichádza bod zlomu.


Zlaté časy rozhlasu

Zlaté časy rozhlasu 1987


Malý chlapec tu vystupuje ako akýsi sprievodca po svojej ukričanej a hádavej rodine i celom rozsiahlom príbuzenstve. Režisér buduje svet bežných, zdanlivo nedôležitých udalostí, ktorými jeho hrdinovia žijú a zvonku vstupuje spoločenské dianie – či už to bola legendárna a šokujúca rozhlasová adaptácia románu Vojny svetov, alebo prepadnutia Peary v Pearl. Dej je poskladaný z drobných čriepkov, jediná väčšia epizóda sleduje obyčajnú dievčinu Sally Whiteovú, ktorá sa zo servírky vypracuje až na rozhlasovú hviezdu. Dôležitú úlohu pri navodení vtedajšej reality má starostlivo vybraná dobová hudba, a tak tu zaznejú skladby známych skladateľov Colea Portera, Kurta Weilla, Rudolfa Frimla.



Kes 1970


Billy Casper, 15-ročný yorkshirský chlapec z robotníckej triedy, šikanovaný v škole, ignorovaný a týraný doma svojou ľahostajnou matkou a starším bratom, krotí a cvičí svojho domáceho sokola rároha, ktorému dal meno Kes. Billymu pomáha a povzbudzuje jeho učiteľ angličtiny a jeho spolužiaci, konečne nájde pozitívny zmysel svojej nešťastnej existencie – až kým nedôjde k tragédii.



Belfast 2021


Buddy je chlapec na prahu dospievania, ktorého život je plný rodinnej lásky, detských úletov a rozkvitajúcej romantiky. Keď sa však jeho milované rodné mesto zmieta v čoraz väčších nepokojoch, jeho rodina stojí pred dôležitou voľbou: dúfať, že konflikt pominie, alebo opustiť všetko, čo poznajú, a začať nový život.


The King of Queens

The King of Queens 1998


Life’s good for deliveryman Doug Heffernan, until his newly widowed father-in-law, Arthur, moves in with him and his wife Carrie. Doug is no longer the king of his domain, and instead of having a big screen television in his recently renovated basement, he now has a crazy old man.



Brassic 2019


A group of working-class friends finding unconventional ways to win at life in northern suburbia. These lads have dealt, scammed, bribed and conned their way through adolescence, but now, on the brink of adulthood, their dealing and stealing is catching up with them and a whole load of trouble is heading their way.


Prisoner: Cell Block H

Prisoner: Cell Block H 1979


Prisoner is an Australian soap opera that is set in the Wentworth Detention Centre, a fictional women's prison.



Shameless 2004


The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humor - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won't admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbors.


All in the Family

All in the Family 1971


Archie Bunker, a working class bigot, constantly squabbles with his family over the important issues of the day.


Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?

Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 1973


Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? is a British sitcom which was broadcast between 9 January 1973 and 9 April 1974 on BBC1. It was the colour sequel to the mid-1960s hit The Likely Lads. It was created and written, as was its predecessor, by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais. There were 26 television episodes over two series; and a subsequent 45-minute Christmas special was aired on 24 December 1974. The cast were reunited in 1975 for a BBC radio adaptation of series 1, transmitted on Radio 4 from July to October that year. In 1976, a feature film spin-off was made. Around the time of its release, however, Rodney Bewes and James Bolam fell out over a misunderstanding involving the press and have not spoken since. This long-suspected situation was finally confirmed by Bewes while promoting his autobiography in 2005. Unlike Bewes, Bolam is consistently reluctant to talk about the show, and has vetoed any attempt to revive his character.


Only Fools and Horses

Only Fools and Horses 1981


The misadventures of two wheeler dealer brothers Del Boy and Rodney Trotter of 'Trotters Independent Traders PLC' who scrape their living by selling dodgy goods believing that next year they will be millionaires.


