Kazuma Suzuki Black Kiss Tales of the Unusual Tokyo Trash Baby The Exam Koibone An Obsession Fugoh Keiji Deluxe Dead Run The Goofball Echo of Silence Three Year Delivery The Choice of Hercules Library Wars Liar Game: Reborn Robot Contest Liar Game: The Final Stage Heat After Dark Detroit Metal City Crazy Lips Infini-T Force the Movie: Farewell Gatchaman My Friend Travail Tenshi Rooftop Neck Rokumeikan YMCA Baseball Team Immoral Affairs Love Scenario The Taste of Fish Doubles Part-Time Detective Part-Time Detective 2 Part-Time Detective Angel's Egg The Lament of a Lamb Backdancers! Seijuu Sentai Gingaman Keiji Narusawa Ryou Mirai Sentai Timeranger Legal High Help! オリンピックの身代金 Genya The Millionaire Detective Umizaru Evolution Love is Still Necessary Girl Meets Queen LIAR GAME MR.BRAIN Buzzer Beat Absolute Zero Onyado Kawasemi AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo Demon Ward A Forever Love Phantom Assassin Sky High Sugar Izumo no Okuni