Rosanna Schiaffino The Victors Danger in the Middle East Two Weeks in Another Town The Witch The Long Ships Illibatezza Totò Double or Nothing? The Big Night The Mandrake Ferdinand I King of Naples Ro.Go.Pa.G. Blood on His Sword The Cavern The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete Corruption The Challenge Romulus and the Sabines The Man Called Noon Red Dragon Piece of the Sky Simon Bolivar The Rover Wife for Sale Story of San Michele El Greco The Killer Reserved Nine Seats In Love, Every Pleasure Has Its Pain Silence the Witness Check to the Queen Hector the Mighty Arrivederci, Baby! Seduction Of The South A Nun at the Crossroads The Heroes Blood and Passion Dubrowsky Seven Times a Day La ragazza dalla pelle di corallo L'onorata società Night Police Station Lafayette Roland the Mighty Trastevere Cagliostro The Merv Griffin Show Don Giovanni in Sicilia Cinépanorama