Minoru Inuzuka The Tale of Zatoichi The Blind Menace A Page of Madness Ghost Story: Passion in Fukagawa Gion Shigure Ghost Story: Depth of Kasane Ghost Story: Crying in the Night Lantern Ghost Story: Passion in Fukagawa お役者小僧 江戸千両幟 Flowery Brothers 一本刀土俵入 The Paper Crane The Dancer and Two Warriors Stop the Old Fox New Tale of Zatoichi Zatoichi on the Road Kaidan Yuunagi Zoshi Zatoichi's Revenge Iro no Michi Oshiemasu: Yume San'ya Zatoichi's Flashing Sword The Tale of Zatoichi Continues The Lightning Sword The Barbarian and the Geisha The Young Lord Iroha Elegy Tsukigata Hanpeita Migratory Birds of the Flowers Flowery Hood 2 Inazuma Kaidō Ojo-kichiza Koina no Ginpei Secret of Naruto Zatoichi in Desperation