Spartak Mishulin The White Sun of the Desert Aziris Nuna Inspector General Old Songs about the Main Thing 2 The Magic Lantern The Wizard of Oz Something About the Wheel Робинзон Кузя Car, Violin and Blot the Dog A Man from the Boulevard des Capucines The Charming Traveller The Musicians from Bremen The Property of Republic Esli Nevesta Vedma Spasibo Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation Hello, Warsaw! There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach The Master and Margarita Deniska's Stories Az and Fert Всех поймал Schweik in World War II A Puppy from the Constellation of the Dog Convent We're Sitting Good! In the Kingdom of Far Far Away A Gullible Dragon Малыш и Карлсон, который живет на крыше Poor Sasha In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night Little Comedies in a Big House Dunno and Barrabass Shot in the Coffin Be Careful, Vasilyok! Talisman Graveyard Shift Kysh and TwoBriefcases Air Pirates Ау-у! (Киноальманах) Поездка через город Только ты Tablet Under the Tongue Ladies' Man Alice Through the Looking Glass Фунтик и старушка с усами Неуловимый фунтик Фунтик и сыщики Фунтик в цирке Brave guys The recruiter A Boulevard Romance Suicide Damn Drunk Ten Perikola Three Days of a Holiday There Will Be A Movie! Interview with Spring Исчезатель Pub "13 Chairs" Priklyucheniya porosenka Funtika Не в деньгах счастье Yeralash Алиса в Зазеркалье Достояние республики Достояние республики