Jiří Trnka Skutečnost Noci svatojánské Jiří Trnka To jsou Bratři v triku Jirí Trnka: Puppet Animation Master Loutky Jiřího Trnky Song of the Prairie The Emperor's Nightingale Passion A Midsummer's Night Dream Zlý jelen The Golden Fish The Gingerbread House The Merry Circus The Merry Circus Old Czech Legends Once Upon a Time, There Was a King... How the Old Man Traded It All Away Two Little Frosts Kutasek and Kutilka A Drop Too Much Two Little Frosts Jan Hus Cybernetic Grandma Lemonade Joe Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkova budějovická anabase Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkova budějovická anabase Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkova budějovická anabase Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkovy nehody ve vlaku Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkovy nehody ve vlaku Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkovy nehody ve vlaku Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Z Hatvanu na hranice Haliče Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Z Hatvanu na hranice Haliče Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Z Hatvanu na hranice Haliče Story of the Bass Cello The Devil's Mill Archangel Gabriel and Mistress Goose Song of the Prairie The Hurvinek Circus Spejbl on the Trail The Emperor's Nightingale The Hand Springman and the SS Passion The Devil's Mill Grandpa Planted a Beet The Animals and the Brigands Old Czech Legends The Golden Fish Prince Bayaya The Good Soldier Schweik Why UNESCO? The Czech Year Bomb Mania A Midsummer's Night Dream The Emperor and the Golem The Midnight Adventure About the Thick Fog How to Catch a Tiger Joy of Love The Gift The Merry Circus How the Old Man Traded It All Away Kutasek and Kutilka Why UNESCO? Why UNESCO? Velryba - Abyrlev The Merry Circus The Good Soldier Schweik Old Czech Legends Old Czech Legends Prince Bayaya Story of the Bass Cello Story of the Bass Cello Story of the Bass Cello The Hand The Hand The Hand A Midsummer's Night Dream Passion Passion The Gift The Gift Liška a džbán Springman and the SS The Czech Year The Czech Year The Czech Year The Czech Year Grandpa Planted a Beet Grandpa Planted a Beet Grandpa Planted a Beet The Animals and the Brigands The Animals and the Brigands Archangel Gabriel and Mistress Goose Archangel Gabriel and Mistress Goose Archangel Gabriel and Mistress Goose Song of the Prairie Prince Bayaya The Hurvinek Circus The Hurvinek Circus The Emperor's Nightingale The Emperor's Nightingale The Devil's Mill The Devil's Mill Two Little Frosts Two Little Frosts How the Old Man Traded It All Away Kutasek and Kutilka Cybernetic Grandma Cybernetic Grandma The Golden Fish Paraplíčko Why UNESCO? Against All Jan Hus Jan Žižka The Gift Springman and the SS The Animals and the Brigands Springman and the SS The Gift The Animals and the Brigands Capek's Tales Liška a džbán Liška a džbán Míša Kulička