Iga Cembrzyńska Motodrama Komedia z pomyłek Hydro-Puzzle Full Moon Big Bang Salto Ene... due... like... fake... The Girls of Nowolipki Marriageable Girls Stardust How It's Done The Shadow-Line Scorpio, Virgo and Sagittarius Apple Tree of Paradise Mieszczanin szlachcicem Yokohama Bar pod młynkiem The Spinning Wheel of Time The Phantom Piąta rano Komedie pomyłek Kidnapping in Tiutiurlistan More Than Life At Stake Part Three Jowita Milky Way The Saragossa Manuscript Otello z M-2 The Four Seasons 48 Hours in the Life of a Woman The Sundial Clock Axiliad Klakier The Scream Panna z mokrą głową Pamiętnik Andrzeja Kondratiuka Ściana czarownic Dog Milky Way The Spinning Wheel of Time 48 Hours in the Life of a Woman 48 Hours in the Life of a Woman The Sundial Clock The Sundial Clock More Than Life At Stake Na dobre i na złe Crimen Podziemny front