Dominique Chapuis My Life Is Hell A Killing Affair Défense de savoir The Little Thief Sobibor, October 14, 1943, 4 p.m. Tea in the Harem Taking Wing A Walk with Johnny Guitar Sweet Lies A Visitor from the Living Love Comedy Overseas Willy/Milly Où que tu sois The Kid from Chaaba Enfants de salaud The Daughter of the Railroad Crossing Guard People Who Love Each Other La mère Christain Friends An Impudent Girl They Call It an Accident Sugar Cane Alley France / Tour / Detour / Two / Children Every Revolution Is a Throw of the Dice La Mort du Chinois Les Fourberies de Scapin The Last Dive Shoah Beautiful Memories États d'âme Lady Cops Brighton Belle Mina Tannenbaum L'enfance de l'art Tsahal Countryman Merlin ou le cours de l'or Pax