The Royle Family

The Royle Family 1998


British comedy series focusing on the lives of a working-class family in Manchester who love the TV.


The Jeff Foxworthy Show

The Jeff Foxworthy Show 1995


Jeff Foxworthy is a hardworking husband and father. Between paying his mortgage, running his heating and air company business and raising his precocious son, he learns what every self-respecting redneck knows: tractor pulls come and go, but family is forever!


What's Happening!!

What's Happening!! 1976


What's Happening!! is an American television sitcom that aired on ABC from August 5, 1976 to April 28, 1979. The show premiered as a summer series. With good ratings and reviews, and after the failure of several other shows on the network, What's Happening!! returned in November 1976 as a weekly series. It remained a regular show until 1979; ratings were modest. What's Happening!! was loosely based on the motion picture Cooley High, also written by Eric Monte.



Dinnerladies 1998


Dinnerladies is a BBC sitcom written by and starring Victoria Wood that chronicles the antics of a group of workers in a canteen in the north of England. Bren tries to maintain a semblance of order in amongst the chaos, while dealing with the canteen supervisor, slightly sex-obsessed cancer sufferer Tony. Dolly and Jean are the bickering menopausal older women, always at odds but best friends beneath it all. Then there's thick-as-two-short-planks Anita, and the terminally uninterested Twinkle, more concerned with having a good time than anything else. Making up the motley crew are military man handyman Stan, all rules and regulations, and ditzy Philippa, who never seems to get anything right.


The Honeymooners

The Honeymooners 1955


A bus driver and his sewer worker friend struggle to strike it rich while their wives look on with weary patience. One of the most influential situation comedy television series in American history.


On the Buses

On the Buses 1969


On the Buses is a British comedy series created by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, broadcast in the United Kingdom from 1969 to 1973. The writers' previous successes with The Rag Trade and Meet the Wife were for the BBC, but the corporation rejected On the Buses, not seeing much comedy potential in a bus depot as a setting. The comedy partnership turned to a friend, Frank Muir, Head of Entertainment at London Weekend Television, who loved the idea; the show was accepted and despite a poor critical reception became a hit with viewers.


The Likely Lads

The Likely Lads 1964


The Likely Lads was a black and white British sitcom created and written by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, and produced by Dick Clement. Twenty-one episodes were broadcast by the BBC, in three series, between 16 December 1964 and 23 July 1966. However, only eight of these shows have survived.



Roc 1991


Roc is an American comedy-drama television series which ran on Fox from August 1991 to May 1994. The series stars Charles S. Dutton as Baltimore garbage collector Roc Emerson and Ella Joyce as his wife Eleanor.


Center of the Universe

Center of the Universe 2004


Center of the Universe is a television series on CBS, which ran from October 27, 2004, until January 19, 2005. The sitcom was canceled after just 10 episodes aired. It was set in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma. John Goodman starred as John Barnett, a good-natured and successful operator of a security company. The series involved the dependency of his entire family on John for everything -- money, jobs, housing, and personal guidance in every decision. Tagline: "The world doesn't revolve around John...but his family does." A total of 15 episodes were produced.


Till Death Us Do Part

Till Death Us Do Part 1966


Following the chronicles of the East End working-class Garnett family, headed by patriarch Alf Garnett, a reactionary working-class man who holds racist and anti-socialist views.


Clocking Off

Clocking Off 2000


How much do you know about the person working next to you? From the outside, life at Mackintosh Textiles appears to run smoothly, but in a community with so many secrets to hide, things are far from straightforward. In six powerful, self-contained dramas, everyday life is fractured by tumultuous marriages, snatched passions, disappearing husbands and gang harassment.



Roseanne 1988


A working-class family struggles to get by on a limited income in the fictional town of Lanford, Illinois.


Palmerstown, U.S.A.

Palmerstown, U.S.A. 1980


Palmerstown, U.S.A. is a drama series. It centers on the lives of two 9-year-old best friends, one black and one white, growing up in a small Southern town during the 1930s.