Shozo Honda The Casebooks of Zenigata Heiji: The Beautiful Shark Nage Utasamon niban tegara: Tsuri tenjô no semushi otoko The Fiery Magistrate Destiny's Son Shinsengumi Chronicles Samurai Vendetta The Tale of Zatoichi Continues The Third Shadow Warrior Judo Showdown Three Young Samurai Zatoichi on the Road Adventures of Zatoichi White Snake Woman Scars of Honor Young Boss: Prison Release Otōsan wa Ohitoyoshi Maiko and the Assassin The Radiant Prince Vagabonds from Badgerville The Old Temple Well The Lightning Sword Bad Reputation: The Notorious Harbor Fighting Fire Fighter Mangorō Tengu Yataro’s Travel Hat Inazuma Kaidō The Man Disappears Yesterday Song of Sado Flowers of Chivalry Jirocho Fuji